Posted: January 25, 2008Date: Novemeber 23, 2002 Time: 5:15 p.m.I had a handset summon from two separate witnesses who live in the Manor, B.C. area explaining that they tetragon had witnessed confident out of the ordinary lights over Thron Upsurge Rise in Manor, B.C. From Manor you would be looking east towards Thron Upsurge Rise. (HBCC UFO Note: Gift were extremely 5 personnel who watched the lights in repellent, but I exactly claim talked in addition to the two who called me on this instance).The weather regulation at the time of the sighting was splendid, clear but somewhat windy. Also in the area everywhere the lights were noticed bestow are confident giant towers point by. One of the witnesses alleged the object, or glowing light was approx: replacement the tubbiness of the planet Venus. Pale in color. All of the witnesses watched the light for approx: 10 to 15 seconds until it grew less important in tubbiness and disappeared. (HBCC UFO Note: I found this somewhat out of the ordinary, all of the witnesses mentioned in all the clear sky bestow was a giant cloud which hung over the mountain everywhere the lights were spotted. Seeing if was so foul (windy) the witnesses all found it incredible that the cloud stayed in it's put and did not move until all the lights were taking into account. BTW - In this report I claim exactly mentioned one light, but it was approx: 15 report well along after the one light moved out, two lights showed up).Approx: 15 report well along the witnesses claimed to see two balls of old light over the identical area everywhere the unattached liught was sitting, it watched this for a few seconds in advance the lights blinked out.Thank you to the looker-on for the report.Brian Vike, Over HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO