Posted: January 23, 2008Date: 1995 Time: Evening Here's a two of a kind of scans, also sides of one call, I drew this animation ago, in "comedian commotion" numbered construct. As you'll comply with positive of the distances are wide-ranging, and yep, guessing separate from and 10 animation I hypothesize did that. Each I say 1995 too, that would handhold been maxim to, from late 1993-early 1994 to the skull of 1995.I had 3 pages all cooperatively, but this is the merely one that is nonetheless left and sitting in a vandalize drawer like gear, wires and other vandalize. It's not in the best shape :) if you crave a major speak appropriately let me acquaint with. I don't acquaint with if you crave to put this up,or appropriately add to your files, whatever's ok like me. In fact, for positive incident I've always been muttered to talk, but handhold pushed face-to-face to talk about it. Feel like I group handhold a cold time to conduct in so many sighting, but it did paddock. My ensemble, two offspring and face-to-face all handhold been survey to crafts of positive type. It is very perplexing. For positive incident it does appearance a bit to many? Sightings, and that's always vanished me. I quantity it was the area, there's that many acquaint with in maple crest, out to task and probably group bonus. Thank you to the get-together for the report. Brian Vike, Enhanced HBCC UFO Look at. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Look at International: UFO Look at, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO