UFO Watchdog is now in the hands of the hosts of the Paracast moderators. They've redone the site and added new inductees into the "fame" and "shame" categories.For the most part, when UFO Watchdog was run by Royce Meyers, liars and hoaxers were in the Hall of Shame. Now however, it's difficult to understand the reasoning behind some of the inductees into the shame division.For example, the new managers of UFO Watchdog have dumped Dr. Lynne Kitei into the Hall of Shame. UFO Watchdog explains why:So what is she doing here? Well, it's a bit complex. First of all, the Phoenix Lights themselves weren't her first sighting. It all started in 1995 when she and her husband saw three orbs near their home. They were oval shaped and three to six feet in diameter. They were soothing and mesmerizing and Dr. Lynne felt there was an intelligent presence staring back. So when the Phoenix Lights happened a couple of years later, Dr. Lynne felt that she brought them, that they were there because of her. She says witnesses felt "real time and long term transformations of consciousness" and that "mass consciousness of Phoenix" shifted as a result. In fact, people reported telepathic contact with the space beings who told them they had nothing to fear and that they meant no harm.The phrasing is curious: "first of all," as if they're accusing her of something. Many UFO witnesses have had multiple sightings, myself included. Often sightings and encounters go back to childhood. Why Kitei's previous sighting put her into a category of shame is not clear. Okay, so Lynne Ketei is on the woo side. That's her experience, her thoughts. Unless she's lying, or hoaxing, dumping her into a dungeon of UFO shame is just exercising personal opinion.I will say however that the telepathic contact with UFOs is something that is often reported by witnesses, including myself. Whatever that intelligence is, is another story. Personal interpretations, beware. But the "fact" of some kind of telepathic communication is there. Too bad if this data offends; do we ignore it because it seems "woo?" How is "that" honest? I suspect that Lynne Ketei (often referred to as "Dr. Lynne" which seems a bit patronizing) is in the dungeon of shame because of her relationship with Stephen Greer:As a result of all this Dr. Lynne quit her job and basically enlisted in the Disclosure Movement. She was a featured speaker in Steven Greer's Contact: Countdown to Transformation, a "a special conference under the stars to celebrate and make ET contact." I don't waste my time on Disclosure -- I think it's naive and a waste of time -- but at the same time, there is something positive about being a squeaky wheel. If cries for disclosure get some people to wake up a little, or make them nervous, that's a good thing. Those new to the UFO realm/arena/circus/carnival/-ology/field, listening to the material disclosure people have put together for the first time, like Greer's clips of witnesses, might get some people to begin their own investigations. Greer veered off the track a long time ago -- I mean, no one should ever dare say with such (or any) authority that there are "500 hundred types of aliens watching earth" (paraphrased) as I heard him say when he came to Eugene several years ago. (He also seemed pretty full of himself, really kind of a pompous twit in some ways.) The latter is just personal opinion however.It seems "Dr. Lynne's" inclusion in the bad bin is based on her woo-ness, not on her honesty: She has also joined up with Rebecca Hardcastle, an expert in "exoconsciousness," which is is "dedicated to exploring the extraterrestrial dimensions of human consciousness that link us directly to the cosmos and its inhabitants. Exoconsciousness is committed to preparation for peaceful co-existence and communication with extraterrestrial communities." advocating a National Department of Extraterrestrial Alliances. I think much of Ketei's take on things is kind of silly myself but so what? That's purely my subjective opinion based on my own biases towards things like disclosure and the gooey warm love fest about aliens a lot of disclosure and exo-politics people have. There are worse things, "far" worse things, and more important things, in UFOlogy than this to address. How do these new would be UFO Police know Ketei is not telling the truth? Maybe her experience is just as she says it is. We don't know. Is there proof available that she's lying? If not, it seems harsh to include her in this category. And it doesn't serve research well at all, for, as I said, many UFO witnesses -- again, myself included -- have had numerous sightings (me), have had them since childhood (me), have had telepathic communications with UFOs (or the intelligences behind them) (me) -- do we just call people like this "woo" and mock them, shoving them into a silly "Hall of Shame" category, or do we authentically explore their experiences? Visit The Orange Orbhttp://orangeorb.blogspot.com