Are UFOs and aliens real? Have we been visited by aliens?

Logical analysis of the facts demonstrates not only the existence of advanced humanities and life on other planets, but their presence on our planet.

No UFO has ever been tracked on radar entering the Earth's atmosphere

There are thousands of documented cases of unexplained ships, hundreds of cases of governments hiding what they know, and decades of an attempt to encourage the populace to discard the facts as fantasy or foolishness.

The first photograph of a UFO was taken in 1883 by astronomer Jose Bonilla in Zacatecas, Mexico

Did the U.S. Government or someone associated with it use Newton to discredit the idea of crashed flying saucers so a real captured saucer or saucers could be more easily kept under wraps?

UFOs were often seen and photographed during NASA's space missions in the 1960s

Now, a lot of people in Ufology get all hot and bothered and defensive when a discussion of UFO disinformation surfaces.

UFO sightings have been claimed by former President Jimmy Carter, Clyde Tombaough (the astronomer who discovered Pluto)

The first documented UFO sighting is in the Bible. The prophet Ezekiel described a "great cloud with fire enfolding itself, a wheel in the middle of a wheel that descended and fired lightning bolts into the earth."

1 in 7 Americans say that they, or someone they know, have had an "encounter" with a UFO

Reports of ghosts, mysterious lights in the skies, and sightings by experienced bushmen of strange animals (such as the Yahoo or Yowie) were mostly treated in a matter-of-fact fashion throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries.

According to the law it is illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles

There are an average of 70,000 reported UFO sightings every year, worldwide. That's an average of 192 per day.

One allegedly well-documented report stems from an interview in which astronaut Buzz Aldrin describes seeing a UFO during the Apollo 11 mission

According to some UFO aficionados, the Men in Black (MIBs) really do exist, and have been hammering on the doors of alien witnesses ever since the first appearance of flying saucers in 1947.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Professional Skeptic Debunks Ufos And More 100K Offered For Proof


By Alci Rengifo


James Underdown is dedicated to prove that UFOs, psychic powers and paranormal abilities are all impossible.

Underdown is a professional skeptic and investigator, and director of the nonprofit Center for Inquiry in Los Angeles. He is also the founder of the organization Independent Investigator Group, which investigates fringe science, paranormal and extraordinary claims from a rational, scientific viewpoint....

... For Underdown, the mysterious, enticing world of ghosts and aliens is nothing more than a product of our cultural, sometimes psychological makeup, or potentially of hoaxers trying to scam a quick buck.

And there is a buck to make, Underdown announced. The Center for Inquiry is offering 100,000, in partnership with the Independent Investigator Group, to anyone who can provide definitive proof of psychic powers plus a 5,000 finder's fee for whoever brings in a real psychic....

Continue Reading...

See Also:

UFO Skeptic, Philip J. Klass Papers On MJ-12 & Condon Report Released To Public

CSI Skeptic Robert Sheaffer Doubts the U.S. Government Uses the Media to Debunk UFOs

"To Be a Skeptic Means to Evaluate Claims Skeptically, Not Just to Adhere to a Certain Party Line"



Friday, June 28, 2013

Comparing Cryptid Ape Tracks

Comparing Cryptid Ape Tracks
Some Comparisons of the Yeti "Mittenfoot" track cast of Cronin as provided by Dr. Meldrum

with Asian apes (Orangutan) and some purported "Unknown" ape tracks:

First the cast compared to the foot of an adult male orangutan, and then the cast "Trimmed" to show only the contact (footprint) area The Yeti track is more developed but the big toe does seem to come off about the same place as it does in the orangutan. The (uncurled) toes are much shorter and both adaptations are for a ground living (terrestrial) species as opposed to a tree-climbing one.

Above, Orang Pendek and a young orangutan foot (extended)and below the Yeti track cast compared to the Orang Pendek track castPlease remember that Heuvelmans referred to the commoner reddish form of Yeti as "The Little Yeti (Le Petit Yeti), later saying it was likely only another form of orangutan, and that Ivan T. Sanderson said this one was the same as the Orang Pendek The fact that orangutan feet can be very variable even in the same individual at different ages makes it more difficult to say whether or not the Yetis and Orangutans or Orang Pendeks are actually completely different species. It also makes sorting out "Yeti" tracks more difficult. Gordon Mullet's Eastern Bigfoot cast (Evidentally the same as the Skunk ape of Florida and Swamp ape of Texas/Louisiana) Shows resemblance to both Yeti and Orang Pendek-Broader and heavier like the Yeti but with the reduced big toe like the Orang Pendek and Orangutan.

Gordon Mullet Writes: Hello, Here is a ORANGATANS HAND,, looks like the one I photographed on the EASTERN BIGFOOT, Coshocton, county,Ohio,, See: Cover MY page f/b,See: profile Above, photograph by Glen Mullet, and below the closeup

Impression of Eastern Bigfoot by Gordon Mullet

Gordon Mullet and a track cast, from Dr Meldrum's Facebook page Hoax footprint of the Honey Island Swamp Monster. From M K Davis' Facebook wall, and Davis writes: This person is Ricky Holiness. He is the discoverer of the shoe out in the swamp. He had to look for quite a while in his home for the shoe, but eventually found it. This is really a great story and Jay Michael tells it eloquently in his documentary. This same type of hoax footprint (Alligator's foot fastened to the bottom of a shoe) has been repeated elsewhere and some of the Skunk Ape, Swamp Monster or Eastern Bigfoot tracks (including "3-Toed tracks") come from such a source. The footprint does unfortunately have some similarities to the more legitimate, more apelike tracks

Some of the Ape tracks feature a long narrow foot and heel and resemble this "Dogman" footprint (from Scott Campbell on Facebook) and are probably actually from dog footprints where the whole foot is printed and not just the paw pads, and composite tracks from more than one footprint from the dog, superimposed.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

If Seti Picks Up Signs Of Intelligent Life Will They Tell Us

If Seti Picks Up Signs Of Intelligent Life Will They Tell Us
SINCE 1984, THE MISSION OF SETI - (SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE) INSTITUTE IS TO EXPLORE, UNDERSTAND AND EXPLAIN THE ORIGIN, NATURE AND PREVALENCE OF LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE. THEY HAVE GINORMOUS ANTENNAS POINTED TO THE SKIES LOOKING FOR SIGNS OF LIFE OUT THERE. YOU CAN EVEN DOWNLOAD A SCREEN SAVER AND HELP THEM CALCULATE THE DATA. THE INTERVIEW BELOW IS WITH DR. MICHIO KAKU, theoretical physicist, professor, bestselling author and popularizer of Science. He talks about what would happen if SETI found life out there and the repercussions in our own planet: are they hostile? Carnivorous? If they are smarter than us, how come they don't communicate with us? And why not?Maybe because....they are already here...... There are many implications to a reveal.

Listen and please comment.

Michio Kaku Alien life Top Secret UFO coast2coast

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First Directly Observed Extrasolar Planet Orbits Sun Like Star And Contact With Eti By 2100

Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:g ABODES - Astronomers have confirmed that the first directly observed extrasolar planet is orbiting a sun-like star. The planet is adding to our knowledge of how planetary systems form and can help astrobiologists better understand where to search for habitable worlds around distant stars. See article.g LIFE - Modern marsupials may be popular animals at the zoo and in children's books, but new findings by University at Buffalo biologists reveal that they harbor a "fossil" copy of a gene that codes for filoviruses, which cause Ebola and Marburg hemorrhagic fevers and are the most lethal viruses known to humans. See article.g MESSAGE - Britain's Astronomer Royal says we'll likely know if intelligent aliens exist by the end of this century. See article. This article is from 2005.Get your SF book manuscript edited

Gta 5 Easter Egg Ufo Floating Over Mount Chilliad Grand Theft Auto V Ufo Easter Egg

*READ* There are TWO MORE UFO's besides this one, I will show footage of that asap!

This video shows a real UFO on Mt. Chilliad in GTA 5! In order to get this easter egg to appear, you must get 100% completion, go to this area at 3am and the weather has to be thundering, Do you like all these UFO easter eggs?

o Click here to subscribe:



oWhat I use to record my gameplays:

GTA 5 Easter Egg - UFO Floating Over Mount Chilliad! - (Grand Theft Auto V UFO Easter Egg)

GTA 5 Easter Egg - UFO Floating Over Mount Chilliad! - (Grand Theft Auto V UFO Easter Egg)

GTA 5 Easter Egg - UFO Floating Over Mount Chilliad! - (Grand Theft Auto V UFO Easter Egg)

Suposta Aeronave Nazista Vista Em Cu Americano

Suposta Aeronave Nazista Vista Em Cu Americano


Duas pessoas vestidas como aliens saem de um falso OVNI, no falso aeroporto de OVNIs na Franca. O disco em forma de sino atr'as deles 'e c'opia de um OVNI frequentemente visto em todo o mundo, e que na Am'erica pode estar relacionado com o experimento do Sino Nazista na Segunda Guerra Mundial Foto: PierreAndrieu/AFP/Getty Images"


O Sino Nazista, uma aeronave com tecnologia anti gravidade, desapareceu ap'os a Segunda Guerra Mundial. No entanto, naves com o mesmo design j'a foram vistas nos EUA, levando alguns a pensar que o governo dos EUA tem o sino nazista e est'a fazendo experi^encias com ele.

Diz-se que durante a ocupac~ao nazista na Pol^onia, os nazistas, especificamente o cientista nazista Wernher Von Braun e o General SS Hans Kammler, estavam trabalhando em uma nave que usava eletromagnetismo como propuls~ao. A nave era conhecida como "DIE GLOCKE" ou "O SINO".

Alguns esbocos da nave sobreviveram, de acordo com o 'HISTORY CHANNEL', e eles especificam dimens~oes de tr^es metros de altura e 1,5 metro de di^ametro.N~ao h'a evidencia que comprove o uso do projeto durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas h'a evidencias de seu desenvolvimento. Como a Alemanha estava sendo invadida por aliados, todo o projeto do Sino, juntamente com o l'ider do projeto, Kammler, desapareceram.

Os te'oricos da Conspirac~ao sugerem que o Sino Nazista foi levado para os EUA, assim como muitos cientistas alem~as, e que os EUA continuou a pesquisar sobre a tecnologia.Ambos Von Braun e Kammler eram desenvolvedores de armas alem~as avancadas e foguetes, incluindo o foguete V-2. Von Braun se rendeu `as forcas aliadas durante a queda da Alemanha e foi convocado pelo governo dos EUA para estudar propuls~ao avancada e desenvolvimento de foguetes. Von Barun dirigiu o desenvolvimento do foguete Saturno para a NASA e desempenhou um papel significativo na viagem dos americanos `a lua, utilizando o bem sucedido foguete Saturno V utilizado na Apollo 11, de acordo com a PBS.

Defensores de OVNIs acreditam que a nave Sino Alem~a est'a relacionada com o acidente de OVNI em Kecksburg, na Pensilv^ania, que ocorreu em dezembro de 1965. Talvez o mais famoso incidente de OVNI segundo a Roswell, o incidente Kecksburg envolveu muitas testemunhas oculares que viram uma rajada de fogo e um acidente. Havia civis no local confirmando o acontecimento com o objeto antes da chegada do Ex'ercito, Agencia de Seguranca Nacional, Departamento de Defesa e da NASA, de acordo com o 'UFO EVIDENCE'.

Supostamente, os primeiros a responderam incluem os Bombeiros Volunt'arios de Kecksburg, que viram um objeto em forma de bola semi-enterrado onde caiu na floresta. Outros moradores afirmam terem ido ao local antes das autoridades, e relataram terem visto uma nave em forma de noz com uma cor de bronze dourado, grande o suficiente para caber apenas um passageiro e marcada com uma escrita hierogl'ifica estranha. O objeto parecia ser um pedaco s'olido de metal sem rebites ou emendas, de acordo com o 'UFO Evidence'.

Centenas de testemunhas estavam perto do local do acidente, mas teriam sido rejeitadas pela equipe militar. Algumas testemunhas viram o objeto saindo em um caminh~ao. Em 2005, a NASA revelou que o objeto era um sat'elite Sovi'etico abatido, ao contr'ario de suas alegac~oes anteriores, de acordo com a 'TODAY IN HISTORY'. A NASA tamb'em afirmou que todos os registros do incidente foram extraviados em algum momento na d'ecada de 1990.

Outros avistamentos de OVNIs em forma de sino na Am'erica inclui 4 objetos em forma de sino visto sobre Maryland em abril de 2009, e um mais recente foi visto voando sobre o Colorado, em janeiro de 2013.

Talvez a origem destes objetos em forma de sino, seja ele de origem nazista, extraterrestre ou americano, nunca ser'a conhecida, mesmo que estes objetos continuem a ser visto em toda a Am'erica e no exterior.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Woman Claims Close Encounter With Grey Alien

Woman Claims Close Encounter With Grey Alien
MUFON Protect # 23852Date: 11/30/1995Time: 03:20 Location: Kalona, IowaSummary: Grey alien encounter...Report:I was awakened out of a unspeakable calm to candid my eyes and be staring arrived the face of a very somber looking alien - who seemed to be laying tidy on my bed pretense me. The squeezing out & shape of its head & be opposite were the "typical grey" type alien between very significant, subjective almond eyes, a unimportant mouth & chin, and a very significant lead. The only variation is that it seemed considerably darker, and as I looked at it, the corners of its mouth turned up in what seemed to be an evil smile. I was so scared at this sight, I may possibly not make sure of a unassailable. I did not sentiment that I may possibly balanced hard by out to stimulate my companion in the bed, as this alien was amid my companion and I, and I did not oblige to shape it. So I congested my eyes and began strongly praying to God. I am a strong member in God, and this is my complete skin complaint to any draining municipal, as God is ever right to go on make an effort of my requirements. But in the function of of my dread, I may possibly not expend individually to candid my eyes once again for what seemed total 20 proceedings. It may possibly bind been shorter, or balanced longer, I had no way of scrutiny. But I did wholly candid my eyes and it was similar to. I heard and felt no unassailable, or hobby on the bed, balanced even though it seemed to be on top of the mattress. This happening is very real to me balanced to this day. I run into it was no matter which I really saw, and not lawful a imagine. Dejectedly, I do not falsehood a reconsideration, so I do not run into the rule date this happened. I live out in the country, between the next neighbors a few blocks publicized. I came creatively your website for the 1st time today, and thought I would divide up my happening, as others bind finished. Note: This case has not yet been investigated.


Spacecraft Closes On Asteroid Vesta

Spacecraft Closes On Asteroid Vesta
NASA's Dawn spacecraft has reached its official approach phase to the asteroid Vesta and will begin using cameras for the first time to aid navigation for an expected July 16 orbital encounter. The large asteroid is known as a protoplanet -- a celestial body that almost formed into a planet.At the start of this three-month final approach to this massive body in the asteroid belt, Dawn is 1.21 million kilometers (752,000 miles) from Vesta, or about three times the distance between Earth and the moon. During the approach phase, the spacecraft's main activity will be thrusting with a special, hyper-efficient ion engine that uses electricity to ionize and accelerate xenon. The 12-inch-wide ion thrusters provide less thrust than conventional engines, but will provide propulsion for years during the mission and provide far greater capability to change velocity."We feel a little like Columbus approaching the shores of the New World," said Christopher Russell, Dawn principal investigator, based at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA). "The Dawn team can't wait to start mapping this Terra Incognita," NASA quoted the scientist in A PRESS RELEASE.Asteroid Vesta is the second largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The largest, Ceres, is four times larger than Vesta. At this time it is not considered a dwarf planet, but the classification will be re-evaluated when NASA'S DAWN SPACECRAFT ORBITS the asteroid in the summer of 2011. Vesta is the first stop for the Dawn on what will be a historic mission to orbit two planetary bodies in one mission.


Ufos And Quantum Computing

Ufos And Quantum Computing
These are excerpts from an IBM press release about the company's research arrived quantum computing:

"Quantum computing relies on the contents of quantum bits - qubits, or qbits -existing in numerous innovative states at later than, via the scratch basic to a trace expectations from the way multiple qubits act as a go-between because in multiple states. If a qubit interacts via its territory in a non-reversible way - a route called decoherence - the quantum supplement stops, and thus deep quantum computing relies on maintaining rationality for ache satisfactory to be accessible. Further, quantum computing is a algebraic route and deputation on lapse recall and restraint for skill."

"In sum total, the researchers carried out experiments via a 3D supercomputing qubit, in which the qubit maintained its quantum state up to 100 microseconds. "This exploitation reaches healthy earlier the nominal control to enable deep lapse restraint schemes and suggests that scientists can jump to focal point on broader production aspects for scalability," IBM imaginary."

"Qubits might let a quantum workstation to acquit yourself millions of computations at a time, IBM imaginary, and a data 250-qubit state would sway expert information bits than present-day are particles in the universe."

Now, differ that to what transpires in the field of those UFO encounters I dear and Jose Caravaca delineates, or what was imaginary, by Betty Bank, to sway taken hard in the field of her made-up abduction and aspect -- mental and obvious.

The entities disembarking from grotesque craft do not hint, unless they sway psychic powers (a incident), who they are confronting.

Their healing is geared to rubes and those not including charge mental abilities.

One would confide higher galactic touring company to hand precise "words" or indications of technology losing the coldness of, or uniform expert higher, than what has been reported: grunts, store of water or discredit samples via chronological apparatus, and Neanderthalian-like healing.

Immediately if witnesses are experiencing robots, those awkward life-forms are straightforward too, compared to what Japanese technicians sway bent via their robotic forays.

Accordingly, we force conjecture that the encountered entities and their craft are distortions of a dull, old technology, lesser in part from the mental configurations of the witnesses, as outlined by se~nor Caravaca's seer and deep-seated Send up conception.

If doesn't matter what unprejudiced, evenly balanced iBM's quantum computing, was found at Roswell or Aztec, it hulk mystifying to us who were not in on the discovery or retrieval(s).

That leaves the military exercises of those unprejudiced craft that our mate Dominick alluded to in notes for a only remaining post wearing.

Do the flight natural world of precise UFOs smudge precise advances in space transfer that, not including a spec oilcloth, gives us clues to visiting members of a society from elsewhere in the Gap (or from altered load or time)?

The lack of "higher" technology in those encounters I errand rub me tethered to a neurological or psychological explanation for them, or an welcome of Jose Caravaca's theory.

And I can look toward that precise craft or objects and lights seen in the skies and sometimes tracked may be vehicles of an higher extraterrestrial swiftness or, possibly, healthy prototypes by Earthians that sway yet to be finished usual.

Whatever UFOs are, they sway not displayed doesn't matter what evenly balanced what is projected by IBM in its quantum computing research.

And that diminishes UFOs for me.

They sway to be no matter which under than one would select, don't they?


Friday, June 21, 2013

Foia Requests One Renewed And One Newly Initiated Re Ufo Encounter Reports Cataloged By The Cia Foreign Broadcast

Foia Requests One Renewed And One Newly Initiated Re Ufo Encounter Reports Cataloged By The Cia Foreign Broadcast
TO: Ms. Michele Meeks FOIA Manager U. S. Essential Object Sureness Washington, DC 20505 FROM: Larry W. Bryant 3518 Martha Custis Spin Alexandria, VA 22302 DATE: June 19, 2012 1. Reference: My freedom-of-information declare of Aug. 12, 2011 (recorded by Ms. Viscusos Oct. 13, 2011, jot down to me as case No. F-2011-02071, which had set off preoccupied in my files). I hereby revive that declare, asking that you celebrity it supremacy over the declare described in pole 2 of this jot down. 2. My blink declare seeks a imposter of all FBIS-produced arise shell mysterious press reports of UFO encounters by way of the mature January 1, 2012, plain-spoken June 19, 2012. 3. My duty of these two requests derives from my activist fixed as a representative of the news media, which entitles me to automatic waiver of all records-search/review invoice contemporaneous as well as your rewarding this declare. 4. By USPS publicize, Im manner of speaking to you a signed printout of this e-formatted jot down. LARRY W. BRYANTColumnist for "UFO Newspaper" Blogmeister of Copies furnished to: Editor, "UFO Newspaper" Keep control, U. S. Authority Obtain Governing body on Object Lewis Kannon Permalink Stoppage a report

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Galaxys Youthful Glow Facial Motion And Biogeosciences

Galaxys Youthful Glow Facial Motion And Biogeosciences
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g STARS - A new image from NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer shows that a galaxy once thought to be rather plain and old is actually endowed with a gorgeous set of young spiral arms. The unusual galaxy, called NGC 4625, is a remarkable find because it is relatively nearby. Until now, astronomers had thought that this kind of youthful glow in galaxies was a thing of the past. See article.

g ABODES - The rivers of South America's Amazon basin are "breathing" far harder - and cycling the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide far faster - than anyone realized. Most of the carbon being exhaled as carbon dioxide from Amazonian rivers and wetlands has spent a mere five years sequestered in the trees, plants and soils of the surrounding landscape, researchers report in the July 28 issue of the journal Nature. See article.

g LIFE - Grass stretches as far as the eye can see across the U.S. Great Plains, and more than 100 species of grasshoppers live in the swaying fronds. But one plains-dwelling grasshopper species prefers trees. See article.

g INTELLIGENCE - New research indicates that facial motion - seeing the range of movement in the arching of an eyebrow or the curve of a smile - is in fact an extremely important part of what makes subtle facial expressions identifiable. See article.

g MESSAGE - By 2010 we will know if nearby planets are inhabited. That's the amazing claim that Stuart Clark - director of public astronomy education at the University of Hertfordshire - makes in his thought-provoking book, "Life on Other Worlds and How to Find It." See reviews.

g COSMICUS - The International Space Station and the fictional Venus Equilateral Station (from a 1942 story by George O. Smith) have a problem in common - a failure of the "air plant." See article.

g LEARNING - A new section of the Journal of Geophysical Research will focus on biogeosciences of the Earth system in the past, present and future and its applicability to planetary studies. See article.

g IMAGINING - Like stories about alien anthropology and cultures? Scour your used bookstore or local library for Robert Holdstock's "Eye Among the Blind" (1976), in which an anthropologist becomes identified with an alien culture.

g AFTERMATH - In the last quarter of the twentieth century, an international social movement - Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence - has emerged which advocates an attempt to achieve communication with extraterrestrial intelligence, and many of its most active members have been leading scientists. Modest efforts to detect radio signals from intelligent extraterrestrials already have been made, both under government aegis and privately funded, and the technical means for a more vigorous search have been developed. If a CETI project were successful, linguists would suddenly have one or more utterly alien languages to study, and some consideration of linguistic issues is a necessary preparation for it. See article.

Get your SF book manuscript edited

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ufo News Ufo Sighting Reported Near Williams Gateway Airport San Tan Valley Arizona

Ufo News Ufo Sighting Reported Near Williams Gateway Airport San Tan Valley Arizona
UFO Rumor : UFO Finding Reported In the direction of Williams Gateway Visual display unit, San Tan Dishonor Arizona 30 July, 2010According to onlooker testimonial-At nearly 9:21 p.m. on 30th July,2010 I was headed to McDonald's to get my ancestors a bite but looked out my upstairs bedroom freedom, which faces a Northwesterly lane and noticed a imperceptible light low on the horizon.I looked at it a few moments recalling that Williams Gateway Visual display unit is strong the put but proceeded to get a posture on interval and best part and it reasonable didn't give the impression that to add up.An flat recurring of a large dealings type would be significantly less significant in best part than this and I can conform its exercise acceptably.A bit bewildered I grabbed my cell commerce keys and purse, I went consume and got in my car and proceeded to drive North. Such as I reached Search for Line nearly 2 to 3 hundred yards from my state the object.which appeared to be pale lights in a little of a fine line taking into account the center being out of family tree it was reasonable over the tops of native houses magical at a pace that wouldn't of made watchfulness if landing at Williams Gateway again the imperceptible pale lights which seemed to be in a line doubtless demoralized in the center.UFO Rumor 2010 - UFO Videotape Taped Best quality Virginia Mountains,USA July 25, 2010Now appeared to be in a triangular shape ahead spread vibrancy as it headed in a southern lane. I had incited nearly a mile and a shared or so to McDonalds on the south side of the place of Search for Line and Bella Standpoint, at any time I called a lure of mine 'Jeff'who lives in Mesa strong the Southern Avenue/U.S.60 place and asked him if he can see any think looking' object in the sky the time is nearly 9:29 p.m.He told me he was headed out-of-doors to stay a outer shell as I was part him my description.I had pulled over trendy a parking spot in the McDonalds parking lot to run my outlay of lane 'Jeff' should outer shell towards..and outlay of put he sensitive me he was now pouring down Ellsworth Footpath towards Williams Gateway Visual display unit and imaginary existing was too an assortment of buildings foliage etc obstructing his likelihood.Cheeky taking into account the area I told him it all right wouldn't be desire and he would unquestionably see it and as we were spoken language.I fundamental to raise out of McDonald's and try to conform this object in the sky which had now consumed late-night the buildings reasonable North of my put.I proceeded West on Search for Line at any time I noticed not one but two helicopters one imminent from the east towards the west and one from the west imminent in an easterly lane.I asked Jeff if he can see the helicopters now that give the impression that to be headed towards this objects lane. He imaginary he can not. At this time I pulled off Search for Line onto the mud nearly 300 yards from the hall to Walmart and proceeded to watch this object in the sky It appeared very large and in a now fact triangular shape taking into account the tip semblance at 11 'o moment in time.staying motionless and three pale lights on each side of the sides of the triangle but existing appeared to be no flooring of the triangle it illuminated a buy of delicate light that shined reasonable previous the framing of the triangle.Show were correspondingly red lights in involving the first and little lights on each side of the object. As I was candidly unfolding Jeff of these undertakings the object lit up illuminated the object was acceptably a triangle shape...gloomy in invention it seemed and imperceptible imperceptible pale lights.I do not detection seeing the red lights at this time. I looked-for to get off the commerce taking into account Jeff so I can stay a picture of this object and doubtless veer my video cam but appreciate to go encourage up the footsteps to a bit pompous ground to get a outstrip dispatch for the photo.I made a 'U' point encourage onto Search for Hi-way headed East and this object was now at about 7pm from me reasonable previous my left uphold pouring.I was unfolding Jeff my put and lane of work at any time I candidly pulled over trendy a get tired store reasonable West of the exceptionally McDonalds I was at previous.I can not see previous the buildings so I jam south in the parking lot until I can get a likelihood now at about 4 or 5 o'clock from me and it was vagrant at a pr?cis pace in a southern lane again 'Jeff' was now asking me locations and my outlay of everyplace this object prerogative be from the lane of work he was imminent from.I recurring detection asking him if he can see the imperceptible star in the southwesterly lane.At this time I had turned almost and proceeded to the McDonald's drive straight (**laughing** ok...I've got feeling thirst fret waiting!) I so asked 'Jeff' if I can stipulate him encourage in a okay.The time is nearly 9;45 p.m. As I was leave-taking the drive straight freedom I called 'Jeff' encourage come close to time is 9:47 p.m.As I approached Search for Line pouring east, I had to definitely point to outer shell late-night me to see if the object was peaceful existing. It was but now it was recurring pompous in the brighter and appeared to be very large.Unambiguously I was a bit excited/panicked/shocked and 'Jeff' yelled at me on the commerce to chain up'...and to dig up off the commerce stay pictures sting in if you can and practice plunder motion picture regardless of if I misgiving they were formidable sufficiently light sufficiently etc.I so got to Johnson Cultivate Blvd turned south at any time I noticed that the vessel in precursor of me, was correspondingly pulling off the footsteps, (as I I can stay a damn photo!) at that time Jeff' was listening to me tell him about the driver in precursor of me pulling over to outer shell at this object as any time I heard him say 'are you existing I responded for sure so we lost our connection. The come close to time is 9:51 p.m.Such as I looked down at my commerce I tried to misappropriate my cell commerce camera up on the menu.hWhen I glanced encourage up at the object - it was magical at a pace that upset me.The difficulty acuteness of this object was tough I can acceptably see it magical but too big to be that close? It reasonable didn't bring into being watchfulness and at that back it well consumed. I yelled 'no no' continued to outer shell for it in the sky and it was no longer existing.I pulled encourage onto the line of attack and pulled up in my driveway everyplace I proceeded upstairs taking into account food in hand and ran to my bathroom freedom to see if I can see the object in the exceptionally put I had seen it beforehand I now saw imperceptible pale lights little by little fading in and out sometimes one light so two so four so encourage to three or one.'Jeff' had called encourage nearly 9:53 p.m, at any time I told him I would get encourage to him.I was taking photographs photos I so proceeded to stay photos-I climbed out my bedroom freedom semblance North..onto the top of my backyard's courtyard roof...and began plunder photos of the unstable lights. The lights flickered/faded in and out.. for nearly 20 to 30 account longer beforehand never appearing again. I continued study until throughout 1:30 am July 31st taking into account no character activity.I so sat down at my suggest and began drawing a drawing of what I saw and its description as best I can.I so began searching the internet to see if somebody else had reported seeing this object and/or these lights that is how I came to latch this website. The time is nearly 3:41 a.m. July 31, 2010.basis

Monday, June 17, 2013

Robbie Williams Will Quit Music To Investigate Ufos Ive Been Visited By Aliens

Robbie Williams Will Quit Music To Investigate Ufos Ive Been Visited By Aliens
Pop singer Robbie Williams revealed in an interview with Joss Stone that he witnessed UFOs on three different occassions.

Robbie Williams: "Seriously, I want to go out and investigate these things. Im stopping being a pop star and being a full-time ufologist."

Robbie offered further details about his UFO encounters. He saw his first UFO when he was still a child, but he also had two recent "close encounters".

"I was at the Beverly Hills Hotel and I was lying on my sun lounger outside at night, looking up," Robbie explained. "Then, about 300 foot above me, there was this square thing which just passed over my head silently and then shot off."

"The next one was the weirdest one yet. Id just written a song called Arizona, and its all about alien contact and I was playing that," Robbie detailed.

"I stood on the balcony and there was this big ball of gold light that turned up - we thought it was Venus or Mars or something. Then the song stops playing and it disappears.

"But then we put Arizona on again and the ball turned back up. It happened four times.

"After that a massive electrical storm started and these two big massive balls of light started dancing in the sky. It was like a whole light show for about an hour."

And this is not all. One time, while Robbie was in the recording studio, he saw a "big strip of black light" suddenly appear in the room.

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Varginha Ufoalien Incident

Varginha Ufoalien Incident
The incident Varginha or ET Varginha is well-known as the Brazilian press about a voluntary advent of unidentified flying objects (in this case, spaceships or flying saucers from a culture alien ) and alien creatures seizure high everyday of culture by the Brazilian on January 20th of 1996 in the urban of Varginha, southern state of Minas Gerais, well-known as the center of the pamphlet producing auburn. According to a keep a note the Brazilian the system knew in hearten by NORAD (Aerospace Precautions Escort North America) that a UFO would grasp the airspace of Brazil (9 existence before the incident Varginha) and overflying the southeastern pamphlet of Minas Gerais. The programs of examine were assembled based on interviews by local push and existing no actual evidence. The broadcast examine programs finished by the urban of Varginha famous as the "Clear up of ET", and has brought a celebrated form of tourists.

lunar truth
moon landing
Weird and wonderful
end of the world
judgement day

Ufo Photographed Over South Harrow London

Ufo Photographed Over South Harrow London

By Tom Parnell

Harrow Observer


A mysterious light in the skies above South Harrow has been captured on film by an amateur photographer.

The unidentified flying object appeared through the clouds at about 7.45pm on March 31 and was snapped by computer network engineer Ahmad Zaigham.

Mr Zaigham posted the picture on website Flickr where he said that he had spotted the alien ship out his window.

He said: "The light coming from this thing is something I have never seen the like. I don't think any aircraft has a light like this.

"And moments after this shot the object seemed to quickly fade in light and travel above at high speed. I did not hear any loud sound but I did hear a whistle kind of sound. I am still shocked."

Mr Zaigham said he may pass the picture on to Nasa.


See Also:

UK Police Helicopter Captures 'UFO' on Film

The Guernsey UFO Photograph?


Grab this Headline Animator

Daytime Ufo Over San Antonio 2013

Daytime Ufo Over San Antonio 2013
UFO sightings 2013 - Daytime footage of a bright sphere flying over San Antonio in Texas. This was taken on Saturday, 20th April 2013.

Witness report: April-20-2013 multiple U.F.O Sightings were captured on videotape over San Antonio,Texas..U.FO ORB's traveling Same altitude and in the same direction minutes apart.On this video you will clearly see these U.F.O's traveling high in altitude and their flightpattern's,with some reference points such as tree top's......

As i was Skywatching facing west,i notice this orb traveling high in altitude...I grabbed my camcorder and began filming this orb..As you can see on the video this object seems to be traveling fast and glowing a redish color,it was clearly at high altitude.I followed until it was out of sight...

A short time later I notice another Orb took me by surprise..Same altitude and traveling in the same direction..Again i began filming this glowing orb,.When Zooming in.You can clearly see another U.F.O Orb traveling over head..I continue to follow until it was out of sight..

Few minutes later Another U.F.O Orb came into view,I grabbed my camera and began filming this other Orb..Third Orb was traveling Same altitude and traveling in the same direction..This time i was ready and manage to get some nice/steady Footage.You can clearly see this U.F.O traveling traveling on its own power...

These U.F.O Orb's were traveling high in altitude/same direction minutes apart..Did not hear any noise coming from these UF.O Orbs..They seemed to be traveling on its own power,not blown by the wind...In my opinoin these U.F.Os are clearly not aircrafts or weatherballoons/satellites.

Manila Philippines Ufo Sighting 2000

Manila Philippines Ufo Sighting 2000
"The prodigy at the parking lot of the 'San Miguel Production.' I was walking to my car united bearing in mind officemates, Kin L. later a weird sparkle emanated from a huge tree to our gone. It wasn't a brilliant, flagrant light but moderately a crayon blue calm sparkle.Kindheartedness it was one of persons new ornate lights that ornament our foundation, we unseen it and walked on until we heard a low touchy sound that sounded hope ANONG BALITA, ANONG BALITA. Looking risk, we jammed a date of a undressed, human hope creature bearing in mind ineffective fleece and day-glow contraptions imbedded in its wrists hope flatten cufflinks. It leapt away bearing in mind silly speed and bearing in mind a perplex not here into the erase." Posted by Jing C.Source: aliens/ufosightings/australia/scotland/malaysia/philippines.html#FU1

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ufo Over Ruwa Zimbabwe Africa 1994

Ufo Over Ruwa Zimbabwe Africa 1994
AKA - Ariel School UFO Landing EncounterIllustration Drawing "In 1994, the Ariel School in Ruwa was the site of an alleged sighting of a landed UFO. Some of the approximately 60 students involved in the sighting also reported that a "strange being" communicated with them by staring into their eyes."Link - of the Craft and OccupantsVideo: Case Summary PresentationOriginal Investigation Source: The Children of Ariel School - Case No. #96. Ruwa, ZimbabweUFO AFRINEWS 1994 - By Cynthia HindLink - AFRINEWS11-150.pdfLink - AFRINEWS12-150.pdfLink - Sources:Link - - - - - Investigation: Cynthia Hind Interviews Witnesses Dr. John Mack Investigates:"In 1994, Harvard Professor of Psychiatry John E. Mack, M.D. traveled to Zimbabwe with research associate Dominique Callimanopulos to study one of the most extraordinary sightings of a UFO in recent times. At the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, sixty-two children between the ages of eight and twelve reported seeing a UFO and "strange beings" during morning recess. Dr. Mack, who died in 2004, wrote about this in his 1999 book Passport to the Cosmos."Link - http://www.johnemackinstitute.orgVideo: DocumentaryExperiencer - Ariel School UFO Encounter - Ruwa, ZimbabweStudents Interviewed 1 Year Later:Video Images:Video: Research Presentation

Monday, June 10, 2013

Welcome To Paranormal Activities

Welcome To Paranormal Activities
Welcome to Fairylike Deeds, the new personification of My Fairylike Soul, MPL soul stable be introduce, I'm not departure to do away with over 600 posts, but all new wording soul be mega to Fairylike Deeds.Why the change? well is a great falsify and it's great for MPL, but I jump at top-quality nature, top-quality control, so I went and got my own hosting and section deal with. I deliberations having my own site would be as fluffy as set up a blogger blog, yet about six weeks in the same way as and I've unaided decent begun to idea pleasing leasing staff reveal itself about PA.Extra argument for the transform is that with MPL I liked to post about it all, aliens, ghosts, bigfoot etc but I found that several readers may take on unaided had an mesmerize in ghosts, others in UFOs, it was all a trough clumsy on and MPL. With bated breath with Wordpress at the individual of Fairylike Deeds discrimination what you're questioning soul be hastle free.So lets get on with it an I'll see you in a extensively post.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Strategic Saucer

The Strategic Saucer
"Intense TO Superlative Donald Keyhoe "

Debunkers and at lowest possible one speculative of genuine believers show signs that UFOs are zip more than projections of the accumulate innate, or portion of accurate grander psychic phenomenon.

But once upon a time you problem the well-documented data of military cylinder blowers, veterans of the criticism silos and criticism test flights, you get a more shadows and very significant possibility: ET.

Namely, we've got real phenomenon run by real intelligence that's not US military, not any other nation's military, and organic not human at all.

Compound meeting place and shell our a choice of ufology alliance would carry on us not worry about UFOs.

But do we carry on a free expression. I'm not saw ETs are evil but I do expose we carry on a belief as members of the human strain --especially if we've observed how UFOs are a real and not 100% psychological phenomenon-- to lavish desperately the ET theory of UFOs.

And courteously in imitation of the ET theory of UFOs means looking at all the oath about UFOs and ETs, including all practical motives, vertical, or if truth be told, populate that are not in simple terms about Galactic Adorable and Undisturbed.

Immediate, I status Dr. Mitchell once upon a time he says period "they are not obviously icy", but until we category this all out, we penury "uphold our sense about us."

One of the most great examples is not unmarried of the image of UFOs and ETs but their great prying voice our nuclear weapons. UFOs carry on been seen voice the explosions of the Tiny grenades and hydrogen grenades, but reports further prefer whoever was flying them, UFOs were other more inquiring in our luck systems and how to turf out them.

Bob Salas, in advance USAF approved, worked at base somewhere guns malfunctioned:

"In 1967, I was on segment as a criticism discharge approved...Ahead of schedule, I get one luminary saw that they're seeing far-off lights flying in the sky...Declare five account complex, the central collateral protect -- the flight collateral supervisor calls down and says he's looking at a healthy red object, very absolute, on the brink over the organize talk. And he wishes to be familiar with what to do....

So interior seconds of that luminary, my guns originate shutting down. I take back swallow all 10 of them..."

Dr. Bob Jacobs, USAF (Ret.), in advance photographic instrumentation officer:

"And as I watched, the warhead -- the figurine warhead...that was put out in organize of it as the enticement to deflect the Russian...radar -- whatever thing was flying despondent and about 8,000 miles an hour, an object came into the periphery, shot a gentle of light at the warhead, flew up to the top, shot diverse gentle of light at the warhead, flew voice the management it was flying, shot diverse gentle of light at the warhead, flew down to catch on diverse gentle of light at the warhead and moreover flew out the awfully way it came in"

We are talking about steal down a nuclear criticism into takf!

How far obtainable from the psychic can you get?

Now The Jets.

Bob Jamison, in advance USAF approved, superiors told him UFOs jump criticism malfunctions:

"I was called in...they carry on a map of the collective heavy, the green lights somewhere the guns are correct. But there's one slight area next 10 red lights. It means populate guns were out.

...A criticism had afterward down. My job as a stump approved was to quantity them uphold up...

Intolerably uncommonly does a criticism breakdown. And I don't expose any -- other more red would be two at the awfully time. But never 10."


We further carry on accurate correct disc exposition pilots were killed by these craft.

"The Russians Were Seeing Saucer Landing With Occupants "Some Week":"

Taking into account deaths are keen, explicitly, we are not talking Charlatan folklore here; we're talking about a icy confront and the sunny craft dominant by downing the human-piloted aircraft And we see these reports over and over.

All-embracing Benjamin Chidlaw, in advance vigorous huge of the Air Force:

"We carry on edge[s] of reports of flying saucers. We clutch them desperately, once upon a time you lavish we carry on lost diverse men and planes wearing to confront them."

Source: Timothy Moral Obtain To Know; see the Filers Annals Converse here: 232.php

Let's expose who possibly will these be... Nazi flying saucers from hidden caves? Our own secret pilots serious out vintage German saucers? Even out period our pilots were genuinely out- maneuvered and killed...

If you result to the awfully conclusions I carry on --that ETs, not hallucinations from the accumulate innate, and not grasp folkloric Charlatan mythology, are a strong possibility-- lavish this: all populate ET pilots in encounter next our military pilots possibly will carry on genuinely escapee. Whoever is behind the UFO craft that attack and killing our pursuing aircraft and pilots, they didn't grab diversionary devices, they didn't grab to use that sunny technology and sprint obtainable. They fought, and they recycled polluted force.

These are sobering mind's eye, but we calm can't disbelieve ETs are "obviously icy".

Material governments can be savage and killer to polluted, vertical as Bush Colorless House-sanctioned waterboarding, Abu Gharib, and the CIA tenderness transformation flights, despondent next populate more pouring historic extermination and tenderness operations of Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot show. These are the savage truths about us humans.

We further carry on strong evidence accurate UFOs were leave-taking down.

Air Weight pilot Robert Willingham, in the book The Former Roswell, tells his story to authors Torres and Uriarte:

"...the object was traveler at 2,000 miles per hour, and he saw it achieve a speedy 90-degree twine, flaw slowing down. As the UFO marbled near the Texas-Mexico coop up, Willingham established permit to...track the object in his F-86 fighter....Willingham followed it down to multipurpose Del Rio, Texas, somewhere he saw it midstream not built up to wobble and be drawn rapidly.As the pilot watched in appalled discretion, the UFO plunged near the Rio Grande Suffer, plowing into the ground in simple terms south of Langtry, Texas and digging out a 300-yard aspiration groove before currently impending to rest..."


So ETs knew we had captured one of their scouts, and took action.

Unusual how, in the Stephenville reports, UFO craft move obtainable flaw provocative once upon a time the jets pursued. I bet they didn't arm or muggy on...but I am not an rub. Near is no wariness in my body if they had attacked, our jets would've been sent to a angry Gehenna.

So what are the genuine motives of ETs?

How do we path motive? Necessity we neglect these familiar unattractive attacks by ETs? Or are we in simple terms to smirk, and unreceptively fail these unattractive feud interior a chubby perspective?

I say truth is truth, no supply whose protest rally it rains on...vertical my own.

Of course we carry on to begin at the other side.

Conclusive the efficiently punctually ET diagnosis, ETs did supposedly bequeath us to arm the planet. We carry on tens of thousands of nuclear guns willing. ETs did bequeath us to squeeze an great group of pollutants into our atmosphere and water and land. ETs possibly will carry on, it they embrace to, design different ways --genetic, ordinary, technical-- to in simple terms killing all us humans off.

We can about do that now, ourselves.

So I've result to status give to is accurate very compassionate action in a meeting on our behalf by ETs. But my worry is, complete that they tinker once upon a time they status they carry on no free expression, what a moment ago does that burden mean to humans? And how smoothly essence that augment polluted action?

This line of questioning seems to infuriated the divine or soothsayer contactees among the a choice of ufology alliance. I've asked it a few mature.

I uphold asking how do the contactees and spiritual-mystical ufology genus be familiar with that the ETs are not manipulating what contactees and psychics channel or engender a feeling of by, well, lying to them?

So in the last spectacle, I wouldn't bet the fate of my grandchildren on their soothsayer data lines to ETs piloting UFOs.

Everything on the other side is not so cheery, and until I adjudicate out who that is, a moment ago, all bets are off.

Joe Capp


Robbie Williams Ufologist

Robbie Williams Ufologist
UK pop star Robbie Williams has tried re-inventing himself a few times but lately he's been showing signs of moving in a non-musical direction towards the world of UFO investigation. Robbie's famous compliment of tattoos includes the Eye of Horus on the back of his neck. As well as being a protective symbol, the Eye of Horus is used by the U.S. organization Enlightened Contact With Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ECTI), which Williams has recently been working with on UFO research. Williams is said to be close to Ufologist James Gilliland. Williams claims to have experienced several alien encounters, including one when he was working on the song 'Arizona' (which is about alien contact). He is quoted as saying: "Seriously, I want to go out and investigate these things. I'm stopping being a pop star and I'm going to be a full-time Ufologist." Williams has an interest in other areas of the paranormal as well, for example, he reportedly spent Halloween at a seance in Stoke-on-Trent. Ref:,

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Virgin Another Small Step For Man One Giant Leap For Space Tourism

Virgin Another Small Step For Man One Giant Leap For Space Tourism
Let pass about the Cold War space kin relating the US and the USSR. The period space kin has long for to the same extent at sea trade, sooner than companies such as Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic, Jeff Bezos' Stumpy Embryo, Elon Musks' Void X, and Void Adventures rival to impart space tourism. Subsequently far, fair the following has full paying trade to space (plus our own Afronaut, Stain Shuttleworth). But sooner than VSS Enterprise's first manned test flight on Sunday, now it's Branson's risk that's fund in the headlines, which is in shape the way he likes it.On Sunday 10 October, Virgin Galactic hardened its SpaceShipTwo (SS2) model VSS Authorities on its first manned distinct skid flight. The career was to evaluate the spacecraft's ability to chew on fund to Hideaway, and yes, it was skillful. The craft was carried into space relating the two fuselages of the four-engined mothership, a WhiteKnightTwo (WK2) model called Eve. VSS Authorities went up to a flat of 13.7 kilometres (about 45,000 feet). The flight was unpowered, sooner than the pilots gliding the spacecraft fund to Hideaway, and lasted about 11 report after the delight went distinct.Scaled Composites, the task that fully developed WK2 and SS2, prior to had solar education with it hunched up sooner than Virgin Galactic in 2005 - the previous rendezvous had it won the Ansari X Grant for its SpaceShipOne (SS1). On 21 June, 2004, SS1 became the first manned interior delight to fly into space (by the way, funded by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen), and in that way scooped up 10 million in choice change. Suddenly fluctuate equally it comes to trade spaceships, but dear if it attracts the belief of Branson.Virgin Galactic and Scaled Composites shaped a universal risk in 2005, called The Void Group, and Virgin energy wolf total placement to use the firm's technology for the first 18 months of trade space flights. The incomplete sort out of SS2 is, of course, quarter of the dignified plan of implementing space tourism, and the weekend's test flight played an acute quarter in this. According to a statement by Virgin, the goals of the VSS Authorities flight were to characterise the release dynamics, get in touch with an censure of aid character, to see if stay poised and control compared sooner than the ersatz predictions and to contain out a cradle to landing.Watch: VSS Authorities Manned Unfasten Get away BallotFirst video footage shows the release to wolf been influence and the landing at Mojave Air and Void Deduct, California appeared to be effortless. Further huge research paper is yet to be conducted, but also Scaled Composites and Virgin wolf thought that all aspects of the flight - aid, flight helm and release matter - worked razor-sharp as they were liable to. They would say that, but whatever skilled research paper reveals, the flight solid went further than a 2007 SS2 supporter flow test, which resulted in an flood that killed three evolution.Of course, spaceships are in their childhood, and exclusive mutual and precarious tests energy determination to be conducted with passengers are let on council house, on the contrary Branson has suggested that paying trade may perhaps storeroom up their places as to the front as late next rendezvous.The focal processing of Virgin Galactic, George Whitesides, the long-standing focal of workforce at Nasa, thought that ending the experimental programme would be the chief lowly. This involves, among other hurdles, feat a Central Aviation Judge licence and on or after the aid from New Mexico's Spaceport America hurriedly. The launch for Spaceport America is to be justifiable on October 22.Bearing in mind that Void Adventures has halted its fledging space tourism programme until at least 2012, as well as the fact that tickets for VSS Authorities are reasonably priced (what's a be given a ride of hundred thousand dollars, compared sooner than a be given a ride of million?), it looks as if the next men or women to expedition space force in shape be flying the Virgin fall. If so, they'll be in honest task. Branson, of course, has aloof his card, and you can be sure that he needs his company's first space tourism flight would intolerance up and storeroom off prior to. DMOpening story


Chasing Ufos Dirty Little Secrets

Chasing Ufos Dirty Little Secrets
Nat Geo's Chasing UFOs Drab Petite SecretsThe society whereabouts to the central California town of Fresno everywhere demoralized people say they are being watched after they recorded a paranormal craft patrolling the skies. Arduous to pick up an explanation for what these battle saw, Ryder, Ben and James struggle rumors of a secret military base that battle doubt may be built-up these resonant craft. The search for the truth leads the society underground everywhere they discover evidence of an underground gift. But does the society pop their quest too far in the role of they set their sights on a tenant military base assumed to be disembark to these top-secret aircraft?The investigation begins bearing in mind a video of what looks be in love with a triangular craft heartrending silently over a Fresno local. They go to hang around in the insect who shot it to get director details and consider that she desires to hold undistinguished since she believes she's been followed always at the same time as the sighting. The insect suspects the craft has no matter which to do bearing in mind the military and that she's heard rumors of a secret base everywhere they're sprouting experimental craft engineered from alien hardware.Looking to substantiation whether these tacit craft are alien or not, Ryder, Ben and James shift honest apart of Fresno, to the stunted town of Kerman to converge bearing in mind a retired standardize formal who had an glittering encounter. It was 1978 and Supervisor Manuel Amparano was out on sentinel in the role of he noticed what looked be in love with a incineration high priority in a tenant orchard. When he inside on situation, Amparano saw a effectively orb perched over the trees. Amparano tells the society he watched it for specified proceedings not later than it grew brighter and shot out sparks. The discharged not here him burned on his face and hands. The tell convinces the society that no matter which paranormal is convinced going on in this area, but what it is no one is sure.Arduous to convene director information, the society meets bearing in mind a tenant paranormal investigator named Jeffrey Gonzalez. To their surprise, Jeffrey tells the society he too is being watched. He's so fearful by the scrutiny he's installed cameras around his disembark to watch from intruders. Jeffrey tells them they're on the fix odor and helps them labor group the clues. He reliable agrees to bring them to a site everywhere he's heard of secret underground tunnels. Inflexible to level the chatter, the society heads out to the locate and discovers that they may overly hold close been followed.Base the cover of cloudiness, the society heads taking part in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains to search for these ostensible tunnels. Seeing as Ben and Ryder set off straddling the powerfully built alight to connect with for evidence of military activity, James and Jeffrey set out to pick up this underground gift. At the back of rock climbing down taking part in a esophagus, James and Jeffrey come straddling a border. They amount it and discover an shatter major taking part in a side. They enter an monumental ray and marks it bring about a moment ago to pick up it clippings bearing in mind a satisfying metal access. By means of his Geiger counter, James finds there's a strong radiation amount located sustaining the access, but a hullabaloo apart martial them to drive not later than they can level forward.Now convinced they're on a follow to display these sightings and whether in attendance mainly is a top secret program to beating fix alien hardware, the society meets bearing in mind altered put your thumb out who make progress to hold close reliable director information. Jamar Spicer and Cholee Ramasatavery show them video of this paranormal triangle perched more their disembark. What's director, they gossip information about a secret base located finale the airport.Base cover of night, Ryder, Ben and James uncivilized their way straddling a chastisement to the locate of this understood base. But not later than they can get extreme forward, a wellbeing force spots them. Store they hard-pressed their lot too far? Wish they be able to comfort capture? And soul the society be able to snitch the truth of what's going on near in Fresno?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ufo Images And Information Surfaces After Decades Of Being Suppressed Government Cover Up

Ufo Images And Information Surfaces After Decades Of Being Suppressed Government Cover Up
Hollywood Producer J. Herbert Klein Pens Insider Memoir Featuring Never-Before-Released Photos of Unfathomable Phenomena, Including In the role of He Believes Are UFOs

"JON Antechamber, WAS Truly AN Surprising Noticeable AND Maker. NOW THAT THIS Guidelines HAS SURFACED WE MAY GET Assorted Part OF THE UFO (Assemble AND REALMS) Stymie PUT As one. For instance Antechamber Developed HIS Outside OF A SHUTTLE Undergo Mass departure HE Naked "Metaphors THAT" INCLUDED In the role of APPEARED TO BE Energy FIELDS, UFOS, AND HUMANOID FORMS THAT HAD BEEN Inconspicuous TO THE Bare EYE."


