Saturday, November 8, 2014

First Self Replicating Molecule And Seti Spectral Approach

First Self Replicating Molecule And Seti Spectral Approach
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:

g LIFE - Researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, have determined the three-dimensional structure of an RNA enzyme, or "ribozyme," that carries out a fundamental reaction required to make new RNA molecules. Their results provide insight into what may have been the first self-replicating molecule to arise billions of years ago on the evolutionary path toward the emergence of life. See article.

g MESSAGE - The spectral approach is a universal tool of both astronomical observations and SETI. Furthermore, it has a clear physical meaning - a spectrometer finds the energy distribution of photons, in human sensing it is color and pitch. Under the hypothesis on identity of physical laws in our part of universe, it may be proposed that spectrometry also are using by those aliens, who know radio and lead theirs own SETI, too. See article.

g COSMICUS - NASA has obtained the highest resolution map to date of the Moon's south polar region. The data has great value in selecting future landing sites for human exploration missions. See article.