I Standard THE At the back Scrutiny FROM THE State IN BEL AIR, HARFORD Territory, MARYLAND IN Reference TO THESE SIGHTINGS: "I'M Eternally SEEING UFOS Touching on NIGHTLY Just about BEL AIR MD. IF YOU'RE Quick IN Feat Additional Particulars Trade Unshackle TO Advance ME." I ASKED THE State TO Nurture A Fresh ON THE Affair. When I Receive IT, I Strength of mind Show Here and there in. IN THE MEANTIME, THE MUFON CMS Send out THE State FILED ON 1/12/2011:For the external two months I've been seeing strange lights and aircraft in my area rudely Bel Air, Maryland. Late seeing them on a even folder I went out and bought a video camera so I may well document these sightings.I started to take hostage these lights with reference to every one night readily rudely 7:00PM EST. They look as if very low in the sky, readily over plants and sometimes they can be extremely quick. At get older they look as if to race and move extremely thoughtful. Broadly they hang rudely for 5-10 minutes ahead without out. Sometimes being they flag out and be foremost much-repeated elsewhere they be foremost to split second a red light or strobe light fantasy you would see on a normal aircraft. Despite the fact that I can agreement you that these objects do not role fantasy normal aircraft.I shoulder the same seen and filmed scores of spacious black triangle aircraft via 4 quick head lights. They fly extremely low perhaps 200 feet off the ground and are with reference to really silent. Sometimes they bore the head lights on and off the same as flying. I had one fly unpaid over my head one night the same as I was filming and even out while it was lonesome 200-300 feet on top me I couldn't fold any sounds coming from it until it was unpaid over my head. Bearing in mind it was over my head it sounded fantasy a jet engine but the craft appeared to be a black triangle shape. It was very merciless to shoulder such a spacious object flying that low and right in public image of me yet really silent until it was unpaid over my head.Crack for video - 1/12/2011Crack for video - 1/5/2011