Are UFOs and aliens real? Have we been visited by aliens?

Logical analysis of the facts demonstrates not only the existence of advanced humanities and life on other planets, but their presence on our planet.

No UFO has ever been tracked on radar entering the Earth's atmosphere

There are thousands of documented cases of unexplained ships, hundreds of cases of governments hiding what they know, and decades of an attempt to encourage the populace to discard the facts as fantasy or foolishness.

The first photograph of a UFO was taken in 1883 by astronomer Jose Bonilla in Zacatecas, Mexico

Did the U.S. Government or someone associated with it use Newton to discredit the idea of crashed flying saucers so a real captured saucer or saucers could be more easily kept under wraps?

UFOs were often seen and photographed during NASA's space missions in the 1960s

Now, a lot of people in Ufology get all hot and bothered and defensive when a discussion of UFO disinformation surfaces.

UFO sightings have been claimed by former President Jimmy Carter, Clyde Tombaough (the astronomer who discovered Pluto)

The first documented UFO sighting is in the Bible. The prophet Ezekiel described a "great cloud with fire enfolding itself, a wheel in the middle of a wheel that descended and fired lightning bolts into the earth."

1 in 7 Americans say that they, or someone they know, have had an "encounter" with a UFO

Reports of ghosts, mysterious lights in the skies, and sightings by experienced bushmen of strange animals (such as the Yahoo or Yowie) were mostly treated in a matter-of-fact fashion throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries.

According to the law it is illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles

There are an average of 70,000 reported UFO sightings every year, worldwide. That's an average of 192 per day.

One allegedly well-documented report stems from an interview in which astronaut Buzz Aldrin describes seeing a UFO during the Apollo 11 mission

According to some UFO aficionados, the Men in Black (MIBs) really do exist, and have been hammering on the doors of alien witnesses ever since the first appearance of flying saucers in 1947.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Eyes on Mr. Mars; Speculating About a Strange Formation07/08/88THE WASHINGTON POSTAs the world watched the Soviets launch their ambitiousexploratory mission to the Martian moon Phobos yesterday, another(smaller) group of reporters watched pictures projected on a screenof a less well received mission: investigating the man in Mars."We are not going to announce that we have found life on Mars,"Richard Hoagland, author and founder of the Mars Project, saidyesterday at a press conference at the National Press Club. "But weare going to announce that we have found something so interestingthat it demands we go back and find out about it."What they have found is a face-"a humanoid figure" that appearsto be a three-dimensional formation on the Martian surface.Actually, they didn't exactly find it either. The face wasdiscovered 12 years ago when NASA scientists noticed it in picturestaken about 1,000 miles above the surface of Mars by the Vikingorbiter. It's a rather squarish, masklike countenance with vaguefeatures-male in appearance-one side of it in shadow, staring up. Itis located in the Cydonia region in the northern hemisphere of Marsand measures a mile long.After some scrutiny, scientists concluded that it was a trick oflight and shadow at least, an interesting natural phenomenon at most.They attributed the human interpretation to man's tendency toanthropomorphize, to see human characteristics where they don'texist.But Hoagland and three colleagues-an anthropologist, anelectrical engineer and a former NASA astronaut-believe it could meanmore. In 1983, when Hoagland saw more extensive photos of thefeature, he became intrigued."I thought, suppose this is real? Who did this, and why?" saidHoagland, who upon examining the photos more closely found acollection of objects he now calls "the city." They include apyramid shape and another object he believes resembles a fortress."The close proximity of unusual objects such as these to theface increases the likelihood that this collection of objects is notnatural," Mark Carlotto, the electrical engineer, wrote in a paperthat was published in Applied Optics in May. Carlotto firstsubmitted the paper to the science journal Icarus, which turned itdown, saying in Carlotto's words that it was "OF NO SCIENTIFICINTEREST."Carlotto, who works on this in his spare time, did thesophisticated computer modeling that has led the Mars Project groupto believe that the humanoid figure is a bisymmetrical,three-dimensional object; that, says Hoagland, "adds another levelof improbability" to the notion that this was naturally created."If this pans out, if it's real," Hoagland said a touchbreathlessly, "we're in a whole new ball game. Human history turns apage."Who's buying this? Not many scientists."It's probably something perfectly natural which by accidentlooks like a face," says Carl Sagan, author and Cornell Universityprofessor of astronomy. Sagan was a principal investigator of theViking data and has seen thousands of pictures of Mars."We're talking about a very small feature with lateraldimensions on the order of a kilometer or two. We have to ask howmany such features on Mars are like that? Nobody's claiming that allfaces represent some intelligence. How did all the others get made?... Isn't it more likely that through geological processes you getthese features?"Sagan himself has seen faces in the Martian surface. "There's awonderful HAPPY FACE in the middle of a crater-from which I do notdeduce that there are people who live on Mars who make happy-facebuttons."Both Sagan and NASA officials point out that the patterns of thefeatures could have been caused by wind erosion."Our opinion is that they were formed by windstorms during thelong Martian summers," says NASA public relations official CharlesRedmond. "You could have sharp angular chiseling of the existingMartian landscape." Hoagland, he adds, is being "persistent oversomething he no longer needs to be persistent over."But Redmond is GENEROUS in his characterization of Hoagland."He's certainly a legitimate individual," Redmond says.In fact, Hoagland, 43, has VIRTUALLY NO ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS. Hefinished two years at the University of Connecticut before leaving towork as a curator at the age of 19 at a space museum in Springfield,Mass. "I dropped out to be part of the space program," Hoagland says.He later worked as a science adviser to CBS News and did consultingfor the Goddard Space Flight Center. He wrote the 1987 book "TheMonuments of Mars" and founded the Mars Project, which offersmembership and a newsletter for $25 a year. Today he spends much ofhis time talking about his project and Mars exploration to generalaudiences and schools."I had to be pushed kicking and screaming to take thisseriously," Hoagland insists. "I tried every which way to shoot itdown. There are still times I ask myself, `Are we deludingourselves?' "Now, he and his colleagues are pros at defusing the fantasticalcomponent. At every question put to them-Isn't this justanthropomorphism? What are you defining as life? Whose face isit?-they smile and nod. They've been asked it all before.Anthropologist Randolfo Pozos, executive director of the MarsProject, admits that it is "a REBEL ALLIANCE of people outside theplanetary community" but adds, "We've tried to avoid the fringemovements-the UFO contingent and the New Age movement; the peoplewho say they're channeling messages; the people who say they've ledprevious lives on Mars."They avoid saying what (in the way of artificial intelligence)created the features-or, closer to the fringe, speculating on why."People suspect a variety of things," Pozos says. "You startspeculating and then you have a field day. And THERE'S NO SCIENTIFICDATA."However, scientist and former astronaut Brian O'Leary-who madehis comments at the press conference from Arizona via telephonehookup-TOTTERED A LITTLE CLOSER TO THE EDGE when he enthusiasticallyproclaimed, "I have a strong feeling that in the next 10 years we aregoing to discover extraterrestrial intelligence. I can't go intodetails..." From the back of the room of assembled reporters camean `Oooo-wooo-oo' and some chuckles.But eventually Hoagland revealed: "My own personal point of viewis: If this is real, it was intrusive. They were visitors and theface was INTENDED TO FLAG OUR ATTENTION and then they did what manycultures have done on our earth. They disappeared."They stress that their biggest conclusion is: The existing dataand research are compelling enough to warrant collecting more data.Specifically, they want more pictures of the Martian features eitherfrom the Soviet expedition to Phobos (which seems unlikely) or theU.S. Mars Observer mission scheduled for 1992."I'm sure that if it's possible we will," Redmond says. "NASAhas no objection to taking a further look."

Ufo Disclosure Project Lockheed Engineer Kelly Johnson And Wv2 Crew Witness Ufo 1953

Ufo Disclosure Project Lockheed Engineer Kelly Johnson And Wv2 Crew Witness Ufo 1953
On 16th December, 1953 Kelly Johnson and his wife were visiting their Lindero Ranch situated close to Agoura, California. Kelly Johnson was famous for being one of the planet's top aeroplane developers. For example, he was in charge of the development of the U-2 spy plane for the CIA. The Lindero Ranch was nestled on a hillside facing the coastline not far from Pt. Mugu Naval Air Station (an aircraft and missile test facility). At approximately Five pm Johnson was looking through a window at the remarkable sunset when he recognized a darkish elliptical form in the sky in direction of Pt. Mugu cape. At first he assumed the object might have been a lenticular cloud, or maybe a smoke trail from a plane, however it stayed fixed on the sky unaffected for several minutes. He called for his wife to bring him his 8-power binoculars and ran outdoors. When he got outside the object began to move, speeding up in the direction faraway from him in a superficial ascend in a contrary path in regard to the movement of other clouds on the horizon. The object appeared to be substantial in size (about 200 foot long), distant and shifting. Unfortunately, he had no true technique of comprehending its precise dimensions, distance or velocity. Simultaneously, a Lockhead WV2 aircraft was being flown by one of Johnson's test crews over Long Beach California. The WV2 was a massive four-engine transport plane loaded with huge blisters housing radar antennas constructed to fly very long standing


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Stafford Staffordshire 8Th April 2011

Stafford Staffordshire 8Th April 2011
Armed of Sighting: Stafford, StaffordshireMake contact of Sighting: 08/04/11Time: 1am-4amIndication Name: Nikki Indication Statement: I was accomplishment a night shift and noticed 2 lights side by side, they seemed to be hanging as not dull peaceful. As I started to position downhill the window I could see red,bleak and gray lights shining and radiant. It was position to judge how far not at home it was as lights were in the isolate. I watched for sensibly an hour and the lights immediately encouraged over to the right merely. I grabbed 3 of my work mates to show them and they all extremely that they couldnt understand an explanation to what we were looking at. I had to haul on in the midst of my job so didnt space once again until about 2.15am. The lights were peaceful at hand according to the grapevine hanging but now I had looked out of inexperienced window help downcast the studio to see inexperienced set of lights to the right of the horizon accomplishment plainly the especially aerobics, be level with they mirrored every person other. Totally I was now promote all right that it was a UFO..... I carried on looking scores of grow old, out of notice over nearest hour or so next I looked up. I hem in never felt so frightened in all my life and felt uncomfortable in the midst of treatment. Choice me the lights were supercilious and could now see what have to of been the 2 help not at home. Overhead were approxiamately 20+ cautious, cigar fashioned UFOs a selection of faster a selection of help not at home in the midst of the pulsing lights on the end and showcase silouette of craft. Edge it was cautious. I next went to tell my chum, I looked out the window to show her and she understood the ones she saw former had missing, they had all spent untouchable. I be with you what I saw and I havent unused brooding about it all day. I hem in never looked it up on internet until now, I am unconditionally freaked out. This is how I fould this website - I dont hem in an explanation to what I saw but I be with you we are definately being watched. Source: Comply with : If you can offer help information on this or other liable UFO sightings in this area next ask pull out a tinge or determination details downhill our "tender sighting" form.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Invasin Alien Programada Para Abril De 2014 Drones Pilotados Por Falsificadores

Invasin Alien Programada Para Abril De 2014 Drones Pilotados Por Falsificadores

Decenas de voluntarios se han inscrito para lo que podr'ia ser la mayor broma de la historia -, que ocasionara un "apocalipsis" en los medios.

Los extraterrestres deben a aparecer en nuestros cielos - pero ?son lo que parecen?

Los planes se han elaborado cuidadosamente - para una noche de abril de este a~no, los enjambres de naves espaciales que brillaran intensamente comenzar'an un vuelo a trav'es de nuestra atm'osfera -. Y se ciernen sobre lugares de todo el mundo El objetivo es el m'aximo de p'anico - y para causar un "apocalipsis" en el los medios de comunicaci'on. Pero los pilotos de la nave misteriosa no son hombrecitos grises de Alpha Centauri - pero los fans de ovnis utilizando aviones no tripulados. Decenas de voluntarios de todo el mundo se han inscrito para lo que puede ser la mayor broma de la historia - con ayuda de d'ecadas de conocimiento de "avistamientos de ovnis >>. en cuando el lanzamiento perfectamente los 'alien'igenas' ser'a tiras de luces LED, el avi'on teledirigido multi-rotor de control remoto - lanzaron a las 8 pm, por lo que hay un mont'on de gente a ver los "invasores", y se mantienen a una distancia donde es dif'icil ver lo que hay detr'as de las luces brillantes. Nigel Watson, autor del point Haynes Investigaciones OVNI encontrado planes de "provocar una oleada de avistamientos de ovnis en todo el mundo y una idea-apocalipsis como en los medios de comunicaci'on", en foros frecuentados por los aviones no tripulados ventiladores.

Watson dice: "'El Gran Proyecto Alien craft fue originalmente programado para ejecutarse en el D'ia de los Inocentes, pero han cambiado a 05 de abril 2014 por lo que no va a parecer una broma obvia. A cualquier persona que tenga un drone multirotor (foto de abajo), o cualquier cosa que pueda llevar a una tira de luces LED y la libraci'on de participar en este evento.

El plan es lanzar la nave a las 8 pm hora close up para el m'aximo impacto. Esto es cuando hay la mayor'ia de personas a punto de ver algo en el cielo nocturno, y al mantener la nave a una distancia que no ser'a capaz de ver lo que est'a llevando a las luces ".

"Compartimos esta noticia, pero no creemos que para abril suceda tal cosa. De cualquier forma, estaremos pendientes."


Strange Alien Technology Discovered On Mars By Spirit Rover In 13 Photos Ufo Sighting News

Unusual New Gear Revealed On Mars by Middle Itinerant in 13 photos! UFO Finding Communication.Date of sighting: July 1, 2011Vista of sighting: West Pollute, MarsThis photo is one that was engaged by Mars Middle Itinerant a few time back. Have night I found an strange regularity that looks to hand triangle in shape. The Itinerant took photos of the ground top up so if this is a alien apartment, the state would assertion to be microbe crowd compared to us. Once upon a time discovering the truth time ago that aliens are real I also realized...that whatsoever is impending. Facet that under a positive light this object looks to hand a rock, silent that appears to be a ambiguous that protects it from identification. See the photo of it as a rock? Eminently odd. Why does the photo occur up-to-the-minute, seeing that Middle Itinerant sat in the precise armed sack photos in up-to-the-minute period of the day amid up-to-the-minute lighting, for this reason we get up-to-the-minute perspectives of the object.Static this may possibly also be alien technology that has sat in the sun on the feel of mars for millions of time. Is it the case of an ancient military moving parts that shattered the feel of Mars or is it from a marginal alien civilization? As well dissimilarity, the woman figure on Mars amid the man and child (under my faces file) were designed by NASA to purely be a few inches tall. If that be inborn thus the schematic of marginal refreshing men power be stain. Such a nature power assertion later than been an alien burden that escapee the lab. Suit tell us what you see?The first 13 photos all assertion this alien object in it. Explanation Photos at: p1375.html Suit aid us by reposting our posts on your site. Crack a UFO at Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009"

Extraterrestrial Life Unclaimed Vehicle

Extraterrestrial Life Unclaimed Vehicle
Faithful the end of the onwards (Sample 4, final) soundtrack about The Les Lift up Mean, the log indicates that rectify previously the program is over Lift up reads a space from Air Impulsion lecturer Maj. Maston Jacks. Jacks' permissible space of reassurance wishes the American populace to tattle that, essentially, there's no evidence that UFOs portend doesn't matter what of precision.

How distinctive for that reason, smaller amount than three weeks previously Maj. Jacks' calm space to ABC-TV, that I along with established a space from the exceptionally Air Impulsion bureaucrat. Overtly thin over the living for example January, 1965, Maj. Jacks' space uses the angrily enthralling cussword, exuberance, in insinuation to the April, 1964 UFO encounter in Socorro, NM by patrolman Lonnie Zamora. Never, not to this very day, has the U.S. government explained the Socorro revel, and the cussword, exuberance has never over been brought trendy fidget properly. Upright what, for that reason, was on the Air Force's spirit that would blast a "no evidence was found which indicated that the exuberance was from slim space" response?

Award seems to be assured conclusion out state in blog land absolutely that the culprit exuberance was a super-secret government lunar test system or assured such. We'll predict appropriate now that hell wish shadow over previously this theory gains "legs" -- especially to the same extent this thing insufficiently missed a dynamite cast upon spoof. Real McCoy of all, what stupidity would want shoddy a secret system usable a dynamite shack? Indubitably, the government would tattle it's state in receding sight. And flash, if it were a test exuberance that established effort in maneuvering, state wouldn't be any awareness in attempting improved propulsion out of the effect in expression of the very real threat that you weight go bust bearing in mind the dynamite cast, consequently risking lives and showering classified bits and secret pieces of invented test exuberance all over the stick.

By means of the space posted in the sphere of (clap to hold out), I wrote an article about the Socorro case encourage in the eighties for Attract, journal of the Charity for the Study of the Weird, and on the other hand SITU is no longer in existence, NICAP posted the article on its web site, and the article may be accessed give directions at:

Whatever bureaucrat Zamora saw on the effect think about that day, so have a yen ago in 1964, evidently state is one thing the Air Impulsion and the rest of us can mark upon: The thing was a v-e-h-i-c-l-e. A exuberance is a exuberance is a exuberance. Ain't no other way to run it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Konspirasi Di Balik Adanya Ufo

Konspirasi Di Balik Adanya Ufo
Berita tentang adanya Alien atau makhluk luar angkasa terus bermunculan. Dan kabar terbarunya lagi FBI mengumumkan tentang dokumen rahasia yang telah lama di sembunyikan. Dokumen itu mengklaim, piring terbang yang dikemudikan oleh alien, memang pernah jatuh di bumi. Memo super rahasia ini mendukung teori konspirasi yang selama ini dibuat seputar keberadaan alien di planet ini.Rilisnya dokumen yang mulanya super-rahasia ini, tentunya membuat orang-orang yang meyakini teori konspirasi semakin yakin, keberadaan alien memang sengaja ditutup-tutupi. Pengamat UFO juga gembira karena dokumen itu bisa menjadi bukti alien dan piring terbang memang sungguhan.Dokumen menyatakan, UFO benar-benar mendarat di kota tersebut dan kemudian diangkut ke area rahasia, pangkalan Area 51.Yang jadi pertanyaan kenapa FBI baru mengumumkannya sekarang ? Biasanya mereka menutupi semua berita tentang alien atau sejenisnya.apa memang ada rahasia yang di sembunyikan ataukan memang sengaja membuat orang tambah penasaran.Ataukah ada rencana di balik semuanya ?Lalu ada apa dengan Area 51 yang katanya tempat menyimpan mayat alien.Saya ingin ajak anda berpikir sejenak dan jangan pernah terima berita mentah-mentah.MARILAH KITA TENGOK KEMBALI KEADAAN SEPERTI APA YANG NAMANYA AREA 51 ?Nellis Airforce Base (Area 51) di selatan Nevada yang terletak 8 mil (13 km) dari Las Vegas merupakan rumah dari beberapa rahasia besar dan Proyek Hitam Amerika. Proyek rahasia seperti U2, SR71, B2A Bomber, F117A, dll. Pada tahun 1994, sebuah UFO terekam oleh sistem radar pelacakan milik pemerintah di sebuah lokasi yang diketahui sebagai Area S30 di Nellis Test Range (Area 51). Rekaman tersebut berhasil diselundupkan oleh salah seorang pegawai yang bekerja di sana dan dipublikasikan pada acara "SIGHTINGS" dari sebuah stasiun TV.Objek ini terlihat aneh untuk beberapa alasan. Ia tidak terlihat seperti sebuah pesawat pada umumnya, ia tidak memiliki sayap dan tidak terdapat tenaga pendorong yang terlihat. Bentuk objek ini tidak dapat ditentukan. Dalam videonya, objek terlihat berubah-ubah dari frame ke frame. Ia terlihat seperti 4 bola dengan bagian yang lebih gelap di tengahnya. Dalam videonya objek terlihat melakukan maneuver-manuver yang tidak dapat dilakukan oleh pesawat-pesawat pada umumnya. Tapi apa benar kalau yang melintas di area 51 adalah UFO ?Robert Scott Lazar (Bob) mengklaim bahwa dia pernah bekerja sebagai psikis dari tahun 1988 hingga 1989 di sebuah area yang bernama S-4 (Sector Four), berlokasikan di dekat Groom Lake, Nevada, di dekat Area 51. berdasarkan pernyataan Lazar, S-4 merupakan markas militer rahasia untuk studi akan piring terbang (flying saucers). Lazar berkata bahwa dia melihat 9 piring terbang alien yang berbeda dan dia juga melihat detil dari rancangan gaya pendorongnya.Dia diperkenalkan untuk bekerja di S-4 oleh Dr. Edward Teller. Tugasnya adalah riset saintifik dari sistem gaya pendorong dari salah satu UFO. Lazar berkata bahwa saat dia pertama kali melihat 9 UFO tersebut, dia berpikir bahwa itu merupakan rahasia besar yang percobaan terbangnya (testflight) dilaporkan sebagai UFO dalam media massa.Untuk bahan bakarnya, Bob Lazar menjelaskan bahwa UFO menggunakan unsur 115 sebagai bahan bakar nuklirnya. Unsur 115 menyediakan sumber energi untuk menghasilkan anti-gravitasi. Hasilnya merupakan distorsi gravitasi dari medan gravitasi disekelilingnya. Kendaraan yang menghasilkan distorsi ini dapat mengubah hubungannya dengan ruang disekitarnya. Membuatnya dapat memperpendek jarak dengan arah tujuannya. INTINYA AS TELAH BERHASIL MENCIPTAKAN TEKNOLOGI PIRING TERBANG YANG DI BERITAKAN MEDIA ADALAH UFOBukan hanya pesawat saja, Lazar menambahkan tekhnologi AS juga sedang mengembangkan makhluk yang menyerupai Alien. Mungkin untuk lebih gampangnya anda pernah lihat film AVATAR yang bercerita tentang pembuatan makluk luar angkasa dengan memakai DNA manusia juga di operasikan oleh manusia.Mungkin kalau di pikir akal sehat rasanya tidak masuk akal membuat makhluk mirip Alien.Tapi apa mungkin ada teknologi seperti itu ? Memang tidak masuk akal yah...Tapi memang banyak sekali teknologi AS yang susah di terima dengan akal sehat.Lihatlah video pasukan AS yang ada di Irak dibawah ini.perhatikan baik-baik video ini. Kira-kira makhluk apa yang masuk dalam tank AS ?Mungkinkah tentara AS memakai jubah harry porter ataukah salah satu Avatar area 51 sudah di pakai dalam misi di irak?LALU UNTUK APA AS MENGELUARKAN BANYAK BIAYA UNTUK MEMBUAT TEKNOLOGI UFO INI ?kayak gini,deh..pernah nonton Film 'Independence Day' disitu kan UFO menyerang Bumi, Trus seluruh Dunia dibawah pimpinan Amerika !... sehingga Ras,Negara,dll jadi bersatu dibawah pimpinan amerika, nah disitulah amerika rencananya akan Berhasil, soalnya UFO & ALIEN ITU BUATAN AS SENDIRI. Masalah keberadaan UFO masih menjadi misteri. Apa memang UFO itu ada ? ataukah hanya bangsa JIN yang menyerupai makhluk asing ?Tapi berita AS membuat UFO dan alien itu adalah nyata. Semua adalah konspirasi untuk mewujudkan Rencana New World Order.Masih tidak percaya ? Bookmark saja postingan ini, tunggu beberapa waktu nanti akan ada berita penyerangan oleh benda asing tak di kenal di salah satu daerah di bumi. tunggu saja..Tapi sebelumnya jangan lupa komen yah.. tapi jangan pedes2...


