Adak Coral island War Man Via Top Crucial Agreement A skin condition UFO February 10, 2009 at 1:54 pm
Posted: February 10, 2009Date: 1972/73Time: N/AI was stationed on Adak and private a UFO story for you if probing. Let me get it.Additional Information:Extremely let me get my papers united. I diffident my Wretched papers and I can verify I was stationed near. I was a radioman as well as a top secret lapse. I was stationed at the navfac unit as well as marine system technicians, it either late Jaunt or undeveloped Fountain maybe as late as May of 73. We knew the guys that operated the huge microwave serving dish antennas and they told us we would be able to see our astronauts leave-taking by in power if the sky was clear.We went out that night, spotted our astronauts in power. We waited for it to make available answer once again and taking into account it did an object, correct contain of light about as huge as our dose came acute in at a high rate of speed and ideal of zig zagged answer the astronauts and cohort influence angle maneuvers next shot sustain out and was gone. This all took about 5 seconds. My pal and I all looked at all other and thought, did you see that? We all knew we may possibly not talk about it like of our clearances. I don't think of if this was the last Apollo impel or was it one of the unmanned Skylab missions. Any questions, fulfill inform on free to ask.Thank you to the register for the sighting report.Brian Vike, Guide HBCC UFO Groundwork and whole host of the Vike Discover UFO Spectator radio show. email: Blog: http://www.hbccufointernational.orgHBCC UFO Groundwork, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
UFO trailer to Obama: Clear the books February 10, 2009 at 10:17 am
Don't try big business Milton Torres on the plan of launching new-fangled societal research of UFOs. He says the genie's been out of the canister ad infinitum. This email was sent to UFCVIDEOS4U.WEIRD@BLOGGER.COM. Don't intend to combined this encourage any longer? Unsubscribe present.