by Rob McConnell
Hamilton, Ontario: This so called UFO video footage has surfaced after three weeks of UFology Delight. Please take note that the so-called UFO has top and bottom navigation lights on it. Now, why would a UFO need Earth navigation lights?
Click Here to View Video:
Extraterrestrial UFO - please!
I invited Angelia Joiner, of the Stephenville Empire-Tribune, the reporter who broke the story on the "Texan UFO" that made international headlines as well as put the little town of Stephenville on the media map to join me for a one hour interview on Wednesday, January 30 from 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific. In a telephone call to The 'X' Zone offices in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, this morning, after receiving an email and a fax from me, she declined the interview. The President of the Chamber of Commerce in Stephenville, July Danley was also sent an email and a fax inviting her on the show, Wednesday, January 30 from 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific, but as of the writing of this posting, she has not responded to the invitation.
MUFON Headquarters and Ken Cherry of MUFON who bathed in the media Lime Light were also sent invitations to appear on Wednesday, January 30 from 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific, but they too, as of the time of this posting have not responded to the invitation.
What are they hiding from? The truth?
It seems that as long as members of the media are willing to swallow all the UFO hype without questioning those who have these "sightings," the self proclaimed "investigators" and the members of society that I call the "woo - woo crowd" - they will talk a blue streak... showing fuzzy photos... shaky video... out of focused lights... talk about alien abductions and how they have been probed in various manners... how their cattle are being mutilated... and they are being used as human incubators for alien genetic experimentation.
However, when invited on a show like The 'X' Zone that challenges what they say, what they claim to have see, and what their personal motives might really be, decline to come on the show.
Also, I sent to all members of the Stephenville Chamber of Commerce who had their email addresses listed in the Chamber Member Directory emails asking them how the UFO publicity has been for business, asking for a reply for Wednesday nights show... not one member of the Chamber replied.
Now, is it just coincidence that the Stephenville UFO sighting happens just in time to cross promote the 2008 UFO Conference and Film Festival that is being held Saturday February 23, 2008 - Saturday March 1, 2008 at the New Aquarius Hotel and Casino in Laughlin, Nevada?
Would this type of UFO event be successful if it were to be held in New York, Washington or even Chicago? I doubt it. After all, you would not have the tales of Area 51, government conspiracies and cover-ups, reverse engineering in the dessert, and the atmosphere and "whoppi" effect that a casino would lend to such an event.
I find it ironic that so many of the people in the UFO community laugh at other members of the public who are not in their little "clique" like the Prophet Yahweh, the members of the Church of Scientology or Rael from the International Raelian Movement.
Hmmm. Didn't the Prophet Yahweh summon UFOs and predict UFO sightings in Las Vegas, Nevada?
What about Charles Hall who claims to have seen inter-galactic ships come and land in "Area 52" in Nevada and has gone on record that he escorted the aliens into the City of Las Vegas where they went unnoticed by the humans around them?
Yes, there are people in the UFO community who do have a sense of reality and who are well educated, and are able to use their credibility to talk about UFOs, but from what I have seen and from where I sit, and with the experience of doing The 'X' Zone over the past 15 years, they are the exception and not the rule. However, it should be pointed out at this time, and maybe this has something to do with it, that I do not broadcast my show from a trailer in Nevada, on the edge of Area 51.
Maybe this has something to do with it.
So, as the self proclaimed Ufologists will continue to yell and scream that the governments of the world are conspiring against humanity and covering up the fact that the aliens are here, those members of society who have had encounters and experiences of a kind that defied logic and scientific explanation will remain in their shells, their closets, and walk with their heads down looking at the ground, for they do not want to be associated with "mainstream" ufology, the attention, and the whoopla that the majority ufologists thrive on.
My final question to Ufologists around the world and those who believe in the tales that they yarn, how come, in this modern age of technology, where there are more video surveillance cameras... dash mount cameras... webcams... digital video cameras... and camera phones, and that is not including cameras used by astronomers around the world or members of law enforcement and the military, that the numbers of UFO photos and UFO videos show a drastic decline in numbers and a very poor quality of photo when one of an alleged UFO is show?
Is this because computer technology is able to prove them as hoaxes as never before?As I have repeatedly said over the years, the internet is the greatest septic system ever created by mankind, and unfortunately, that is where people go when they want information about UFOs.
In my opinion, it is the majority of Ufologists who are keeping the conspiracy alive and who are responsible for the distribution of disinformation and NOT the government. Follow the money.
UFO merchandise, books, videos, models, lectures, seminars, souvenirs and such are a major industry. People are making money keeping the myth alive.
I believe that there are many mysteries in this world of ours and for every mystery that is solved, 10 more mysteries are born.
The investigative procedures of examining unidentified flying objects, to gain the respect of society must be done by credible persons, who have earned the right to be called investigators and researchers by taking legitimate courses, understanding human psychology, astronomy, chemistry, physics and other established courses given at credible institutions of learning.
Persons who claim to have Ph.D's should also be challenged to produce their doctorate from established and credible institutions of learning - not from the paper mill diploma schools that are available on the internet - unless done in conjunction with an accredited institution of learning.
My final words - Buyer Beware and in the words of the great show man P T Barnum, "there's a sucker born every minute."
The 'X' Zone is truly a place where people dare to believe and dare to be heard, but that does not mean that I will swallow every thing they say and not challenge their motives, qualifications and sincerity.
Rob McConnell,Host & Executive Producer,The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show,( / Publisher - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper