Suspicion Quarterly reporting from the October 2010 Aware Nature Expo CHANNELING THE Light Dr. Judy SatoriToday's Aware Nature Expo in Los Angeles desire epitome a unparalleled place in the ground (extra entry fee). At this verve establishment episode Dr. Judy Satori desire be overshadowed by and kill the energies of the Buddhist Divinity White Tara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Kuan Yin, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene. The lotus and the rose are vegetation recognizable for their poise and vivacity. The lotus is a symbol of opening, the rose a symbol of be crazy about. This episode desire noisily repeat and advance in participants seven one of mind: Prized, Compassion, Yank, Strength, Tenacity of Implication, and the piece to "Be" the Light. The blessing of the Envisage Feminine spirit desire become familiar with each person's own passage of progression and earnest unfoldment. Correct for each men and women. Dr. Judy Satori has been skillful by the "Elohim" to kill Light Words codes. She holds a doctorate in Accounting Studies. She has a weekly program on Conception Puja Interactions, and many free gear and treasures on her website, The Day We Come out Send by e-mailRichard C. Hoagland Hoagland presents petrifying new evidence that John F. Kennedy knew of the existence of "ancient debris on the moon" every time he hugely announced the Apollo lunar program in 1961. Hoagland's illustrated presentation of "ancient solar system artifacts" includes leaked, backward top secret spy satellite film making (not from NASA) subjugated as self of this nation's at the wrong time military investigation satellite program. These newly-leaked images bracket that be on a par with first-generation CIA/Air Force from recon satellites were, in fact, looking UP at the moon from Flatten fly around. We are told they were of course looking down keeping an eye on the Soviet Union's war-making potential. Hoagland argues that it is these "outdated investigation satellite images" -- in secret confirming "ancient ET debris on the moon" -- that impelled Kennedy to hurriedly announce an all-out NASA step to boundary marker American astronauts to the lunar close. He inescapable for them to return in addition to solid samples of this "ancient, affectedly radical ET technology." Kennedy tried to command Prepare Nikita Khrushchev, who headed the Soviet Social establishment, to go to the Moon jointly. Twelve sparkle after Khrushchev and Kennedy at the end reached compassion on a two-way US/USSR two-way send off to the moon, Kennedy was murdered for attempting to transfer about UFO "disclosure" 50 time too diametrically. As an promote Aware Nature Expo above, Hoagland provides a minute ago exposed confusion EP from a one-time part of the pack of the pre-Kennedy, Eisenhower National Collateral Feel, Col. Phillip Corso, who attests that in the 1950s he gave an confusion government judgment about the tense "spaceship fabrication" of the focal point Mars moon, Phobos. Corso's "confusion" transfer to Pres. Eisenhower was to hole this "alien unashamed Martian base" in addition to a thermonuclear weapon. Hoagland concludes in addition to a encapsulate of the groundbreaking NBC broadcast show, "The Ev3nt," showing that disclosure has begun in addition to a unparalleled Business Delegation "decoding" of a send a reply to about 2010. Richard C. Hoagland is a one-time NASA psychiatric therapist, Apollo (first man on the moon) program get-together, one-time science advisor to CBS Rumor and Walter Cronkite's open out of the Apollo lunar landings, and tenet investigator of the Business Delegation, a community devices and research honor tank. MAYAN Directory And Native tongue to TreesKaitlyn Keyt, originator of "Trees Native tongue Utter", presents new big picture information on 2012. The information was a minute ago exposed to her to put on top the Mayan Directory onto an expanding "Merkaba". While was the delve of this information? Mind-bogglingly, Oscar, a heritage Oak Tree. Keyt has been asking questions of fabrication and feat reasonable answers to the big questions. Picket as the ancient mystery confuse pieces ripen jointly indoors a pure, clear, big picture explanation of the human observable fact. This is information you can allotment to your life now. Get the use of resetting your drone to be in alignment in addition to the planet. A vibrationally uplifting claret bangle congruent to the popularity of be crazy about desire be talented to all who dole out. Kaitlyn Keyt is the fall short of VibesUP, a bring in for the upliftment of humans and our planet.Disparage AND REGISTRATION