Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cigar Shaped Ufo Appears In Lightening Storm On Car Dash Camera Footage October 2014

Cigar Shaped Ufo Appears In Lightening Storm On Car Dash Camera Footage October 2014
This video confront a Cigar Fashioned UFO recorded from a car gusto camera. The beast who submitted this video was strong appearing in a lightening whiteout in California, 2014. They advantageous advantageous to inspect the footage to see if the princely lightening was captured on video. They mentioned that this UFO was an by accident admiration and they set to rights submitted the video to us. In this video you can pleasantly see what looks to be a Cigar fashioned UFO hovering in the sky. You can modestly see the Cigar Fashioned UFO equally the lightening reveals it. This is an breathtaking chance, to the same extent in our UFO records, we offered a UFO video from unorthodox case appearing in a lightening whiteout at night. Are UFOs flying in the shrouded in mystery skies often lacking us knowing about it? Do they overlook all thanks from radar? The truth is out organize.

Origin: paranormal-factor.blogspot.com