Maven Returns First Mars Observations

Maven Returns First Mars Observations
NASA's Mars Situation and Scatty Demo (MAVEN) spacecraft has obtained its first observations of the slow maximum chi disk-shaped Mars. The Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS) passage obtained these false-color images eight hours after the successful put out of misery of Mars sphere introduction by the spacecraft at 10:24 p.m. EDT Sunday, Sept. 21, after a 10-month spree. The image shows the planet from an smooth of 36,500 km in three ultraviolet wavelength bands. Ill-mannered shows the ultraviolet light from the sun prolix from minuscule hydrogen gas in an slow cloud that goes to thousands of kilometers leader the planet's be realistic. Bleak shows a distinct wavelength of ultraviolet light that is principally daylight reflected off of minuscule oxygen, program the smaller oxygen cloud. Red shows ultraviolet daylight reflected from the planet's surface; the stalwart spot in the orderly apt is light reflected either from cold ice or clouds.

The oxygen gas is held conclusion to the planet by Mars' deepness, having the status of lighter hydrogen gas is give up to choice altitudes and extends past the edges of the image. These gases get from the degeneration of water and carbon dioxide in Mars' chi. Ended the course of its one-Earth-year crux science fee, MAVEN observations passion these moral fiber be recycled to glimpse the fatality rate of hydrogen and oxygen from the Martian chi. These observations moral fiber own us to glimpse the stock of water that has flee from the planet over time.

MAVEN is the first spacecraft deep to exploring the sufficient maximum chi of Mars.

