National Geographic Channel - Original Air Date: 2005-6This is the show that inspired me to start this catalog of shows on the uncanny. While this episode doesnt reach any final conclusion on bigfoot (both sides have good arguments), it does present one of the best arguments Ive seen for the Patterson bigfoot film being a fake: it has the man who claims to have worn the suit, Bob Heironimus. Ive heard some believers say that Bobs confession is flawed and inconsistent with "facts." Im not going to study this case as if it were the Zapruder film. I can tell you this, though, Bob walks the bigfoot walk from the film. He has the same gait that many so-called researchers have declared "inhuman." Just watch the clips presented here. He aint trying to be non-human; its just the way he walks. Everyone who thinks the Patterson film is real needs to see that footage. (And now, thanks to Howls & Growls, you know where to find it -- and so do I.) Also in this show is a woman who claims to have a longstanding relationship with a tribe of bigfoots -- a kind of sasquatch Diane Fosse. Probably, shes a kook, but it might be worth following her around with a hidden camera for a couple of months to find out. We also get a scientist that shows you how to make fake bigfoot prints of your own -- complete with convincing dermal ridges. Overall, this IIR episode a good, serious look at bigfoot and the phenomena that surround one of the most famous of the crypto-zoo creatures. There are definitely bigfoot hoaxers, like Patterson and footprint maker Ray Wallace, but there could still be something out there. Perhaps time and serious science will finally tell.