That is something many people often ponder, but discard it as soon as the thought enters their mind.
Most people either think it is too absurd or they don't want to spend the time and energy researching to see if there is some validity to their thoughts. Often times their assumption of what others might think of them should an encounter become known, or even their own misconceptions of reality keeps one from researching further.
Many times it takes a series of encounters over several years before one realizes that the situation isn't going away and regardless of the outcome, further investigation becomes necessary.
These instances normally begin in childhood and continue into adulthood. Normally one begins to realize that "something" happened during life changing events in our lives when we start to question the "meaning" of life, or why so-called negative situations are happening to us, such as divorce or a loss of a loved one, or financial ruin.
One of the more common events is meeting someone or doing something that has a profound effect on our life in ways that we can't explain. This will often remind us of previous experiences that were just as dramatic, and will start bringing into play other souls and why they are with us.
The encounters are often buried in the mind because the ego has a really hard time comprehending something equal or greater than itself, therefore the memory can only be jogged by hypnosis or some other form of recall.
My own theory is that we have all had encounters with "other worlds". I believe it is a natural occurrence, and our encounters are created by us to help one through certain difficult situations or to expand our awareness of other dimensions of life.
I feel these different dimensions of existence are like tuning a radio, on a radio, every time the dial is moved a new station comes on, with the human consciousness, every time we shift our thinking, a new dimension enters our reality. The realities are always there, it is up to us to determine which one we need to focus on.
We all have a certain "blue print" that provides us with a rough guide as to what we should do with our life. At certain points in life, changes in our path need to be made. As Yogi Berra once said, "When you come to a fork in the road, you gotta take it".
It is at these times we need guidance from other souls, either worldly or unworldly to guide us through the rough spots, and get us back on the "path". We soon discover that one life experience leads to another, one which would not have been possible without having experienced the previous one, one that gave us the knowledge and understanding to go on to our next mission in life.
This guidance can come in many forms, from a word spoken by an associate, even though the associate is unaware he said anything significant or it would have any impact upon anything. There are various other ways we can receive enlightenment, including an actual encounter with some spirit or alien life form. All of which leads from one event to another until the final outcome is finally determined.
Due to the fact the United States just launched a space probe to explore the possibility of life on other planets,it would be hard in this day and age to not believe that life exists on some other planet or dimension. With the billions of star systems in our universe, it would be hard to imagine that we wouldn't have cousins out there some where.
There are probably many, some would be more advanced than us, and some would probably be more primitive.
Taking all of this into account, one has to believe that contact with life forms from other planetary systems is not only possible but highly likely. We are trying to make contact, wouldn't they be doing the same? To think otherwise, one would have to be two fries short of a Happy Meal.
We can only guess as to what events will take place in the next several years, it will certainly be interesting!
In my mind,the question isn't if you've had contact, but with who and why!
Gary has traveled to many parts of the world, see more articles and photos at:
Gary has developed a line of novelty gifts featuring some of his photos taken around the world.