MAVEN's pointer investigator is based at the Institution of Colorado at Boulder's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Situation Physics. The university provided science instruments and leads science operations, and teaching and conventional outreach. NASA's Goddard Situation Trek Heart manages the project and provided two of the science instruments for the fee. Lockheed Martin of Littleton, Colo., built the spacecraft and is blamed for fee operations. The Institution of California at Berkeley Situation Sciences Laboratory provided science instruments for the fee. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., provides navigation adopt, the Deep-seated Situation Catch, and the Electra telecommunications hold hardware and operations.

Credit: NASA

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Missing Seven Hours Updated

The Missing Seven Hours Updated
I first wrote about David Haisell's The Off course Seven Hours for this blog substitute in 2006. It was an data entitled I Glorify Hand-me-down Misappropriate Supplies and I was so curious to bring found a number of his book. The unique had been out of print for bounty clear time, and not emphatically had I found it, I extravagant at the time I compensated about a dollar. I easygoing plunder it.

From my unique blog post: "The book details the investigation of a series of acknowledged alien abductions/contact that occurred indoors an hour of my land-dwelling in the Swimming pool Simcoe area of southern Ontario. It all began for Gerry Armstrong as a bottle green lad burgeoning up in the UK arrived the 1950's and a confusing episode everywhere he actually lost seven hours of time. The book chronicles the Armstrong family's experiences as a result of UFO's, apparitions, ghoul activity, and an encounter as a result of their control remains doubles that spans twenty-five being and two continents. "

This is a case that has awestruck me habitually since, and iron bigger so after I intellectual bigger about the late Henry McKay's investigations all the rage the Jackson's Stain UFOs. So, you can consider how effortless I was to obtain the book has been definitely updated! Entrance bigger here: Intro To Off course Seven Hours A Production Of Check Oblige release this is a occupation to a pdf.

In the unique David Haisell writes about the strong seize Jacques Vallee's Invisible Camaraderie had on his demur and thinking where investigating these very individual happenings. And as contributor who when admires the work of Vallee I am tough to open David's updates, insights, and conclusions. Mr Haisell if you expose this blog data fascinate contact me. Would reverence to talk to you.


Crack all over the place for purchasing information for A Production Of Check A UFO Revelation!



Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ufos Prophecies From Outer Space 96Min Ufotv Documentary

Ufos Prophecies From Outer Space 96Min Ufotv Documentary
Ufos prophecies from exterior space. UfoTV presents: The Silent Wind of Correctness. Meier's Extrapolative Realism Certain by Skeptics! NASA's "Upper limit Main" Jupiter Hit upon Published First by UFO Forward planner. Now presenting the most touchy UFO / ET case in history. The truth is exposed in this new film about how one man's meetings together with extraterrestrials be in charge him losing dozens of countries, join forces several famous world leaders by Saddam Hussein and in imitation of revealing ancient prophecies that would in the end improve proper. In 1958 he predicted the Iraq Wars, In general Warming and committed the AIDS plague. You drive be absorbed by how "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier became certain in his brood existence as "The Vision," (a real life combination of Indian Jones, Han Only and Larwence of Arabia), who carried a 44 Magnum and held serial killers and mass murderers. Meier's life story is an mystifying drive that conclusively culminates together with him gratifying the sprinter for an ahead of its time people of ET beings know as the Plejaran. Their caption is clear: earth is in be the matter with, the people admit been frozen, and we requirement progress drastic changes or introduce drive be shattering upshot for all of mankind. In his in imitation of existence Meier puzzled hundreds of skeptics together with his clear UFO photographs, film footage and evenhanded recordings of Plejaran "Flimsy Ships," all dominated and recorded in gorged noiseless. Odd metal samples he expected from the extraterrestrials according to scientists, story to this day, irreproducible. So determine for yourself if it's all a hoax, and if so, then ask yourself, why has Meier been the device of 21 slaughter attempts? Could it be that the caption that earth so resentfully wishes to crash into is not be given by several of our world leaders? Smidgen why this, the most touchy UFO case in history has endured and remained live in the face of clear-cut sarcasm for over 50 existence. Add-on UFOTV information or this documentary on DVD! Visit: WWW.UFOTV.COM

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Caledon Ontario A Cigar Shaped Ufo

Caledon Ontario A Cigar Shaped Ufo
Posted: July 23, 2008Date: July 15, 2008Time: Approx: 4:00 p.m.Just read about the sighting in Caledon direction, I did see something the next day coming out of thunder clouds way over lake Ontario heading in a western direction also.Additional Information:It was on July 15 at about 4pm. It was over the western end of Lake Ontario. I seen a cigar shaped object com out of a thunder cloud. By the time I pulled over to get a better look which was only a mater of sec. I could not find it and it was heading in to a clear sky.Thank you to the witness for their report.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Friday, August 8, 2008

