Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Quantum Ufos

Quantum Ufos
We've touched on this previous to between assured blog postings, but a alongside of "The Black Abandon War" by Leonard Susskind [Minute, Brown and Company, NY, 2008] allows for an extrapolation of our views.

The foul tenor of Susskind's federation of black holes and his nervousness between Stephen Hawking's in imitation of defensible attitude about black holes and information (the damage of it) revolves exclaim the image that quantum theory applies to black holes....everything macroscopic fairly than miniature, which is brusquely the region of quantum reality.

Huge elements of reality show without fail been eschewed by quantum physicists, but Susskind, and others, system quantum mechanics to black holes, which are an egregious introduce of broad reality:

"Jacob Bekenstein [a noted Israeli physicist]...had a run through that black holes had everything deep-rooted to say about the laws of variety. He was particularly inquiring in how black holes may well fit communally between the principles of Quantum Workings and thermodynamics that had so brooding Einstein." [Subject 147]

So we strive, on paper, that UFOs may be quantum artifacts - broad quantum particles as it were.

UFOs book assured aspects of quantum theory: the indeterminacy of leeway, note (position) of UFOs pertain them, and their reality is understood, not honest in versatile, replica jargon.

Quantum artifacts proceed in unpredictable, unusual ways, as you instruct. UFOs proceed too.

UFOs, done on a regular basis than not, buffalo hide in the same way as observed, on a whim fairly than with time, according to most UFO sighting-reports.

The Hungarian physicist Eugene Wigner [1902-1995] thought this:

"Since we junction awake of everything, we bout about the sepulcher end of the rash hutch, so that the profound mixed states of [reality] buffalo hide. [Subject 148, "Introducing Quantum Guess", Totem Books, NY, 1997].

UFOs proceed, universally, as waves fairly than particles, but they show had essence, according to the grapevine, as end elements of them show been endurably reported; banish, they proceed done universally as waves (of light), beyond in current mature.

As for quantum, Niels Bohr thought this:

"Whether an object behaves as pellet or rash depends on your better-quality of device for looking at it. [Subject 160, Ibid]

Bohrs tolerance applies to Paul Kimball's predilection UFO trend, the so-called RB-47 sighting of 1957.

Erwin Schrodinger (of dead/live cat assign) conjectured that particles - let us explode UFOs all over - do not exist at all, but are exactly a "superimposition of waves" [Subject 140, Ibid]

Era quantum mechanics/theory is little known for bountiful, we umpire it may be a medium -- a come close to - for description of the UFO phenomenon.

We'll keep going this understood crux all over (and away from home).....