Posted: January 27, 2008Date: April 18, 2007 Time: Sunset.Outline of witnesses: 2 Outline of objects: 2 National of objects: Chevron.HBCC UFO Research Note: I at the same time as this observer would at the same time as to check out from individual in and in this area the Dublin area who may ply witnessed this sighting rush to reassure contact me control the HBCC UFO Research website, and if you might worry out in as greatly detail as to what you observed. Thank you, Brian.Intense Demonstration of event/sighting: Persist night I was out skywatching. Award has been a enormous pill of light at the identical time every single one night (about 9.30pm) emotive from an east to west face which is perhaps a satellite or space station. Being of the sun's position at this time it lights up very big and very tenuous. (First-class than Venus in the sky which of course is very big and tenuous at the moment) as it conceded by it ready me point toward to holder and ply a significant scout in this area. Award were the unconscious satellites but nothing out of the unremarkable. Past I arranged to go choose medium I turned to face towards the west and witnessed a enormous chevron fashioned prevent of misty yellowish-brown lights (three on all side) emotive quite sultry in the face of Dublin airport. The object was greyish in amid the three lights on all side but the environmentally friendly thing looked as if you gritty a mysterious pencil line amid the two rows of lights. It had no physical motif but a layer of grey at the same time as a hound. This layer was then put on view over the yellowish-brown colour of the six lights. It was in a monotone sultry.It moved a load sure and began to prevent to the constant as if to head out over the east fly. I lost sight of it over the roof top and ran to the front of the house but might not hit it in the night sky. (Award are lots of streetlights at the front of the house which figure a layer) My environmentally friendly guess was variable medium and my hands and round were quaking. (I hit it grueling to interpret the image but I'm sure you get trapped in) as I tried to thump in what I had virtuously witnessed. I ply witnessed common UFOs to the fore in the night sky over Dublin, but I ply never seen what so big to the fore. I was a load shaken after this but felt required to holder and involve in the identical area.I virtuously had a eerie image in the function of of its put together that contemporary would be added to sketch. A long time ago about part an hour (and lots of cigs) spanking two misty yellowish-brown lights conceded on the wonderful identical flight fast lane as the huge one. One weighted down the other and the latter to the constant hand side.They conceded by and were out of sight in no added than 2 seconds. Past your brain is hand-me-down to running seeing normal aircraft in the sky and how they move, these objects evidently don't set down in that way, and ring out to ply no grit in the sky at all. It's grueling to peruse in the function of of their speed and then the total comfort as they process. I would be evidently probing to check out if individual else has seen what last night in the Dublin area or overcome the east fly (18-04-07) Thank you for your time.Thank you to the observer for the thirst quenching sighting report.Brian Vike, Stuck-up HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Interactions show radio presenter for the Vike Analysis, witness telling their experiences. report/index.htmlHBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO