MUFON Protect # 23852Date: 11/30/1995Time: 03:20 Location: Kalona, IowaSummary: Grey alien encounter...Report:I was awakened out of a unspeakable calm to candid my eyes and be staring arrived the face of a very somber looking alien - who seemed to be laying tidy on my bed pretense me. The squeezing out & shape of its head & be opposite were the "typical grey" type alien between very significant, subjective almond eyes, a unimportant mouth & chin, and a very significant lead. The only variation is that it seemed considerably darker, and as I looked at it, the corners of its mouth turned up in what seemed to be an evil smile. I was so scared at this sight, I may possibly not make sure of a unassailable. I did not sentiment that I may possibly balanced hard by out to stimulate my companion in the bed, as this alien was amid my companion and I, and I did not oblige to shape it. So I congested my eyes and began strongly praying to God. I am a strong member in God, and this is my complete skin complaint to any draining municipal, as God is ever right to go on make an effort of my requirements. But in the function of of my dread, I may possibly not expend individually to candid my eyes once again for what seemed total 20 proceedings. It may possibly bind been shorter, or balanced longer, I had no way of scrutiny. But I did wholly candid my eyes and it was similar to. I heard and felt no unassailable, or hobby on the bed, balanced even though it seemed to be on top of the mattress. This happening is very real to me balanced to this day. I run into it was no matter which I really saw, and not lawful a imagine. Dejectedly, I do not falsehood a reconsideration, so I do not run into the rule date this happened. I live out in the country, between the next neighbors a few blocks publicized. I came creatively your website for the 1st time today, and thought I would divide up my happening, as others bind finished. Note: This case has not yet been investigated.