Mysteries that are created at will have this maddening habit of not wanting to be solved.
Given the privacy that surrounds the truth about aliens and UFOs, any voluntary witness will be deemed as 'not credible.' You are more likely to be accepted as a credible witness giving fraudulent testimony about the suspect of a crime under oath in a court of law.
Who determines what makes a creditable witness?
Selecting the right witness to believe over taking any old witness who thinks they saw a UFO is important. A commercial airline pilot who spends his life in the sky should be a credible witness, as should experienced air force pilots, astronauts, astrophysicists and the like. After all, these professionals have the advantage of a close up view of what is in the sky. These people do know what weather balloons, space debris, stealth jets, military drones, light anomalies, strange clouds and birds look like.
Highly respected men have come forward and given their eye witness testimony on UFOs being real. Wouldn't you accept NASA astronauts Gordon Cooper, Buzz Aldrich and Neil Armstrong as credible witnesses? It isn't just these three space pioneers, about a dozen astronauts have said that they have seen UFOs.
The truth is there are many credible witness who have given public statements to the press about what they have seen and where it took place. More than 100 former military officers, soldiers, pilots and other highly respected officials and scientists convened in Washington to give their testimonies at the National Press Club in 2010. Their stories relate events that took place over the past 50 years or more and yet there are "no credible witnesses."
Somewhere there is also photographic proof of UFOs and aliens. The astronauts and others talked about them at this infamous mass press conference. All such pieces of evidence have naturally disappeared, just as all records pertaining to the Roswell Incident are missing. A set of files that cover a year or more evaporated leaving a blank spot in what is otherwise fastidious record keeping over even the most mundane things.
Why wait all those years to come forward? Sworn secrecy. They have been dying to tell people about all of this for a long time, but could not until they were released from service. Is there some memorandum on the length of time your witness testimony is still true? Not all of them were totally silent over the years and gave hints whenever the opportunity arose.
There is a story going around, Gordon, that a spaceship did land in middle America and there were occupants, and members of our government were able to keep one of the occupants alive for some period of time. They've seen the metal of the aircraft and know what the people look like -- is that a credible story?" Major Cooper answered, "I think it's fairly credible. I would like to see the time when all qualified people could really work together to properly investigate these stories and either refute or prove them." from The Merv Griffin Show - April 10, 1978
No one will be credible until it fits the agenda. Not even presidents can be credible witnesses, yet they are the most powerful men in the world. Or are they? What kind of SUPER SECRET INFO is being withheld from even U.S. presidents? What is the agenda and whose agenda is it? UFOs Disclosed reveals private information that has to be kept out of public domain.