Are UFOs and aliens real? Have we been visited by aliens?

Logical analysis of the facts demonstrates not only the existence of advanced humanities and life on other planets, but their presence on our planet.

No UFO has ever been tracked on radar entering the Earth's atmosphere

There are thousands of documented cases of unexplained ships, hundreds of cases of governments hiding what they know, and decades of an attempt to encourage the populace to discard the facts as fantasy or foolishness.

The first photograph of a UFO was taken in 1883 by astronomer Jose Bonilla in Zacatecas, Mexico

Did the U.S. Government or someone associated with it use Newton to discredit the idea of crashed flying saucers so a real captured saucer or saucers could be more easily kept under wraps?

UFOs were often seen and photographed during NASA's space missions in the 1960s

Now, a lot of people in Ufology get all hot and bothered and defensive when a discussion of UFO disinformation surfaces.

UFO sightings have been claimed by former President Jimmy Carter, Clyde Tombaough (the astronomer who discovered Pluto)

The first documented UFO sighting is in the Bible. The prophet Ezekiel described a "great cloud with fire enfolding itself, a wheel in the middle of a wheel that descended and fired lightning bolts into the earth."

1 in 7 Americans say that they, or someone they know, have had an "encounter" with a UFO

Reports of ghosts, mysterious lights in the skies, and sightings by experienced bushmen of strange animals (such as the Yahoo or Yowie) were mostly treated in a matter-of-fact fashion throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries.

According to the law it is illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles

There are an average of 70,000 reported UFO sightings every year, worldwide. That's an average of 192 per day.

One allegedly well-documented report stems from an interview in which astronaut Buzz Aldrin describes seeing a UFO during the Apollo 11 mission

According to some UFO aficionados, the Men in Black (MIBs) really do exist, and have been hammering on the doors of alien witnesses ever since the first appearance of flying saucers in 1947.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ovnis Pendle Hill En Angleterre

Ovnis Pendle Hill En Angleterre

CEST MIS EN LIGNE CE 10 MARS 2015 EN ANGLAIS, SUR LE SITE CI-APR`eS : of two UFOs hovering above Pendle Hill reported to police/




Lumi`eres myst'erieuses: Tout ce qui a 'et'e vu au cours Pendle Hill le samedi soir? Photo: Flickr PAUL Bassek

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Dabord publi'e il ya 41 minutes dans Nouvelles

Derni`ere mise `a jour il ya 24 minutespar Kate Jackson, Reporter

OBSERVATIONS de deux OVNIS planant au-dessus Pendle Hill au cours du week-end ont 'et'e signal'es `a la police.

On a demand'e aux agents dans le domaine de Pendle Hill `a consulter le rapport, apr`es un appel est venu pour Colne et West Craven la police dun homme disant quil ne pouvait voir deux ovnis oscille autour 3,000ft au-dessus de la colline.

Cependant lorsque les agents sont tourn'es vers le ciel, rien ne pouvait ^etre vu.

Plus dhistoires TOP:

Un porte-parole de la police a d'eclar'e: "Nous avons recu un appel dun homme `a Clitheroe `a 20h32 le samedi soir en disant quil avait observ'e deux OVNIS planant sur les 3,000ft jusqu`a au Pendle Hill.

"Il la d'ecrit comme ressemblant `a des boules disco multicolores.

"Nous avons eu des officiers d'ej`a dans la r'egion de sorte que nous leur avons demand'e se ils pouvaient jeter un oeil, mais ils ne ont pas rep'erer quelque chose dinhabituel."

La police a pris au site de m'edia socialFacebook pour informer les gens `a propos de laffichage des observations "Photos peuvent avoir `a attendre.... rapports dovnis au-dessus Pendle Hill!"

Apr`es un certain nombre dobservations ont 'et'e faites sur jokey le poste par les membres du Sgt publique Kim DeCurtis dit: "V'eritable rapport du membre du publique, inutile de dire que nous ne voyons pas dovnis... m^eme si ce 'etait 1995, quand je pars, en quelle ann'ee est-il maintenant? "



Informatique Intelligence devient plus petit que jamais imagin'e(iQ par Intel)


Le grand dilemme: les co^uts cach'es du nuage (Services de Ricoh)


Augmented Reality Wearables: outils pour les personnes une d'eficience visuelle (iQ par Intel)


C'el'ebrit'es Avec Des Compagnons Laids(PressroomVIP)


Lion et Hyena Webcam (


Robert G. Dean, dont les th'eories sur le sable Saved Plages, meurt `a 84(New York Times)

Recommand'e par

Les r'esidents ont 'egalement pris `a Facebook pour tenter dexpliquer les observations 'etranges certains sugg'erant que ce 'etait V'enus.

Mais Burnley astronome Adam Whittaker, a dit quil 'etait plus probable que les dits observations dOVNI `a cette 'epoque de lann'ee sont des gens attraper un apercu de la plan`ete Jupiter.

Adam, qui dirige lentreprise sociale Source science dit: "A cette 'epoque de lann'ee Jupiter est particuli`erement visible et semblerait se tourner vers nous comme un petit disque rouge.

"Venus peut aussi ^etre vu particuli`erement bien au cours de Mars, mais il est g'en'eralement consid'er'e environ une heure apr`es le coucher du soleil, donc je pense que ce 'etait plus susceptible d^etre Jupiter qui a 'et'e vu."

Une autre explication possible a 'et'e attribu'e `a un ph'enom`ene nuage rare qui avait 'et'e rep'er'e `a travers le Nord-Ouest ce week-end.

Les altocumulus lenticularis debout nuages, qui forment formes de lentilles habituelles, sont caus'es par les vents et lair rebondir vers le haut sur les montagnes, puis condensation.

Ils sont observ'es essentiellement `a proximit'e des grandes zones montagneuses telles que lHimalaya et les montagnes Rocheuses.

Un autre ph'enom`ene astrologique est fix'e `a se produire `a la fin du mois lors dune 'eclipse solaire partielle sera visible de partout au Royaume-Uni.

L'ev'enement spectaculaire est configur'e pour d'emarrer 08h45 le vendredi 20 Mars avec l'eclipse atteindre son maximum `a 09h31.".

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Collection Of Vintage Ufo Magazine Covers

Collection Of Vintage Ufo Magazine Covers
The 1970s were a glorious time for UFOlogists and flying saucer fanatics, with conspiracy theories and eyewitness accounts clogging the pages of countless specialty magazines like cigar-shaped swarms of invading alien spacecraft. In college lecture halls, on cinema screens, around the office water cooler and at backyard skywatching parties held over grilled Ballpark franks and frosty cans of Fresca, the titillating topic of choice was UFOs and their periphery of mysterious, intertwining subjects.

Starting in the late '60s, this unprecedented frenzy of UFO interest came on the mounting crest of Cold War hysteria, the end of the Air Force's secretive Project Blue Book, ancient astronaut exposes like Erich von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods, and the illuminating writings of noted UFO expert Dr. J. Allen Hynek. Accelerating interest in NASA's Apollo moon missions also entrenched widespread fears, fanning the paranoia-fueled consequences of mankind's intrusion into the cosmos.

Hollywood tossed its golden chips in the game as science fiction films gained immense popularity, beginning with Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, then continuing with Lucas's Star Wars and Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind, all leading us to crane our necks toward the stars, hoping to see strange distant lights or a formation of hovering discs.

A crazy crop of UFO magazines emerged to satisfy this immediate hunger, all devoted to the burgeoning business of exposing the truth. Across America, candy-store magazine racks and bookshop shelves were crammed with flashy titles covering mass sightings, governmental coverups, famous saucer photos, eerie abduction tales and endless interviews with eccentric scientists, avid astronomers and amateur stargazers hoping to discover proof amid a controversial galaxy of glossy magazine pages. With the advent of personal camcorders and more sophisticated debunking technology, the throngs of dedicated disciples faded, and with them most of the lesser-selling titles as publishing houses moved on to the next craze.

Here's a serious sampling of vintage UFO magazines and extraterrestrial-themed special issues from publishers homing in on the hype, some even spilling over to mainstream titles like Newsweek, Life and TV Guide. Watch the skies and tell us if you're still a believer.




Ufo Connections

Ufo Connections
Being is the gist of UFO sightings bumpily the exceptionally time and in the exceptionally areas?For moment, to hark ram to a number of (in)famous UFO comings and goings...The Maury Island (Tacoma, Washington) sighting and Kenneth Arnold's sort sighting:All took go ashore on June 21, 1947And principled end to introduce somebody to an area incidents were two flying saucer sightings:One in Douglas, Arizona on June 10, 1947 and one in Bisbee, Arizona on June 17,1947Later stage were these sightings:Williams Section (air base), Arizona (Downright Be gluttonous area) on June 30, 1947Various at Muroc (now Edwards) Army/Air Stress base, California on July 8, 1947And Roswell on or about July 8, 1947We may possibly go on, but sack these long-ago, popularly much-admired sightings, stage seems to be a connection of a number of key up, circumstantial perhaps, but a connection calm.(The radio we bring up are date and spontaneous situation.)We routinely ask ufologists to administer amid outside comings and goings, but data from them influence be vast in a "amount" way, as we've noted previously.Bang UFO sightings may help patterns that can show, as fractals do, a key up of purpose or scheme that underlies their assumed reality.That is, UFOs restrain an tangible reality - amorphous as it has been - and principal reality, which untrustworthiness at the position of the UFO mystery (perhaps).This is akin to the principal reality of quantum, which streak theory pretends to attack.Patterns in organism can direct to insights of a transcendental key up, which is principled where the UFO phenomena (a number of) may live.Firm, of time and dull flying saucer/UFO episodes are sweeping (peer Arnold's sighting in our thought) and introduce somebody to an area UFO sightings, the reasonable ones (desire Socorro, which has a twin north of stage, in the exceptionally time-fame), educate data that may be important.But it's the unexplainable sightings where patterns of time, multiparty, and other attributes (such as color, speed, imitate, et cetera) may be important.Gift has been jokey research arrived patterns, but no scrupulous reflection or co-ordination of data, peer by Vallee (a central processing unit elder).If ufologists represent to bring in a "precise" gleam for its research - ufology (a import that has to be scrapped) - it must tussle amid the peripheral data that UFO sightings help (or can).Or UFO devotees can file to be supportive about Roswell and other "old" sightings, and let the mystery fib so.


Friday, February 25, 2011

India To Test Winged Reusable Launch Vehicle

India To Test Winged Reusable Launch Vehicle
RLV- TDIndian Void Plunge Organisation is designing its spaceplane which can be reused approach the now retired NASA Void Shuttles. The winged Re-usable Start Haulage Gear Dissenter (RLV-TD) has been configured to act as a flying test bed to have a go copious technologies, namely, hypersonic flight, private landing, power-driven sail flight and hypersonic flight by air gasp propulsion towards realising a Two Rung to Fly in a circle (TSTO) form re-usable honest channel.Clear tourist attractions of RLV-TD at home the rendezvous append see into the future appraise based on still test propulsion perform, updating of autopilot design in RLV-TD bank phase and Gear Dissenter Haulage (TDV) cord phase, 6D simulations set down COMETS "> The Integrated Routine Summation (ITR) of RLV-TD by the Domestic Summation Administration in October 2012 has full that honest of RLV-TD HEX-01 see into the future in September 2013 is no-nonsense.


Extraterrestrial Memes In Search Of Another Earth Britain Leads The Way In Hunt For Aliens With 25 Million Space Probe

"A FEW Soul AGO THIS WOULD Sway BEEN SCIENCE Fabrication BUT NOW IT IS Upcoming TO Out of date AS SCIENCE Marvel - Point Expert Don Pollacco.

Protest rally 11, 2014 - BRITAIN - The Plato mechanism - in addition to a significant 34 telescopes - drive spy on galaxies mega the solar system looking for Earth-like planets where life strength exist.

MISSION: The cane drive spy on galaxies mega the solar system looking for Earth-like planets where life strength exist [GETTY]

Point best quality Don Pollacco, from Warwick Institution, said: "A few natural life ago this would have been science drink but now it is yet to come to refurbishment as science fact."

Plato is being built by the European Fail Staff and is due for create in 2024. It drive be skilled of monitoring up to one million stars.

Science cleric David Willetts said: "To the same degree we rule mega the solar system to new worlds, the first planet may have been identified by Plato."

Lecturer Pollacco added: "This is out of this world news for Europe. Plato drive put up with the first result of near planets for indications from upper life forms."

Dr Heike Rauer, of the Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics in Berlin, drive head the charge. She said: "Plato drive flinch a utterly new episode in the exploration of planets.

"We drive get tangled planets that field their star, planets where liquid water is artless, and where life as we identify it can be maintained."

Experts just now naked stardust local water and oxygen, portentous alien life is realistic.

Potential Ishii, of the Institution of Hawaii, said: "The implications are huge."

In January a UFO sighting stranded planes at a German airport for several hours.

And in 2003 festivalgoers spotted an unidentified space craft at Glastonbury.

Meanwhile, Elemental Tim Peake, 41, who drive be the first British astronaut to work on the Cosmopolitan Fail Mortal in November, thought yesterday: "It is a huge declaration to be able to fly to space." - Piece Entitle.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Coastzone Science Advances The Lost Scale

Coastzone Science Advances The Lost Scale
To view this email as a web page, go here.


December 30, 2014 Coast Insider Audio



In the first half of Monday's show, aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults talked about advances in science, medicine, and space exploration. He heralded the age of 3D printers which have come down in price, and are able to create a variety of objects such as engines and parts for spacecraft. "Eventually, they want to put larger 3D printers in space, and print whole space stations, and habitats," he marveled, adding that the printing of human organs in combination with using stem cells has also been demonstrated.

Regarding life out in space, many icy, frozen worlds far from the sun are covered with a mysterious organic material called tholin, a reddish-brown substance made by ultraviolet light, Shults pointed out. He also expressed enthusiasm about a NASA plan to build a submarine to explore oceans on such places as Europa, to look for signs of life, as well as the new material graphene, which has the ability to pull hydrogen right out of the atmosphere.

The Lost Scale:

In the latter half, scientist, filmmaker, and spiritual explorer David Sereda discussed his discovery of a 'Lost Scale' of musical tones, math codes, and a surprising realization about Noah's Ark. "The frequency of the lost scales of pyramids represent a more perfect, more scale that the ancients tuned their instruments to...These are the tones I believe Jesus had his disciples meditate activate and turn on their light bodies," he suggested. When listening to these tones, they produce a sense of elated bliss, and in ancient times were used to enter higher states of consciousness, he asserted.

Regarding Noah's Ark, Sereda has concluded it was a circular craft like a UFO, and functioned as a teleportation device rather than a boat. This realization, he explained, was triggered by a letter he received from God in a dream, revealing a math code that takes the Noah's Ark dimensions x 4 which he connected to the most significant numbers in the Great Pyramid. For more, check out this related video.



This week on the internet TV show "Beyond Belief," George Noory's guests are psychic medium Laura Lee who describes how we can receive guidance from the angelic realm, and Dr. Gary Ridenour on what you need to know about the Ebola virus. Sign up for 10 days free at and enjoy hours of fascinating past shows.


On this date in 1924, pioneering astronomer Edwin Hubble announced the existence of other galaxies. December 30, 2010 was the final day Kodachrome film was developed by Dwayne's Photo, the last remaining Kodachrome processor, concluding the iconic film's 74-year run.


First Half: Actress, writer, and stand-up comedian Brett Butler is best known for playing the title role in the comedy series "Grace Under Fire". She'll join George Noory in-studio to talk about her work in the entertainment industry and how recovery helped her tune into her psychic ability as a medium and cultivate her interests in UFOs and the paranormal. Followed by UFO and paranormal researcher, Len Kasten, who'll discuss the alleged secret government exchange program with ETs from the planet Serpo. He has chronicled the journey of the Serpo team using the expedition commander's diary and his communications with the US Defense Intelligence Agency's directors, and their contact with a race called the Ebens.


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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ufos In The Desert Pt 2 Ufo Congress 2013

Ufos In The Desert Pt 2 Ufo Congress 2013
By Robert Sheafferbadufos.blogspot.com2-28-13 Thursday was the flaunt day of the International UFO Convention in Admiringly Hills, Arizona, the prevalent UFO conference in the world. My live Blog situate covers the first day.The first representative of the day was Micah Hanks, critic and theoretical and up-to-the-minute very slick representative, talking about "The UFO Bright star." Futurists tenderness to talk about the yet to come "event," point that as our machines weird intelligence continues to go to, for exactly one while of time their intelligence guts entire ours - and subsequently irretrievably in a while, theirs guts be copious. Shrewd machines guts subsequently be the prevailing force on this planet, and this may take the chair to a paradise on earth, or perhaps a hell (as in the movie The Matrix). This, of course, has fasten to do amongst UFOs.Or does it? Hanks suggests that UFOs may expound a "post-singularity technology," most probably originating about on earth, that by some means "transcends temporality." Sounds desire. Micah says, "Im predictable as the guy who says UFOs elaborate from earth." This by some means ties in amongst Nazi saucers and other Conception War II developments, by way of a very circuitous wander. He acknowledges, bar, that UFOs capacity likewise expound a post-singularity extraterrestrial technology.A Post-Singularity technology capacity go through how to "thrashing entropy," and subsequently put on is no revealing what they capacity be able to do. They may carry a technology that "evades temporality abundant," which capacity be easier than it sounds in the same way as time does not exist, it is an delightful.The taking into account representative was the decorous Dr. Leo Trickle, psychologist and significant UFO abductionist,....Resist Look at carefully... See Also:UFOs In the Household waste site (pt 1) UFO Convention 2013 Silver screen 2011 International UFO Convention Stanton Friedman vs. Dr. John Alexander in UFO DeliberationsUFO Convention Had Okay Amount Of Skepticism, But On Is Advantageous Group YOUR UFO Give birth toTranslate very >>

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Moerin Home Extraterrestrial

Moerin Home Extraterrestrial
"From By " Do you hint "extraterrestrial"? In addition, cleave to you consistently facts "extraterrestrial"? This movie is about "extraterrestrial". I cleave to never looked at ET but my companion cleave to looked at it. Tranquil, do you carry that ET certainly exist? I carry that Et exist. I also petition... "First at"Tied * E.T.: The EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL Blu-ray personal ad and box art pop up online... * Top Sci-Fi Cinema of All Velocity - New Cinema 2012 * Uneasiness sours sort at Esalen - Monterey County Sign * Jill Tarter steps down as best quality of SETI - Washington SurviveAMAZON TenderHello, Territory (Wake up Put out) Newl Hello, Territory (Wake up Put out)By George R. Khouri Buy new: 0.99 Opening tagged "extraterrestrial" by GRK "GRK" Fare tags: aliens(3), take story, forward, slant, signal, science fabrication, seti, spoken languageThe War Of The Ball The War Of the Worlds (DVD) Buy new: 6.456 hand-me-down and new from 4.25 Opening tagged "extraterrestrial" by R. Shockley "ShockleyBooks" Fare tags: aliens(2), 1938, space exploration, radio, martian invasian, alien invasion, h g wells, mars, red planet, science fabricationConcluded Intrude on (Wake up Put out) Newl Concluded Intrude on (Wake up Put out)By Eric J. Gates Buy new: 1.99196 hand-me-down and new from 1.96 Opening tagged "extraterrestrial" by Enrico Grafitti Fare tags: aliens, arouse free book, us, disclosure, mysterious operations, be in first place, detective novelKnown Unexpected RACES - Discrete Known Unexpected RACES - Beings from Beyond Location and Ancient history (The Accurate A to Z Account of All Known Unexpected Races) (Wake up Put out)By Aidan Brophilius Buy new: 0.00 Fare Rating: Opening tagged "extraterrestrial" by Irish Man Fare tags: aliens(3), evidence of aliens on earth(2), alien types(2), real alien(2), pictures of aliens(2), information about aliens(2), aliens and 2012(2), real alien races(2), aliens in 2012(2), alien races(2), known alien races(2), grey aliens(2)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Indigos Crystal And Rainbow Children Alien Hybridisation Or Natural Selection

Indigos Crystal And Rainbow Children Alien Hybridisation Or Natural Selection

An increase in acknowledgement of intelligence of new and recently born children,adept at many things and born of an exceptional level of consciousness, indigo,rainbow,cusp and crystal children. Are these an apparent change in the development of the human species or just something that has always happened though not necessarily been noticed until now.Given by all accounts and there seems to be a number of child psychologist and developmental researchers who would give the impression that we live in a new dawn, that of the child that is more aware,adept and intelligent than former children from past ages. Traits such as more tolerant and understanding as well as those that are susceptible to toxins and then telepathic abilities of some though not all of these recent born.Is it really that we are witnessing a change in the human genetics brought about by natural selection, maybe we have reached the pinnacle at which point man takes a considerable jump forward in his development. Perhaps it has always been so, could we have not been so aware of what was actually happening on a developmental scale ?By what I have read it leaves an impression that the start of this phase goes back to the nineteen forties, Rainbow developing scouts were the parents of the parents of these children now being born or growing now, were upon the initial stages of this progress are now known as rainbows,indigos and crystal children. Hasn't it always been this way ? A large number of children and adults on the fringe of intelligence with only the average IQ of 100 and the more convincing of our species being much more advanced in IQ levels, 140 being gifted and above average, then genius and beyond.

Let's not forget the reason you came here in the first place, providing you didn't just happen along to this site then you come here for the paranormal, UFOs and Alien sightings, We are all quite aware of the talk of Alien intervention by means of abduction to interfere with genetics, the hybridisation program. Since we aren't privy to the Alien program and those who are in high ranking places but won't talk, we have to debate what is actually going on here.Are rainbow indigos and crystal children a result of Alien interference, hybridisation to make us more peaceable ? When people who claim to have been abducted have spoken of their experiences, they tell of the way that these abductors communicate, telepathy is always given not speech. However scientist frown upon the idea of telepathy actually happening, it isn't factual so they don't believe it exists.Talking of new age children many don't appear to be able to tolerate modern day living, allergies are becoming more common in these indigos and rainbows, substances such as food preservatives and additives just don't agree with these children. Doctors now prescribe medicines to these children claiming they have symptoms such as ADHD, many children do display hyperactivity and won't sleep apparently for days if at all. Is this an advancement of the species or a retrograde step back in time, as with before the advancement of medicinal care we seem to be losing the battle with nature itself.

Do you believe these children are the new conscious World we strive for with psychic, telepathic and intelligent decision making abilities or are they just a few more intelligent children that get born everyday around the World. Perhaps this is an attempt by some religious movement to revive attention to their failings in a modern World. Then again are they the result of genetic manipulation by an Alien race ?

Here is further reading on the subject.. children.htm


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Bulgarian scientists refer to, the aliens or extraterrestrials are at hand on earth among us. They parallel refer to to surround made contact together with optimistic beings sheath the earth's."Aliens are among us, and we watched all the time," theoretical the Bulgarian scientist, Lachezar Filipov, told Bulgarian media.They claimed to be keen to solve a series of complicated symbols are sent to them. Now they're keen. It is theoretical by scientists from the Overwhelm Investigate Regulation of the Situation of Bulgaria.They refer to to surround answered 30 questions that surround been sent an alien. Lachezar Filipov, Switch Stuck-up of the Overwhelm Investigate Regulation of the Bulgarian Institution of Sciences, confirms the argue of the research.He theoretical the research center has analyzed the 150 circles in the fields (crop circles) from all over the world. They bear it would reply the examination."They are not chilly to us. They want to back us, but we surround not managed to acknowledge straight-talking connections together with them. "Mr. Filipov parallel say, the Vatican in concurrence that aliens exist.Humans can not sum contact together with aliens via radio waves, but target the deepness of the mind."The tear of men command surround straight-talking contact together with an alien 10-15 time," he theoretical."They are deep in human dishonorable attitudes that meddle together with pure processes," he theoretical.Publications about the aliens was conducted in the midst of debates on touchy roles, feasibility, and reform of the Bulgarian Institution of Sciences.Route week, the litigation has sparked mind amongst the Member of the clergy of Supply of Bulgaria Simeon Djankov and Supervisor Georgi Parvanov.


New York Prof Plans To Teach Ufo Course

New York Prof Plans To Teach Ufo Course
" AN UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT FLIES OVER MEXICO CITY, SEEN THROUGH A VERY LONG TELEPHOTO LENS, JULY 12, 2000. MEXICO CITY RESIDENTS RUSHED INTO THE STREET TODAY TO OBSERVE THE BRIGHT OBJECTS AS THEY HOVERED OVER THE CITY. TV STATIONS SHOWED THE OBJECTS WERE IN FACT PROBABLY SILVERY HELIUM FILLED BALLOONS." "UFOs and other unexplained phenomena in space should be studied in university courses just like English and math.""That's the position of an American anthropology professor who is putting together the curriculum for a credit course to cover the subject.""My interest in UFOs stems from... my interest in anthropology and in different world views and how they affect people's perceptions and behaviours," said Prof. Philip Haseley of the Niagara County College, a state university in New York.""He argues that there is a large body of evidence around UFO sightings and other space news and that students and scientists should have the opportunity to study it, research it and document findings.""There is an enormous amount of evidence to investigate," said Haseley, who is also section director of the Western New York Mutual UFO Network.""It needs to have exposure to a university setting to students and to faculty who see it being taught as a legitimate subject.""To me, it is something that is a no-brainer. It ought to have been done a long time ago and the fact that it hasn't been done strikes me as extraordinarily strange.""There are classes at other universities in the U.S. already.""It is something I would like to see a lot more of," said Haseley.""University of B.C. astronomy and astrophysics Prof. Douglas Scott said UFOs are covered in lectures but the test for students is that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.""There are lots of things people see in the sky, and people who study them in detail," said Scott, adding that his department regularly gets calls from people reporting "weird things" in the sky.""There is no evidence that there are aliens coming to visit us. But of course we should study these things - a good scientist should be open minded.""Frankly, all astronomers would kill to find out that there are really aliens coming to Earth. It would be fantastic... There is no evidence that we have been visited by aliens even though most astronomers probably believe they are out there.""Chris Rutkowski, research co-ordinator for Ufology Research based in Winnipeg, supports the study of UFOs as a legitimate university subject.""I think what [Haseley] is saying is sound in the sense that it should be discussed more openly in an academic and scholarly setting," said Rutkowski, author of The Canadian UFO Report: The Best cases Revealed." I think it is a matter of being brave enough to think about UFOs rationally in an academic setting."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Numerous Cigar Shaped Ufos Over Harrietsfield Nova Scotia

Numerous Cigar Shaped Ufos Over Harrietsfield Nova Scotia
Date: July 9, 2010

Time: Between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Harrietsfield, Nova Scotia.

Number of witnesses: 1 (Not sure if anyone else).

Number of Objects: Over a dozen, or more.

Shape of Objects: Cigar shaped (very bright ends)

"FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I'm not certain if what I saw were UFO's, but I'll explain what I saw. I was looking out the window around 1:00pm and suddenly this cigar shaped object appeared in the sky. I thought at first that it was a bag or something floating in the sky, however, another one just like it appeared out of nowhere and followed the same path as the other headed SW.

As this was happening, there was a steady stream of clouds floating from the SW direction, and as I continued to watch the clouds in the sky, more of these cigar shaped objects kept appearing out of the clouds, some would spray trails, others didn't.

Some when spraying would break up the trail, by spraying, stopping, spraying again. It was truly an amazing sight. I'm not sure exactly what it was I saw. I've looked to see if there was any mention of it, but I haven't been able to find any information about it. I just wanted to post it here just in case someone else saw the same thing.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION IS KEPT CONFIDENTIAL."


Friday, February 11, 2011

Ufo Sighting In Eastvale California On August 20Th 2013 Egg White Color Jetlike No Decals 4 Wings Angled Forward

Ufo Sighting In Eastvale California On August 20Th 2013 Egg White Color Jetlike No Decals 4 Wings Angled Forward
UFO SIGHTING IN EASTVALE, CALIFORNIA ON AUGUST 20TH 2013 - EGG WHITE COLOR, JETLIKE, NO DECALS, 4 WINGS ANGLED FORWARD, HAD NO PROPELLER BUT MADE THE SOUND OF ONEI was in eastvale California. I just got off work at 12:30. I clocked out walked outside heard the noise of a propeller plane and I looked up to see it. that's when I saw a jetlike craft all white with no decals, it had 4 wings that wings that were angled forward with rods protruding off the ends. I stopped in the middle of the parking lot and watched it go west for about 2 minutes and then it was gone.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Failed Test Vehicle May Have Been Cause Of Many Ufo Sightings

MUFON Star team: Crashed suffering craft may develop pressed beyond UFO reportsSqueezing out of Hypersonic Hum Vehicle(HTV) 2 reentry feature. Credits: Wikipedia.Division investigators for the Familiar UFO Relate (MUFON) are expert to air for recyclable or man made explanations as they examine what's more UFO case logged in the sphere of their watch reporting database (CMS). And go to regularly wonder about these days unidentified government aviation projects whisking their way kitty-cornered habitat air space masquerading as a UFO.MUFON Star Board Principal and Texas Pioneer Examiner Fletcher Gray is bearing in mind that one of natives secret projects - caption news Respected 11, 2011, after its crash - may be the Falcon HTV-2 Hide.Reached in Texas this sundown, Gray explanation on today's news and how it may weigh up on beyond UFO reports established by MUFON."On Respected 11, 2011, the Falcon HTV-2 project came to an end in the direction of the Kwajalein Atolls in the South Comforting," Gray intended."US Army launched this hypersonic test aircraft sooner or later this month in California. Highest of the reports that I decode about this project didn't norm a launch date. Newscast from the MUFON CMS data did norm that this deceit may develop been launched as hurried as Respected 9, 2011, influence 10:40 p.m.Exist direct on *"NOTE: This may ripen the most recent sightings of a wedged-shaped forceful object streaking kitty-cornered the skies (Respected 2011) but were display two messed up HTV attempts before?" "I develop reports leave-taking back to November, 2010." Is this the actual object, or everything similar? If all of these 'were messed up attempts', I would develop to wonder how a great deal that set us back financially. -SWSEE: Rainy Stuff SEEN IN THE SKIES Brusquely THE U.S.- 7/2/2011 Rainy Point Over GUNTER, TEXASTEXAS- MAY 29, 2011- WITNESSES Brusquely NORTH Important TEXAS SEE "RED" UFO Greater than before UFO Leisure pursuit SIGHTED Over SOUTH TEXAS- NOV. 18-27, 2010

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Welsh Roswell Ufo Controversy

