UPDATES: CHUCKS ARTICFACTS, NIGHT VISION SCOPE TEST"It was in another lifetime.... full of toil and blood.... where darkness was a virtue... and the road was full of mud" DylanThere was a clandestine government body unknown to Project Bluebook that investigated UFOs.Notice, no question marks here.I believe this is fact. The proof is below:Mike Nelson: Protage Ohio UFO Venus Case:(for info)http://ufomedia.blogspot.com/2007/12/when-venus-turned-out-to-be-ufo.htmlDedicated To Deputies Dale Spaur, William Neff and Mike NelsonMany of you may not know Arthur Godfrey: he was a TV host in the fifties similar to Letterman and the rest. He was also a pilot who had witnessed a UFO. He mentioned it a few times over the years. On one of his shows, he interviewed Dorothy Kilgallen, a syndicated columnist. A private "source" and rather important person, as I remember, had reported to her a UFO experience. The male witness was on a dark deserted road near his car and noticed this bright disk coming toward him above the treetops. The disk made a turn and followed along a cut off dirt road. He was totally in shock but... what happened next shocked him even more. He watched as a dark "official looking" car with what looked like a radar dish, slowly pulled up. The car's dish rotated toward the direction the UFO had taken, pointed right where the UFO had just traveled, then slowly took turned off down the same road.Many debunkers and UFO skeptics claim the government wanted to be as far away from the nonsense of UFOs investigations as possible. Project Bluebook was a compromise to get people off the government's back and the UFO subject out of their hair for good. John Alexander reinforces this idea more than anyone I know. John Alexander at the SSE conference spoke forcefully about his inside military contacts and how they would have told him about anything such as the aforementioned secret agency.John, take a back seat.... Project Bluebook didn't even know.Mike Nelson reinforces what we have been hearing about all along. A powerful ultra-secret government authorized agency not only investigated UFOs, they also monitored them. They kept this secret from people with very high clearances.Sometimes a Conspiracy is really a Conspiracy and you don't need a theorist to figure it out.Update Chuck's Artifacts: A scientist will look at the material. He actually jumped at the chance. He agreed to do it freely but anonymously. We will have the test results and when we do we will post them.Update On UFO (Night Vision Scope) : A couple friends and I purchased a level 3 night vision scope. My friend had been out with the scope for two weeks and he saw nothing. My thinking was maybe ETs were not visiting his state anymore. We had ordered a 3X zoom lens for it and it arrived two night ago. He took it out one night and called me up reporting what a difference it was using the zoom lens:" Joe you can see tons of stars now".So he took it out last night for a real run and here is his email to me."I was out with my son
and his friend tonight. We saw no less than 6 moving objects in about 30 minutes. One raced across the sky and then stopped for about 5-10 seconds. I never took my eyes off of it. It then reversed direction and then went back the way it came"For two weeks all he was seeing was satellites...but now he sees the visitors. Welcome to the new world Of UFO spotting.JOSEPH CAPPUFO MEDIA MATTERSNON-COMMERCIAL BLOG