Send to Kindle The Universe is defined as everything that physically exists, including all forms of matter, energy, and momentum. A galaxy is a massive, gravitationally bound system that consists of stars and stellar remnants. Over 100 billion galaxies exist in the observable universe. Earth exists in one single Solar System, which is located in the Milky Way galaxy. The Solar System consists of our planet and all the other objects that orbit the sun. Proclaiming with no doubt that we are the smartest and only humanoid species in the entire universe, ruling out the possibilities of living organisms inhabiting certain area of the vast galaxies would be naive. Of course that does not mean that our planet has been visited by a species of life from another galaxy. Although, in a recent ranking of the Top 10 believed conspiracy theories, alien existence was in the top three. Since the 1930's a high majority of strange and unusual phenomenon have been reported in Earth's skies. Thousands of UFO sightings have occurred in modern history, including cases of alleged alien abduction. Many feel the rash trend of sightings and reports are strictly folklore and advertising strategies, but others lean towards the theory that the invention of the atom bomb and its enormous explosions has inspired interest from other life forms. I figured it was time to write a conspiracy list about unique claims and stories of alien encounters. THE BIBLICAL STORY OF ELIJAH Which is easier to conceive and believe? The existence of 'angels' or the existence of 'extraterrestrial beings?' Now ask yourself, which of the two is the most probable? Is it possible that the greatest stories in the Bible is also the oldest documented case we can argue of alien visitation? "When they had crossed," Elijah said to Elisha, "ask what I shall do for you, before I am taken from you." And Elisha replied, "I pray you let me inherit a double share of your spirit." to which Elijah replied, "You have asked a hard thing; yet, if you see me as I am being taken from you, it shall be so, for you; but if you do not see me, it shall not be so." "And as they still went on and talked, behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha saw it and he cried, "My father, my father! the chariots of Israel and its horsemen!" And he saw him no more." - Kings 2:9-12 The Bible is full of what can be considered proof, and the fact that most ancient civilizations in every part of the world have their own ancient UFO or alien myths; derived from historical artwork, legends and written records. The stunning conclusion to it all is that man has always looked up in the heavens for answers. Were this sightings just a figment of ancient man's vivid imaginations? Or do the facts support the historical accounts? The debate rages on, but the UFO phenomenon has been with us ever since man first looked to the sky to contemplate his place amidst its vastness of this great universe.No video? Download the DivX Plus Web Player. The Bible is not the well documented case, as the Ancient Sanskrit of India had also documented accounts of flying chariots; some going so far as to describe events that today we would consider to be a nuclear war. Ancient cave drawings throughout the Americas and Europe depict strange floating objects coming down from the sky, complete with strange alien looking visitors in what appear to be modern space suits, and elaborate winged vehicles. This being the case we must ask ourselves, is modern man really the first to witness these strange and luminous spheres in the heavens as figments of our wild modern imaginations spawned by science fiction novels and film, or have UFOs actually visited earth since the earliest days of recorded history? There are many other examples as well throughout the Bible that could be considered UFO phenomenon, abduction, and cross breeding. Ezekiel had written about having been witness to strange phenomena in the sky; even going into great detail to describe the strange "chariots of fire" he witnessed. What exactly were these flying chariots of fire; angels from heaven? Many believe the world has experienced many UFO mysteries throughout its history. With literally been millions of UFO events or "Unidentified Flying Object" sightings in virtually every corner of the world and history. The general consensus holds that the first ever report of a UFO occurred in the 1940s around the time of the famed Roswell sightings, but a quick jaunt back through history proves this is not the case. There were many In the pyramids of Egypt, archaeologists have found hieroglyphs that resemble nothing more than the UFOs that are described in sightings up to the present day. In fact, if you asked a person to draw what they thought an alien space ship looked like, what they drew would likely be identical to these hieroglyphs that were carved out on the walls of tombs in our ancient past. While this is certainly not conclusive evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life, when put together with Egyptian Mythology, it certainly leads one to question the origins of the religion practiced by the ancient Egyptians. Egyptian mythology includes stories of the Gods traveling through the sky with light and noise, and depicts them as being similar to today's 'humanoid' type aliens. The general consensus holds that the first ever report of a UFO occurred in the 1940s around the time of the famed Roswell sightings, but a quick jaunt back through history proves this is not the