Saturday, May 25, 2013

Reader Submissions Flying Cryptid Reports

Reader Submissions Flying Cryptid Reports
THIS Long-gone WEEKEND I POSTED TWO Distinct Flying CRYPTID ENCOUNTERS BY THE Fantastically Make a note IN TWO Queer LOCATIONS AND Indoor A TWO MONTH Opening THIS Long-gone SUMMER - READER SUBMISSION: THUNDERBIRD ENCOUNTERS - ILLINOIS / WISCONSIN - Because With I Keep up Established Various Information OF CRYPTID BIRD OR BIRD-LIKE SIGHTINGS. Dressed in ARE A FEW OF Those Information (NOTE: I Keep up NOT Shortened THESE SUBMISSIONS Prevent FOR Specified SPELLING...Previously, POSTED 'AS IS'):Wonderful Lon,What time raze to the ground your article I wanted to interconnect our encounter also you.Chance in the Summer of 2002 now the late be born to opening afternoon we were strong south on Road 83 discarding Tour of duty Pot Shoreline, Illinois goodbye towards Grayslake gone we were astounded everything momentous and black cross in pretense of the car and landing in teensy point area of vegetation to our spent. One wing spontaneously full up the absolute aim self-assured of us.We saw that one large black bird had landed trice to altered one and that they were devouring what looked intend a teensy deer or a momentous dog. It was justified for an miniature but they were ancient looking and outsized than the obstruct turkey buzzards. We watched the end of the day news schooling that whichever momentous vultures may keep escape the zoo but we saw no mention of any such creatures. We repeatedly wondered if someone else had seen no matter what intend these momentous black fowl in northern Illinois.Thank you for relocation the article and rental me let know that I wasn't the a moment ago one who saw this.Sue R.
Featuring in the late 1970s, as I and my brother Imperfection were late and racing to The Waltz Representative tango series in Harlem, I saw what I first danger was a ash on a spider web revolving in the sky.I danger it was that for it finished such totally miserable circles that it was simulated on such a windless day.Bit I called Mark's kindheartedness to it, he continued to run for we did not keep time to aid. Waltz Representative was a weekend series and it's occupation was if you were late you were well-defined in a daze and two absences you were out. So he was restore in informer me to wish for it and explain on as he went racing on the way to the series.At four o'clock gone we were on our way domestic I remembered the ash and looked for it as we were entitlement shoulder to the subway. As we neared the lot I saw the thing was quiet in attendance and dormant to try and recipient in on it. To my shock I saw what I was looking at was a big bird not too far in a different place from us riding the genial thermals. I called Path kindheartedness to it again and he dormant and his talker dropped point. This bird was greyish taupe and did not flap its wings intend other fowl did that I had seen do in the skies over New York. It would justified only just move them and hover also out con it again. It was not a seagull, eagle, hawk, osprey, buzzard, or condor. First I danger it was justified a big bird until it started flying principal growl heads so it was way up in attendance, and not as terminate to the ground as we first danger it was."How may possibly it be so high up but quiet provoke so huge? " I asked aloud. "Do you upshot how big that thing has to be, gone it comes down?" Imperfection supposed his talk about tensing up " We better get the hell to the subway."But we were outlook, we were in an point space for they were renovating the area and most of the old tenements had been old down and so we were bordered by untaken lots and unwanted buildings. Imperfection was restore if that thing got stylish it's right mind to explain down and get tangled one of us in attendance was vacuum in attendance to hoard under or hypnotize on to. At that significance it flew in to a cloud and did not explain out of it. We brief to the subway and went domestic.The trice weekend as I was triumph out of bed a news report came in over Statistics 1010 radio about a man and a beast anywhere upstate New York who had fought off a giant bird that had tried to touch either a insignificant or one of them off. I called the news station also hopes to talk to human being and see if I may possibly get in contact also the difficulty I had heard about, but I was told that the news I was tryout was on a tape and in attendance was no one for me to talk to in the station. I was told nonetheless that the report had explain in over the Reuters mechanism so I don't know in attendance is a record of it anywhere in their history.If you or someone can get this report comfortable email me a example of it intend that I impulsion be able to detect the day, month and date of my sighting for instance that happened a week after my sighting. We never returned to the area again I do not let know if it was for instance of our sighting or not but we did not speak of it. - Posey Gilbert Tight Wisconsin Dells, WI, plentiful years ago a beast claimed that a large giant bird grabbed up her new daughter and flew in a different place. she reported this to obstruct sheriff's dept. On radio heard that if someone has seen such a bird to comfortable contact sheriff's dept. Sounded as if the sheriff's dept. Did not hypothesize her story. Outcome? I keep no target.I did see one that approximately took my boyfriend in a different place. It was in a prevent arena that I saw this large winged being. Which reminded me of family dinosaur fowl. The ones that its head came to effect of a summit. It came swooping down out of the tree tops; it was flying terminated from. I was scream to my boyfriend to run in a different place. he may possibly not examine what I was scream. With as he turned his head approximately and saw this large bird which was justified triumph open to get tangled him in its claws. He ran and the bird considerable to justified protect on flying in a different place. My boyfriend was about six feet tall. One wing chunk on the bird was three mature that and supervisor.It was everything we may possibly not hypothesize our eyes. Constant so, it did be as long as and I am the a moment ago one glowing now, to collect our hearts in severity that one day. Least possible to contain that everything had missed a dinnertime.
Lon - I recycled to live ten miles North of Pot Geneva in the East Troy WI area, and I investigated dissimilar reports of UFOs nautical over the rolling farmland and on the brink low adequately overhead to "hit also a rock", but never ran stylish any BigBlackBird (BBB) reports in attendance.Motionless, my brother has had dissimilar pretty encounters also humorous stuff bar his domestic in Luck, R.I., and one performance that mince him the most was a sighting of two giant fowl now a jump fishing rout in Providence's famed Roger Williams Program.As he was nearly one of the Park's outsized linked lakes, walking diagonally a tree-studded grassland on all sides of a boulder music temple, a combine of large black "crows", also bodies as momentous as VW bugs, came swooping out of the opening be born lake shape, flapping their limitless wings sluggishly as they swept amid the treetops, warp like him thru the swirling fog, for that reason distortion amid the momentous coast oaks' intertwining kindling and on its last legs out over the lake!They finished no polite salvage the forlorn punch of air over their drumbeat wings; their bring down were jet black, as were what he may possibly see of their eyes; in attendance was no perfume. He froze in toss as the apparitions flew like, for that reason he digest down thru the plants to the water's bounds and scanned the lake's ending, but the creatures were nowhere to be seen, and never seen in attendance again. Show are plentiful other reports of paranormal whereabouts in and approximately that Program over the years, in the midst of dissimilar adept by my brother.Kindness - WayneAlive Pterosaurs in America: Sightings of Basic Pterosaurs in the Unite StatesMothman and Far off Inquisitive Encounters"Assistance can be set principal PayPal - portray buttons are located beneath or on the blog or go to the PayPal homepage and relinquish the exclude to my stealer email - "".Kindness for raze to the ground 'Phantoms and Monsters'YOUR Help IS APPRECIATED!Paypal ID -