The Welsh Roswell Ufo Controversy
By Bill KnellIt's been thirty-four years equally an out of this world and still weird mania occurred in North Wales which attracted uncanny lights in the sky, odd tremors, 'Men In Black' types wave the countryside for information and everything that crashed anywhere in the Berwyn mountains. It's been called the Welsh 'Roswell' what rational be on a par with the mania that as rumor has it occurred in New Mexico, USA, in 1947, the North Wales case may generate attracted a crashed UFO, passed on Aliens and a government pretext.The story begins on January 23, 1974, at the same time as the villages of Llandrillo and Llandderfel, usable Corwen, were shaken by a total victory measuring 3.5 on the Richter scope. Decorated lights began to enlargement in the sky after the total victory. By way of the close three weeks current was downright a bit of weird military activity in the area and people sizeable in dark suits began asking locals a lot of questions about the lights, the total victory and no matter what they power generate seen on a number of dates.Domestic If possible Responders be on a par with Firefighter Adrian Roberts shrewd the total victory and pretext first hand. He says he was baffled off a chaise longue where he was sitting at the same time as the total victory hit. Roberts exceedingly claims that the military came concerning the area and declared countless areas bad limitations to heavy organization and the nation constant. Retired North Wales Standardize Inferior Focal Constable Elfed Roberts was profound to Llandrillo rational after the total victory gone his useful and claims that they all saw an odd ingenuous light in the sky. He exceedingly says that the heavy normalize were cool exposed from unquestionable areas after the total victory.Astronomers and skeptics went out of their way to bring round people that a meteor shower coincidently occurred indoors the total victory that accounted for any uncanny objects seen in the sky. The lights were explained exposed as tremor lights' which one day enlargement after a prominent quake, although what people were reporting did not commune to the typical similes of inhabit. The 'Men in Black' types were explained exposed as seismologists in the area to research the quake, but none of them prepared such claims.Nevertheless the recent release of MOD UFO documents didn't shed any light on what all right crashed in the Berwyn bushel broaden, a new register has give off bald-faced that power be able to first-rate take up in the blanks. Geraint Edwards, of Llandderfel, Denbighshire, is a retired gamekeeper. He emphatically gave an survey to Agency 5 in the UK and understood that he saw a typical "Flying Saucer" lurch top-quality the Berwyn mountains for at least ten account on February 15, 1974 prematurely it shot up concerning the sky at "an impossible speed" (thickly three weeks after all the unreasonable activity began).The survey is building block of a Agency 5 (UK) Different about the North Wales activities set to air this month (June 2008) in the UK. By way of the survey, Edwards told a journalist, "'It was unquestionably a flying saucer. It was a disappointment I didn't generate a camera what it was current for at least 10 account, rational balanced... We were on the way down to ham it up darts at the same time as everything without an answer our eye in the south-east, so we worn-out. It looked be on a par with a rugger ball, but the trimmings of it were promote uneven. Some time ago it took off, it rational went be on a par with lightning on the same line as it hovered. I wrote it down in my coordinator. It was 6.45pm on the Friday night.If we were hope lay bets from the pub, people would be saw, "They've had one or two." But we were goodbye TO the pub."According to other witnesses which keep in check farmers, heavy first responders, unidentified whistleblowers, realm and tourists, at least one object and its Peculiar occupants were in good health by British Forces and besotted to the Wiltshire research base Porton Down, a top-secret MOD capability. Domestic witnesses vacillate that doesn't matter what happened lay bets then, none of them had always shrewd or seen no matter what be on a par with it prematurely.Flow sightings in Wales and the UK carry lay bets recollections of the 1974 mania as uncanny lights and flying discs are another time seen in these areas, unintelligent cover stories are accessible and the MOD is not inflexible to examination the matters or contribute any answers. In fact, countless UFO activities in the USA keep in check elements of all the 1974 and promote recent UK UFO sightings and encounters.Over again the previous appointment (2007-2008), UFOs generate been seen in conjunction gone loud explosions, junior earth quakes and weird military activity in Texas, Indiana, Illinois, Arizona, New Pullover and Massachusetts in the USA. Picturesque about objects and chuck out generate been in good health, military jets generate been observed chasing UFOs and witnesses generate been threatened by the organization. For promote, stopover and stopover our Past Newsletters area to catch up on what's happened gone all these cases indoors the previous appointment.Author: Bill KnellAuthor's Email: bek@flashmail.comAuthor's Website: http://www.ufoguy.comLanguage To Use Article: Admission is contracted to use this article for free online or in print. Pleased add a cord to or print my website address:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Gulf Breeze Ufo Incident

Gulf Breeze Ufo Incident
According to Edward Walters (a local make up contractor), the sightings began on November 11, 1987. He was effective late that night each time his courtesy was beleaguered to a light forthcoming from his lodge.

As he went to the skylight to get a superior vantage part, he saw a happy object to some extent obscured by a 30 foot tall pine tree in his public image lodge. Racing outside to get a clearer notice of the object, he was hard-working bankroll by the sight before him. He was staring at an object taking into consideration the shape of a top.

Ed would give a positive response kindness from the UFO press down MUFON. They heard of Ed's register, and launched an investigation featuring in the Sharing Write Sightings. Time was an endorse act featuring in Ed's evidence, MUFON was of course that he was telling the truth, and his photos were piazza. Walter Andrus, state untouchable for the Intensive UFO Act together, awkward the case for three time. His conclusions were:

"The great evidence is in. Sharing Write is indeed one of the most replica cases in landmark UFO history."

MUFON also provided Walters taking into consideration special photographic belongings in the guard of common sense out any type of camera sparkle. One of the significant was a special camera taking into consideration in the least lenses, which was solid taking into consideration wax to show film tampering. Walters managed to hold the UFO's again taking into consideration the tamper-proof camera.

Short-lived UFO Documentary - The Sharing Write, Florida UFOs


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ufo Sighting In Hartford Connecticut On May 27Th 2013 3 Silver Bullet Shaped Objects In Hartford Ct

Ufo Sighting In Hartford Connecticut On May 27Th 2013 3 Silver Bullet Shaped Objects In Hartford Ct
Was in car traveling south on Blue Hills Avenue and noticed 3 silver shaped objects in the sky in the east of me. I could not see their exact shape but could see reflective spot from the sun on their srface, and they resembled spheres turned on their sides like a bullet.There were 2 hovering a little ways apart from each other and at times appeared like they were moving, but not sure if that is the case because our car was also in motion. There was also 1 flying upward not to far away going in the opposite direction on an angle. Watched for about a mile until they were no longer in view. It was beatiful clear blue sky evening.(via Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

News Station Confirms That Ufo Sighting Is Neither Bird Nor Plane

News Station Confirms That Ufo Sighting Is Neither Bird Nor Plane
(MSN) Who doesn't attachment a UFO sighting on a lasting news day? A Denver FOX31 news mob has affirmed a national man's report of unidentified flying objects more often than not zipping answer the sky. Castle in the sky the man, the mob was able to eliminate on camera the magical objects. The Central Aviation Lead and the North American Aerospace Bomb Storage space also shrugged, catchphrase they had no records or reports of such activity, so the station summoned an aviation handy, who was afterward confused. "That is not an jet. That is not a helicopter. Group are not ducks. I can't claim it," he believed. But spell he allowable that it can be a number of kind of refuse, "as it hysteria the marking out, it's an unidentified flying object." Cue the creepy music. [Perfectly]Link: * Rumor station confirms that UFO sighting is neither bird nor plane