case. There were many reported sightings in the United States before that date, and worldwide perhaps since the dawn of time. Within the pyramids of Egypt, archaeologists have found hieroglyphs that closely resemble the very same UFOs described in sightings today. In fact, if you asked a person to draw what they thought an alien space ship looked like, what they would draw would most likely be identical to the hieroglyphs carved into many of the walls and tombs from our ancient past throughout the world. While this is certainly not conclusive evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life, when put together with Egyptian Mythology, it certainly leads one to question the origins of the religion practiced by the ancient Egyptians. Egyptian mythology includes stories of the Gods traveling through the sky on a beam of light that depicts them as 'humanoid' type aliens. Of course Egyptians weren't alone in creating these depictions of flying saucers and aliens visitors. The ancient literature of India tells of Vimanas, or flying machines, that were used in warfare in ancient times. The Vimanas were said to be able to fly in the earth's atmosphere as well as into outer space, distant planets and be submerged underwater. The Mahabharata tells the story of the long war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas in Indian History. This war was willed by the gods whose goal was to prevent the overpopulation of the Earth. His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedenta Swami Prabhupada insists that not only is this a religious text, but that it represents a concrete history for the Indian people. In this battle, it is told, that the gods aided in the war with flying craft that used a weapon described to have effects identical to a nuclear weapon of today. This and other Indian texts speak of traveling to heaven in a flying car that travels on a great beam of light with a noise like thunder as depicted in many reliefs found in ancient temples of what appears to be space craft. Many also believe that several accounts in the Bible are evidence of Ancient UFO contact. While a controversial subject many of the incidences of reported contact with God or the Angels are eerily similar in detail to what is reported by persons who claim contact with a UFO or its alien inhabitants. While this is too lengthy and controversial to go into detail in the space of this article, it is worth note that interested parties should do some research on their own. The 'evidence' is fascinating. What can be described herein, are the many artifacts and cave paintings located around the world that bear an eerily similar account to modern-day UFO reports. Gold artifacts found in Central America and dated to belong to the pre-Colombian period appear to be perfect models of flying craft. Aboriginal cave paintings and Native American pictographs seem to represent alien visitors and a UFO crash in the American desert respectively. Of course persons can argue that these primitive paintings prove nothing, as they cannot be identified, but that does leave one question open. Why are exactly are these images depicted in the pictographs that allude identification, when everything else is easily identifiable, and created with great skill. Imagine if you will that what we see is a bad drawing of something 'out-of-the-ordinary' that makes very little sense to the artist, especially when all other objects in the pictures are presented with such clarity. Of course it is easy to misconstrue these primitive etchings on the cave wall, it's not like that they're depicting realistic events, right? Well if that were indeed the case, why did they include them in the first place, regardless of their unfamiliarity with anything that was seen flying that was not alive! Renaissance art also depicts very clear images of spacecraft in their paintings. While art experts have denied vehemently that they do not see them, others (in fact most) will agree that the objects in these paintings are quite, shamelessly obvious. It is even said that the reason that the depictions seem to cease at about the same time is that the Pope demanded they desist painting them in! Often when one looks into such accounts, the experts are equally divided. One group believes vehemently that these are NOT records of alien encounters, nor will they entertain the notion, or imagine, that the images may look like a space ship or flying saucer. While the other group is prepared to disbelieve anything that exists beyond the scope of logic or reason that ignores even the most blatant rendition of alien visitation. These extremes often tend to those standing on the sidelines as outsiders, laugh at both camps. Perhaps someday irrefutable evidence will surface, but until that happens and total disclosure is revealed, the debate will have continue. In Carlo Crivelli's Renaissance painting of the "The Annunciation, " you will notice the unusual peculiarity of the cloud shape that appears to be quite solid, in a circular structure and clearly different from any other cloud surrounding it. Possibly the sun withing a circle of clouds, a direct emanation of the divine energy, or an object seen, and a UFO sighting with alien observes depicted as angels and represented here by Crivelli in his painting. The resemblance of the "cloud" has an uncanny resemblance to many modern-day UFO sightings. Including one seen in Veneto, Italy, in January 1999, very closely resembling this one. Click Here for a closer examination.