My wife and I stepped outside around 1120 pm to have a smoke. I was looking up towards the south-south east sky when I noticed two lights, about the size of a star, moving in a straight line towards the north east, one following the other, with the trailing light seeming to be "towed". I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but my wife noticed them about the same time I did. They did not appear to be any plane or satellite that I have ever observed. As I said before, the trailing light seemed like it was being towed by the leading light. They did not change direction and kept a constant speed and distance between them. The "towed" object looked like a car being towed by another car with a looked like the "rope" was slacking and then the leading light would pull it tight causing the towed object to jerk or wobble. As the lights got dimmer as they traveled, starting at about the brightness of a medium brightness star to almost no light. The entire sighting lasted about 1-2 minutes. Please contact me if more info will help. Thankw for doing what you do and someday the truth will be revealed!
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