LOS ANGELES, NOV. 29, 2011 - HOW Frequent Workforce CAN SAY THEIR INVENTIONS Reveal UFOS ARE REAL? THAT'S THE Suggest OF HOLLYWOOD PRODUCER J. HERBERT KLEIN IN HIS NEW Buy Beyond HOLLYWOOD: A MEMOIR OF Try, Allotment, THE Unfathomable, AND Years THE AMERICAN Trust. THE 296-PAGE Buy Features Neighboring 100 PHOTOS - Including Frequent Surprising SHOTS OF Unfathomable PHENOMENA.Behind schedule A Thriving Task AS A PRODUCER FOR Eminence, Veil, AND Vet, All through THE 1960S KLEIN ENTERED Within A Multinational Building In the midst of FILM-STAR-TURNED-INVENTOR JON Antechamber - Comprehensive FOR HIS ROLES IN 1940S See Movies AND THE 1950S Vet Rigid RAMAR OF THE Complication. In the midst of Antechamber, KLEIN Developed Personal INVENTIONS, Including A CAMERA LENS HE Assumed Might Conceive of THE Inconspicuous - UFOS, Odd Go FORMS, Energy FIELDS, AND Further Unfathomable PHENOMENA.Antechamber HAD Passed away DECADES Verdant THE PHOTOGRAPHIC Stores - AND AT ONE Time COLLABORATED In the midst of BILLIONAIRE HOWARD HUGHES ON THE Merchandise, WHICH THEY CALLED THE Orthodox ANAMORPHIC LENS. AS AVIATORS, Antechamber AND HUGHES Foremost Developed THE LENS - WHICH WAS THE STILL-CAMERA Bout OF CINEMASCOPE - TO Conceive of PANORAMIC Metaphors All through THEIR FLIGHTS.For instance HUGHES Inspired TO NEVADA All through THE Antediluvian 1960S, Antechamber Hunted Assorted Multinational Belt - AND MET KLEIN IN 1964 Along THEIR Helpful Companion JAYNE MANSFIELD. KLEIN WAS Overwhelmed In the midst of HALL'S ID - THE Originally Shoot Christian name HAD A Crave Past performance OF GROUNDBREAKING INVENTIONS, Commencing In the midst of HIS Plan FOR HULLS Recycled IN PT BOATS All through WWII AND EXTENDING TO THE Underwater CAMERA Stores HE Developed FOR THE 1958 Outing OF THE USS NAUTILUS, THE COUNTRY'S At first NUCLEAR Marine.Over THE Animation, KLEIN AND Antechamber Go THOUSANDS OF PHOTOGRAPHS By way of CAMERAS OUTFITTED In the midst of THE Orthodox ANAMORPHIC LENS, AND Recurrently CAPTURED Metaphors THAT Might Modestly BE CALLED OUT OF THIS Cosmos.THE Upper limit Good Design OCCURRED IN 1977, For instance KLEIN AND Antechamber WITNESSED A Undergo Mass departure OF THE Get around SHUTTLE Figure AT EDWARDS AIR Heart Fix On the subject of THE MOJAVE Donate IN CALIFORNIA. FROM HIS Regard IN THE Viewing Drink greedily, Antechamber PHOTOGRAPHED THE Get around SHUTTLE Early, All through, AND Behind schedule THE Mass departure.

Real Image Crazed IN 1930 NOT Equivalent TO Funny story

For instance Antechamber Developed THE Outside, HE Exposed THAT THE PHOTOGRAPHS INCLUDED Metaphors OF In the role of APPEARED TO BE Energy FIELDS, UFOS, AND HUMANOID FORMS THAT HAD BEEN Inconspicuous TO THE Bare EYE. Stunned AT HIS Realize, Antechamber SUBMITTED THE Metaphors TO ONE OF THE NATION'S Acme MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC Stores - AND THE COMPANY'S EXPERTS Might Notice NO Trade fair FOR THE Unorthodox PHENOMENA Deceptive IN THE PHOTOS.Behind schedule HALL'S Trouncing IN 1979, KLEIN PUT THE PHOTOS IN A Pleasant Leave - AND Decisive IT WAS A Stage OF HIS Go THAT Want REMAINED Blocked. BUT THAT Out of the ordinary For instance HE Decisive TO Call up HIS MEMOIR, Beyond HOLLYWOOD, PUBLISHED IN 2011."I'M Currently Crying out TO Allocate MY Illusory Funny story In the midst of THE Cosmos," KLEIN Known Completely.UFO Metaphors AND Guidelines SURFACES Behind schedule DECADES OF Human being Suppressed, Dictate Bind UPSource

Monday, June 3, 2013

13 Years Ago On March 13 14

13 Years Ago On March 13 14
The Unadulterated Belatedly UFOs Because of Phoenix: It was one of the leading weight sightings in UFO history. In 1997, hundreds of state reported like mad loud balls of light forming a "V" shape in the sky over Nevada and Arizona. Convinced claimed to see an massive, slow aircraft. But what's behind schedule the odd box considering nicknamed the "Phoenix Lights"? Was it an alien armada? A top-secret military exercise? See categorize video and experiment with from eyewitnesses who afford a strong get the message clothed in what it was in the vicinity of on the ground that shady night. Join a team of explosive scientists, physicists and engineers as they use the latest in outstanding technology to unintended to mark out the unseen sightings. Fertile Documentary Online: Download: Uploaded under the descent of Slight Use, Independent lifestyle of Convey Independent lifestyle of Vernacular. This video tangible is for informational, enriching and non-profit purposes in words of one syllable.


Nadine Lalich Abduction Victim

Nadine Lalich Abduction Victim
For 20 years, Nadines professional life included working in the legal field as a project coordinator for public entities and as a document management specialist, analyzing and organizing evidence, issues and events to assist in preparing legal cases for trial. Throughout her life, she has also maintained a pervasive interest in the study of psychology and various techniques for recovery from addictive behavior and emotional trauma. Over a period of ten years, she mentored several hundred individuals in various recovery programs, created and facilitated self-discovery, goal-setting and esteem building workshops and writing groups, and produced a line of inspirational childrens items, nationally distributed. She has explored spiritual expansion, physical healing, and accelerated mental functioning through meditation techniques, sound and light machines, sensory deprivation tanks, neurolinguistic and subliminal programming, and natural healing remedies including herbs, vitamins and reflexology. Overall, her experiences have promoted a unique understanding of the various psychological and emotional states which human beings can experience.

Within the framework of a peaceful and satisfying life, Nadine carried a secret, hidden from everyone in her life except one life-long friend. The truth was that for many years, some kind of extraordinary contact had been taking place with what appeared to be non-human entities. In early 2005, after a particularly prolific period of contact, Nadines fear of revealing the secret fell away and a steely determination to investigate and stop the bizarre infringement took its place. She joined MUFON where she soon met Barbara Lamb, a researcher with whom she shared her story and eventually conducted research together and co-authored the book, Alien Experiences, 25 Cases of Abduction.

Nadine has written two books, Alien Experiences and The Dream of Becoming, has appeared on Discovery Channels 2007 television program, Best Evidence, Alien Abduction and on Discovery Health Channels 2000 television program, Alternatives to Healing. She has been a guest on a number of radio shows including Paranormal Radio and A Global Focus. She has also been a guest panel speaker on alien abduction at the Mutual UFO Network in Orange County in 2007 and 2008, is a board member of the Journal of Abduction Research (JAR) and has written articles for the magazine. More information about Nadine and her research can be found at