But, I do have one case in my files that wasn't so much a cattle mute, but "nearly" a mute. Perhaps. Maybe. I dunno!
Anyway, I have summarized the details in a new "MYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE" article which starts as follows:
"Back in January of this year I gave a lecture for the Orange County, California chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, MUFON. While there, a member of the audience asked me if there had ever been any reports of cattle mutilations in the UK, where I was born and brought up. When I asked the man if he meant mutilations of animals by what might be perceived as extraterrestrials, he replied: "Yes." Well, that's a tricky one to answer.
"In my books, "THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE WOODS" and "MONSTER DIARY", I discussed a variety of highly disturbing animal mutilation events in the UK. Some of those cases involved sheep. In other cases, cats were the victims. And in a few, horses were the unlucky ones. Moreover, I have also discussed other such incidents from the UK right here, at "Mysterious Universe". HERE'S ONE EXAMPLE and HERE'S ANOTHER. But, I have to say that all the cases of animal mutilation I came across in the UK seemed to be linked to occult sacrifice, rather than to UFOs, as the links above will demonstrate."