21st of December 2012This day is the purported date of the End of the World as we know it.It is prophecied in the mayan Calendar.The Sumerians knew of it too.Current rumours of the New World Order Conspiracy and the coming of Planet x (Nibiru, as it was called by the Sumerians) is incrementing the attention that is being attracted to the 2012 Doomsday prophecy.Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide That we are being visited is becoming more and more evident, this is certain, and both Photografic evidence and video footage is being leaked through to the public at an astounding rate since the advent of you tube dot com.Below is an amazing sequence of clips made by the camera behind the space shuttle.The phenomaena that occur are devastatingly convincing. I personally have seen "spirit orbs" and photographed them. The way the orbs behave is exactly the same manner as that which i have seen myself, which convinces me all the lore of the authenticity of this video.The Return of Planet-X: Wormwood The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies & Possibilities Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles One must consider all aspects of the events occurringYou tube has a myriad of videoclips of different documentaries on the subject.Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 1 of 5: The ThreatPart 2We are definitely being visited in My Opinion though, whatever the case with Nibiru..below is a video which shows orbs up to a mile and a half wide in formation and behaving exactly as i myself have seen orbs behave, which mekes the video all the more convincing for me.It was taken from the back of NASA's space shuttle, and portrays a cluster of ufos that enter the field of vision of the camera and perform a show of lights after which they approach the atmosphere and hang in the vicinity of some large electric storms, which they follow.LINKS TO RELATED WEBSITESExitmundi Nibiru/Planet-X report planetxvideo.com PLANET X,NIBIRU, ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS, NASA, UFO'SModern science confirms ancient knowledge. Sumerian descriptions ofAncient Astronauts, DNA confirms Sumerian history, the search for PlantX/Nibiru,... 2012:NO PLANET X UNIVERSE TODAYApparently, PLANET X (aka Nibiru) was spotted byastronomers in the early 1980's in the outermost reaches of the SolarSystem. It has been tracked by.www.universetoday.com/2008/05/25/2012-no-PLANET-XPLANETX - WIKIPEDIA, THE FREE ENCYCLOPEDIAIn astronomy, PLANET X is a large hypothetical PLANETbeyond Neptune. It was postulated to explain apparent discrepancies inthe orbits of the gas giants,...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLANET XPLANET XVIDEO - PLANET X NIBIRUJason Martell is a websmaster who links PLANET X toZecharia Sitchin's Nibiru.... Cody joins us now todiscuss theories on PLANET X and the Anunnaki....www.PLANETXvideo.com/