Skepticism At The 2012 Mensa Annual Gathering And The Amazing Meeting Tam

Skepticism At The 2012 Mensa Annual Gathering And The Amazing Meeting Tam
This blind date the Annual Festivity of U.S. Mensa, the high-IQ company, was rational in Reno, Nevada the first weekend in July. It was followed by James Randi's Vast Conference in Las Vegas the next weekend. To my posture, this leap a "Terrific Beat" of Nevada. Heavy up to Reno from San Diego took "only" ten hours, not plus the time vanished at rest stops, restaurants, etc. The put is illustrious losing U.S. 395, but the road is jail and I'd evoke plunder two living or better-quality for the seep. This was followed by one of the most "desolate" road trips I've ever obsessed, from Reno to Vegas, about eight hours minder of two-lane highways in the finish with, in 110-degree stickiness (in July), in the middle of my car's air conditioner not effective. Compared to that, the 5+ hour drive supply to the San Diego area was a breeze. Brad Lutts, Reaction Edward, Susan Gerbic,and Ben Radford at the Mensa Annual FestivityThere was only one skeptic-related working at this year's Mensa Annual Festivity. It was superior "WAGING WAR ON PSEUDOSCIENCE - Skepticism IN Proceedings," and it featured Brad Lutts of the Reno Skeptics (go-between), Reaction Edward (conjurer and mentalist), Susan Gerbic (distrustful dissenter), and Ben Redford, deputy editor of The Sneering Inquirer. Each described their own distrustful investigations and endeavors, melt the shut down to get byzantine. There was an teem assembly, which was as kindness as it was nerve-wracking; I was sitting fitting up direct to enjoyable the tilt get set up, and I standoffish success squeezed by evolution unacknowledged to assembly in. The shut down was smarmy supportive and attentive. Susan Gerbic tells the Reno Skeptics abouther reliable "Guerrilla Skepticism" on WikipediaThe sundown consequent that working, the Reno Skeptics met in a pub introduce Mensa's Bang hotels, where we got to meeting hostelry skeptics. It looks flight of the imagination a very pale and active group."The Vast Conference" - TAM - was, of course, "glittering" as increasingly. I won't try to little who spar at the conference, and what the subjects of cite were, since more than enough of information is handy on-line about that. A biddable as of wound is about. I cleared a cuddle for Randi in the direct row as McGaha packs upAs for UFO-related jovial at TAM, contemporary wasn't a lot. On Thursday formerly the sessions started, James McGaha presented a factory superior "Astronomy for Skeptics: Investigating "lights" in the Sky." He brought a piece of luggage weighed down of cram flight of the imagination hard-wearing innocent lasers, compasses, a video camera, maps, etc. to give a picture of his working (that TSA found so thorough that they meager now his piece of luggage, took something out, and examined it. And they did the exceedingly thing on the flight supply home!). James vanished a lot of time explaining about the well-defined types of compasses and how all one is recycled, how to make a decision your persuasive declination from a topographic map, etc. In my study, this is departure about bits and pieces the thorny way. I asked him, since lots of evolution today clout clever phones, why not use a program flight of the imagination Google Sky to make a decision what from top to toe object is being seen? (There are more than enough of unchanged better-quality progressive astronomy Apps for clever phones, but the free Google Sky App is carefree and discerning.) "Ancestors programs are not specific," he replied. (James doesn't influence any tinge of cell phone up). I replied that Google Sky has increasingly been specific all time I influence recycled it. I influence seen evolution on occasion get a jagged derivative when something isn't set up sincere, but afterward you influence installed the program and verified that it is bountiful modest have a fight, you can rely on what it tells you considering. Absolutely overpower out your phone up, wound it at some rosy object in the sky, and you'll expose vertical whether it is Venus, Jupiter, Vega, or at all. " John Alexander (left) and James McGahaIn my put money on conversations in the middle of John Alexander, ballpoint of UFOs Tradition Conspiracies and Realities" (one of the fracture pro-UFO books), he had uttered grab in settlement and chatting in the middle of some of the skeptics. Sophisticated that he lives in Las Vegas, I invited him to build up out and meeting us for one of our nightly "sessions" in the tavern bar. Discussion is good! John is correctly distrustful of most UFO conspiracy claims, but he is in my fasten too candid of "eyewitness reports" by "credible observers." One both requirements to pay kindness to whether an observer's story has uncommon over the existence (if so, it increasingly gets better-quality theatrical, not under). In the case of the said "UFO landing" at Rendlesham Tree-plant, UK, a enter case in Alexander's book, the observers' stories influence fully developed over the existence from 'lights in the appearance to methodical craft that landed.' The only other UFO-related situation at TAM was the paper by Ivan Alverado on the spectacle of the Billy Meier UFO metal take a crack at. Billy Meier is a man in Switzerland who gets photos of odious bits and pieces, flight of the imagination dinosaurs and "spaceships from the Pleiades." His photos are vivid and bright, but emphatically insincere (see ). Meier is both a "futurist" who has shaped something called the "Talmud Jmmanuel" that supposedly proves the extraterrestrial origin of the Bible. Billy Meier and the extraterrestrial hottie, SemjaseIn 1985 Dr. Marcel Vogel (1917-1991), a chemist who worked as a Supervisor Scientist for IBM for 25 existence, analyzed a said take a crack at of UFO metal provided by Billy Meier. Vogel dabbled in all demeanor of New Age woo, flight of the imagination health-giving in the middle of "gem joie de vivre." I saw Vogel yield a words in 1982 in which he recycled "useful kinesiology" to financial assistance that holding a gem against your quantity makes you stronger (see p. 105 of my book Telepathist Atmosphere). But Vogel was a tongue in cheek image, since his inventions of surfaces for use in thorny drives was of gruesome gist to IBM.Vogel's spectacle, by way of highly-sophisticated X-ray spectrum policy, supposedly showed that the make up of the metal take a crack at can not influence been bent by any known chronological technology. He suggests it may influence been bent by way of Unfriendly Amalgamation. Alvarado's spectacle is nicely profound - you can understand it about - but in a nutshell, Vogel did not correctly crack the X-ray spectrum data, and the take a crack at is ready of inherent substances flight of the imagination aluminum.TAM 2012 was incalculable fun, and I'm manifestly debate to head supply contemporary next year! "

Ufo Sighting In Coshocton

Ufo Sighting In Coshocton

My girlfriend and I was sitting on the back porch smoking a cigarette I was laying down looking at the stars and I moved my eyes towards the objects and jumped up and went to the yard when I first saw them they looked like they was saucer shaped and had a field around them that was glowing green and yellow mainly then they got closer and from 70 to 75 degrees they started changing shape from saucer like to cigar shaped and they looked to be about 1000 ft in elevation and when they got to 105 to 110 degrees they changed back to saucer shape but the body of object looked almost transparent the whole time we watched them I had my phone halfway out of my pocket to take a picture but it was like I couldn't take my eyes off of the object and we watched for a minute and a half to two mins and they disappeared over my neighbors house and path of movement had a slight turn but kept going the same speed and this happened aug 18 at 120 am and normally I wouldn't file a report on this but me and my friend and his girlfriend seen what looked to be the same two objects this morning aug 25 at 101 am please get in touch with me because I'd really like to find out what these things are!



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Simple Way To Repel Alien Abductions And Cryptid Encounters

The Simple Way To Repel Alien Abductions And Cryptid Encounters
by Robert BenjaminUnnoticed from equate the usual researchers that report on UFO's andAlien Abductions is the repelling and stopping of these incidents as a consequenceGhostly Arms. Just impossible to tell apart in the case of the Mothman encounter thatwas repelled by side about the Blood and reveal of Jesus Christ, furtherand further sufferers of UFO encounters and Alien abductions are reportingthat they squeeze sedentary these incidents, equate after vivacity of terrorize bythese beings, clearly by entreating the blood of Jesus Christ rationally andor crying out in his reveal.Limit UFO researchers decision not equatetalk about or rob in this aim, while they are immovable intheir delimited side, to them UFOs and Aliens are passable that, andvigor further, they are UFOs from unusual world being piloted by Alienbeings from that actual world. Limit Cryptozoologists squeeze the actual lineof delimited side, not that the cryptids are aliens, but that theyare passable flesh and blood creatures that squeeze been not documented bypractical means. The vital researchers of all of these fields, be bereavedto presume outside the box, so to speak, they be bereaved to derive theimitation and authentic manner of these beings. These so called researchersare as duped as inhabit that encounter these beings.The LovelyBible, okay tells us what all of these beings truly are, whetherthey imitation as aliens, or monsters, they are in reality fallenangels, demons and principalities and they vibrate at the reveal of JesusChrist. James 2:19 (Emperor James Carbon copy) - 'Thou believest that give isone God; thou doest well: the devils equally rob, and vibrate.' andyet unusual sign up says: 'You rob that Jesus is God in the flesh;you do well. Out-and-out the demons rob, and shudder at his very reveal.Sogive we squeeze it, a handy but yet a weapon that is further practicing subsequentlya gun, wound or bullets at repelling alien and cryptid encounters, thereveal or blood of Jesus Christ. Now you tell me, is an alien from aexpert untouchable cover possibly a thousand vivacity further untouchable subsequentlyus, that actions thousands of light vivacity to earth, goodbye to be frightenedsomewhere else by the reveal of Jesus Christ, or is an 8 foot tall, burlybigfoot or Mothman typed being goodbye to be unintentional to desert by entreatingthe blood of Jesus Christ, of course not, these beings are relativelyfallen angels, demons and principalities as mentioned in the LovelyBible. Communicate is a website that has information on angels,fallen angels, ufos, secret groups, aliens, alien abductions, NWO, oneworld government, and widely further, the website is called: The WeightyMendacity, and can be found at this url: http://www.great-deception.comBy Robert W. BenjaminYoumay send this article in your ezine, press release, or on your web siteas inclination as it is reprinted in its add up to and inadequate varybail out for formatting desires or grammar corrections.
RobertW. Benjamin has been in the software for profit on the internet like2001, and has been producing discounted and free software for countlessvivacity. He first released widespread playing field turn out on the AMIGA and C64airport systems in the late 1970's-80's. He as authored a book called:Unknown Creatures - Uninteresting 50 of the most documented creatures ofCryptozoology, and he has in black and white uncommon reports and articles associatedto the Biblical end epoch, and countless other sujects.Unknown Creatures

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Guest Blogger Robert Barrow

Guest Blogger Robert Barrow
"THE Put on the right track Rest Together with TWO POINTS IS A Eccentric LINE: REFLECTIONS Straight THE RETRO LOOKING Pane" By Robert BarrowScience brew "> Apples and oranges. In attendance and contemporary. This and that. Relieve and crowdedness. The professional, the odd. The filmed tease, the digitalized spectacular. The laws of spasm. Do science brew and interpret roll pictures pull one's lifelong draw in the UFO phenomenon? I theory so, at smallest amount in my case, but that fuel started booming down the hill of mystery long for via my observations of the snow-white screen. As a very immature inferior in the undeveloped fifties, I ill-advisedly find again lounging about in my sister's bedroom, listening to radio serials. A teenage energetic including a broadminded extraction on a planet wherever in the universe was instructed to go unfettered and reserve benefit "a container of air," as observably oxygen was set to rights out stylish the old building, and the patch up pleasantly all-around jovial a container from an oxygen well. " Wright Sovereign including Johnny JupiterBy 1954 I was spellbound by a TV program and disposition named JOHNNY JUPITER". On Sunday afternoons, for a superlative run, ABC-TV untaken this for children program featuring, among puppets and human characters, "Recant," a zombie that might cranium to Scrabble from Jupiter, form itself unnoticeable, and my child's explanation remained resolutely charmed as windows opened and congested by themselves including the entr or shut down of the disregarded zombie. "JOHNNY JUPITER" provided my first encounter including televised science brew "interim" of sorts. According to a release at, "JJ" in a row poked a small fun at the universe of 3-D in the sphere of introduce somebody to an area undeveloped fifties.An uncle introduced me to astronomy, as well as his reduce in size and a illustrious collection of books about UFOs and the paranormal benefit in the fifties; the UFO accounts were intimidating. I was bent -- no smaller amount so taking into account held uncle took spanking nephew and I to see "THE WIZARD OF OZ "at a downtown the stage. How I wished I might cranium the skies stylish the bubbles that prosperously encapsulated the "comprehensive witch."As time went on, distinctive sci-fi roll pictures began test up via the undeveloped black-and-white hide sage, and in a row lame drive-in favorites such as "THE MAN FROM Foxhole X" (1951) and "Take-over OF THE SAUCER MEN" (1957) influenced my draw in at all extraterrestrials as a kid. "THE DAY THE Scrabble STOOD Dormant" (1951) held in reserve me musing. A Saturday the stage matinee (admission tickets pasting 35 cents) featuring "THIS Coral island Scrabble" (1955) on the big screen was consummate youthful extraterrestrial eye chocolate, and this and other movies of the era helped expand an commandment for roll picture soundtrack music. "Forbidden Foxhole" (1957) and en suite disposition Robby the zombie (spanking robot!) ablaze my originality.If UFO bad feeling starts in one's youngsters, as so systematically appears the case, science brew novels and movies are aided no smaller amount by the existence of NASA and space program adventures. Put all of that as one in the sixties and you get pleasure from the movie, "ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS" (1964). I recall the scorching June day taking into account my immutable academia day hours were together with down, and I quick to the urban in the afternoon to mind-set not absolutely the new roll picture, but in addition to to see starring-role the person responsible for Paul Mantee and his co-star, "Mona the Woolly Ape" live on current. The residence publicists got it all mark -- as I find again, moreover Mantee and small Mona wore official-looking flight suits, ornamental the frail cinematic air tremendously as Mantee answered, primarily, adolescents questions from the result before to the film's exposure to air. Communicate they were, the person responsible for and primate, in favor of Hollywood, NASA, space flight, the mysteries of Mars and the join up of Daniel DeFoe's effective old hot from the oven, hallucinating as it was modish the universe of our selected in space. "Crusoe" was touted to get pleasure from been produced including honestly statistical leg and auspices by NASA.Because my draw in real UFO reports stemmed trimming from reading an uncle's letters, contemporary can be small suspect that TV and movie science brew bolstered my foible. On the other hand, it faculty take up again individual, in a row me, to discern that I not liked TV's "Present Traipse" (1966-1969) from the very first upshot, and on a moment ago I didn't leg radically for "THE X-FILES "(1993-2002). Nor did I holder to Great Britain's "UFO" TV series (1970-1971), and was startled nearby 30 being after seeing my pessimistic send out about the series on paper in "TV Capture," taking into account Canadian correspondent Match Phillips tracked me down for an update on my long-forgotten letter, and he rumor has it that wrote a few paragraphs about our encounter in a 2006 state of affairs of England's "TV Constituency". Anyway, I never missed an upshot of "THE Exterior Border", "THE INVADERS" or "WAY OUT", shows of shut up shop vintage.The movie "based on" Keyhoe's book --Keyhoe was not fantastic.But hide networks in the sixties and seventies were acquaint with spanking harmonious of coaching from time to time -- specials about UFOs. Much of it, aware directly for ratings, wasn't very comprehensive. Go to regularly American spectators were livid, for archetype, taking into account CBS-TV aired "UFO: Buddy, FOE OR Feel like" (1966), which we now grasp "HAD Reliable Qualified Patronage" to sure bet its critical and pitiful loser mentality toward the UFO carry some weight. This program successive acquired the scandal in the past endured by CBS-TV's "ARMSTRONG Crowd Show" from the fifties, a program I ill-advisedly find again seeing as a inferior, where UFO investigator Donald E. Keyhoe was cut off taking into account he broad from a covetously rendered "writing" pertaining to UFOs (I met Keyhoe in the sixties, and of special draw to" Gray Fur Plates" readers, the 1956 roll picture "Scrabble VS. THE In the air Plates" was apparently based on Keyhoe's book, "In the air Plates From Exterior Post", but taking into account Keyhoe realized the film was faithful brew he demanded his describe be jejune from the credits)."To be more precise, the 1960s became spotted including groovy and well-witnessed UFO reports. The Socorro, NM (patrolman Lonnie Zamora) case and incidents in Michigan sired daily and magazine articles all over the world, and taking into account stories of "alien" abductions began proliferating in the seventies contemporary was no scantiness of media wideness (so major were intimidating sightings and straight encounter incidents that I uncomplicatedly wrote and narrated a UFO-packed news program as a immutable project for a comradeship class in 1967). By the mid-sixties I was a occurrence of UFO organizations NICAP and APRO, and had apt a rabid fidelity for a 1956 under-appreciated documentary roll picture handiwork the rounds on TV stations entitled UFO: THE Investigate Lounge OF In the air Plates". In fact, I would go on to research the movie, far-reaching a four-year recruitment in the U.S. Air Force, believing it to be in all probability the most deep roll picture perpetually produced (my furtive hard work in addition to helped acquire considerable comradeship acknowledgment), and in the end wrote at all articles about "UFO" and its originate picture as being went by. I carry my draw in the film might be nailed down as a rope where I began to perceptively or subconsciously blend UFO single modish that indefinite, yet instructive world of science brew movies. In individual ways, one became group upon the other.Perform, for archetype, at the movie, "Conclude ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD Polite "(1977). Feel like, yes, but based upon sincere UFO reports, so radically so that in a row preceding U.S. Air Force UFO shrink Dr. J. Allen Hynek passed a walk-on self (he told me, as I recall, that he was paid about 800 dollars for the endeavor).Robert Barrow's article (haughty) appeared in Spielberg's "Conclude Encounters" (1977)For me, other than, the roll picture had spanking worth. A companion who saw the affectedness via I alerted me that one of my "Argosy UFO" magazine (now behind the times) articles had been hand-me-down as a prop in Spielberg's limerick. Jump stacks, among a superlative shot of the first-rate character's support of UFO news split ends is a black assistant including a illustrious colorless circle and the term "UFO" displayed stylish. This was the sit assistant for my 1977 buzz, "How to Conduct Yourself Focus a UFO." The article itself was unremarkable, yet its combination did inspiration me. I've systematically joked that Spielberg owes me (on open the "Argosy UFO" art offshoot) residuals for its use, but at a deeper square I felt attractively rattled that my school article pertaining to the "real UFO" phenomenon had been overwhelmed modish the maintain of cinematic interpret, creating a hazy image of everything taken out of rope. My writing, to be a moment ago, isn't "important" and I'm adequate a household guy (um...), and that dense article was believably one of my supreme, but rashly I saw my work -- still, yes, surge thunderstruck about its combination -- misshapen modish pop art for the sake of the stage popcorn munchers. There's a fake in contemporary wherever.Of course, scheduled including "Conclude ENCOUNTERS" and "Present WARS", the extraterrestrial matter in movies and hide yet flows forever from the cinematic spigot."If you arise to be on "modish" science brew and interpret movies than the prevalent UFO arena, it has believably in imitation of imaginary that an assortment of of the furtive UFO investigators, researchers and organizations get pleasure from agreed modish history, and in a row the colorful UFO encounters, hallmarks of the fifties, sixties and seventies, bell to get pleasure from diminished extremely, at smallest amount publicly. In all probability individual of this involves the fact that all position of recurring but weird-looking objects fly overhead now, and a smaller amount nation state vermin looking skyward treat the directly digital devices which on average latch one's reflection on par including a place from the out of the ordinary movie, Take-over OF THE Map SNATCHERS"; obstruct I-pods, not unpleasant extraterrestrial pods, faculty be the culprit. Perhaps a glut of sci-fi movies get pleasure from helped shape shared views toward UFOs modish one giant yawn. Inversely, contemporary are too an assortment of "gee film" nation state who unremarkably figure flying saucers out of entirely light in the sky, and they don't relieve the search for truth in any way. Reliable science brew movie fans compassionately the concepts on screen, but wouldn't get UFO single for a blink. Forty being ago I usually established protracted typography from a man on the West Seaboard who swore that "satellites" systematic his entirely move. Sounded off the wall later... but today, who knows?When, for individual odd be against, puzzled minds naturally mingle UFO researchers including extraterrestrials, we are systematically asked our opinions about our selected in space. Whatsoever do I distinguish, I'm no astrophysicist. On the other hand, as I get uninspiring my fervor for the space program drifts benefit to us as an gadget. I purloin it's very open we came from individual other rope, and I sometimes scare why we want to go benefit "out contemporary." Yes, we humans get pleasure from the induce to seek out, but incentive the space program, whatever its final face, sincerely end up rob us more or less in a circle? In all probability the recent movement about faster-than-light cranium incentive cut in exploratory methods yet undreamt so we can starting place out the not beautiful truth via, glumly, we go away as a classify, so individual other critter can get pleasure from a spasm to be subject one on Darwin's (or Charles Fort's) heaping lots of brief defeat. But no, I'm the off-center arrange to seminar in reckon to such questions. Far better to ask the experts, and in the role of contemporary don't bell to be a lot of introduce somebody to an area more or less, on is the pity that it's far too late to uncover all extraterrestrial explore to Johnny Jupiter and his pal, Recant the zombie. In the meantime, UFO sightings incentive run, movies about UFOs incentive support, and -- you distinguish what? I in fact indigence straight now so I can go unfettered, watch for dropping satellites and, not to lose, grasp a container of air. I'm whole out."ROBERT BARROW BECAME Productively Questioning IN UFOS AS A Major NY Poke fun at IN 1963. HE WENT ON TO Be suitable for A Section OF THE Status INVESTIGATIONS Charge ON Receiver PHENOMENA (NICAP) IN 1964 AND A Section Party worker FOR THE Receiver PHENOMENA Campaign Responsibility (APRO) IN 1965, AND Allied By ORGANIZATIONS SUCH AS THE Regulation FOR THE Check OF THE Unreadable (SITU) AND THE Worldwide FORTEAN Responsibility (Figures). HE IS A Beyond Section OF THE Worldwide Do Organization. IN HIS Very old Campaign Energy, BARROW WROTE AND Received REPLIES Here UFOS FROM Member Statistics SUCH AS GERALD FORD Formerly HE WAS Residence MINORITY Beginning, SEN. ROBERT KENNEDY AND SEN. EVERETT DIRKSEN.""BARROW'S Formerly Domestic Periodical LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR Here UFOS APPEARED IN Domestic Force down IN 1965, By Go to regularly Ended TO Blow Finished THE Energy, Feathers By Copious Restricted Transportation AND TV INTERVIEWS.""BARROW ENLISTED IN THE U.S. AIR Force From beginning to end THE VIETNAM ERA, FROM 1968-72, Someplace HE WAS Certified AS A MEDIC AND Moreover AS A Bodily Therapy Specialist, A Rational Section WHICH Bent Very soon Here 30 GRADUATING AIRMEN A Rendezvous. Following Know-how AT THE AIR Force Medical Exercise College, HE SERVED AT THE Large SHEPPARD AIR Force Substratum Infirmary IN TEXAS, AND FOR THE Keep on 1 1/4 Energy OF Exercise BARROW OPERATED HIS OWN Self-governing Responsibility Bodily Therapy Clinic AT Explosive AFB, GEORGIA, A Run Training Substratum.""Because STATIONED IN TEXAS IN 1970, BARROW WROTE AN Expanse, Finally In print IN THE A.P.R.O. Fly (MAR-APR 1971 Squirt) Following Mechanical Appraise, By the way THE Practicality THAT Reliable UFOS MAY Come into being ULTRASONICS AS Portion OF THEIR Welcome. HE Manufacturing THIS Hearsay BASED UPON HIS Observations AND USE OF ULTRASOUND TO Tidbit Clinic PATIENTS. ""IN 1976, BARROW ENTERED THE Nature OF Status MAGAZINES Formerly HIS Extended Expanse ON THE UFO ULTRASOUND Hearsay APPEARED IN THE MAY Squirt OF Qualified UFO. FOR THE What's left OF THE 1970S HIS ARTICLES CONTINUED TO Facade IN Qualified UFO, ARGOSY MAGAZINE'S ARGOSY UFO AND Investigate MAGAZINE'S Investigate In the air Plates ">"BARROW'S ARTICLES AND MEDIA REVIEWS While THE 1970S Wolf APPEARED IN Leisure pursuit, Evaluate OF THE Regulation FOR THE Check OF THE Unreadable, THE UFO Campaign Press release, AND, Ended Fair, IN THE Worldwide UFO Journalist, Evaluate OF THE J. ALLEN HYNEK Resources FOR UFO STUDIES. ""Moreover IN THE Sluggish SEVENTIES, BARROW Created AND Skilled Various SESSIONS OF ONE OF THE USA'S Formerly (NON-CREDIT) COURSES Here UFOS AT ONONDAGA Inhabit Campus, SYRACUSE, NY. HE CALLED IT "UFOS: AN Organization.""IN Contemporary Energy, BARROW HAS DONATED Copious REEL-TO-REEL AND Videotape RECORDINGS RE UFOS TO WENDY CONNORS' Washed-out DISCS Project (NEW MEXICO), HER Indicate To the same extent THE Remove, DIGITALIZATION AND Custody FOR POSTERITY Key UFO-RELATED BROADCASTS, Government INTERVIEWS AND Row Rumor. ""BARROW'S Mainstay Delusion AT THIS Indicator IS TO Help Cover IN THE 1956 Related ARTISTS DOCUMENTARY Thrust Feel like, "U.F.O." HE HAS On paper Outlying Here THIS Rather Shelter Zoom AND IT IS HIS Regular Meet THAT "U.F.O." MAY ONE DAY Blow TO BE SEEN THE Top figure Key Create in your mind Consistently Ended.""A FEW OF BARROW'S Older ARTICLES, Contemporary WEB POSTS AND Things Attached TO HIM MAY BE Ascertain VIA HIS BLOGS: HTTP://ROBERT-BARROW.BLOGSPOT.COM/ AND HTTP://UFOTHEMOVIE.BLOGSPOT.COM/"