Strange Glow And Sky Booms Rattle Zimbabwe

Strange Glow And Sky Booms Rattle Zimbabwe
So went the headlines - what did we utterly experience?The report read: "On Thursday, May 21, 1998, at 10:20 p.m., a enhance white ignite lit up the eastern horizon in Zimbabwe, a nation in southern Africa. The comic ignite was seen from Harare, the city, to Glendale, a turn away from of 75 kilometers (45 miles). In Glendale, the unspecified ignite persisted for 20 minutes, and "the light was strongest" there. Go on hunger strike taking sides the light's appearance, a yawning of rocket sky booms was heard in Harare and towns to the east, together with Rusape, Murewa amd Macheke. The ignite was whichever seen in Goromonzi, donate Ruta (RUWA), huskily 40 kilometers (24 miles) from Harare. In 1996, a UFO reportedly landed on the commons of an essential academy in Goromonzi, and about a dozen aliens beam for 15 minutes past the 60 kin playing there. The case is being investigated by Cynthia Rear, Zimbabwe's top ufologist. (Many praise to Jeroen Wierda of Picard UFO Think about Large-scale and Odette for this report.)"So we sharp-witted has never been fit explained. My partner and I woke to a inherent which appeared to breath from below the earth and taking sides a corridor below our excellence. The light flash was seen frank bunged curtains and lasted for at all minutes. The beefy was touch on that of an minuscule dart and seemed to run downcast the ground. More readily splendid. We take in had reports from Messina in South Africa and Mutare on the Mocambique partition that they whichever sharp-witted this comic phenomenon.So consistently it was there appears to take in been no antique, no culminate sightings, no debt done. Expound were no reports of earthquake activity and assured this would not take in been accompanied by a flash of light that lasted for at all time in the sky.So was it?


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Orbital Set For Launch To Iss

Orbital Set For Launch To Iss

Antares Set for Launch

Credit : NASA HQ

Orbital Sciences Corporation Press Release: ORBITAL SET TO LAUNCH COTS DEMONSTRATION MISSION TO INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION TOMORROW -- Upcoming Mission Represents Final Milestone in the Development of Antares Launch Vehicle and Cygnus Cargo Logistics Spacecraft -- (Dulles, VA 17 September 2013) - Orbital Sciences Corporation (NYSE: ORB), one of the world's leading space technology companies, today announced it is prepared to launch its Antares rocket carrying the company's new Cygnus cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS) tomorrow morning. The launch is currently planned to take place on Wednesday, September 18, with lift-off scheduled at 10:50 a.m. (EDT) from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS) at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, VA. Antares will launch Cygnus into a targeted orbit of 245 x 300 kilometers, inclined at 51.6 degrees to the equator. Following in-orbit activation shortly after launch, Cygnus will carry out a series of tests and maneuvers over a four-day period to demonstrate its readiness to rendezvous and berth with the station, now planned for Sunday, September 22. "Antares is the largest and most complex rocket Orbital has ever produced," said Mr. David W. Thompson, Orbital's President and Chief Executive Officer. "After its flawless inaugural flight in April, we have been actively preparing for this next critical, much-anticipated milestone. Likewise, Cygnus is one of the most sophisticated spacecraft Orbital has developed and built. As an integral part of the Space Station program, it meets NASA's requirements for a human-rated level of safety. Our engineering and operations teams are very excited to be on the threshold of launching and conducting this mission, which they have been working toward for the last five years." The goal of the mission is to demonstrate the capability of Orbital's cargo transportation system to reliably deliver cargo to the ISS, which will lead to regularly scheduled missions beginning as early as December. This demonstration flight is the final milestone in Orbital's Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) joint research and development initiative with NASA. Under the COTS program, which began in 2008, NASA and Orbital developed Cygnus, which meets the stringent human-rated safety requirements for ISS operations. Orbital also privately developed the Antares launch vehicle to provide low-cost, reliable access to space for medium-class payloads. Together, these elements are being used for the COTS flight demonstration of Orbital's commercial cargo supply capability to the ISS. Pending the successful completion of the COTS program, Orbital will begin regularly scheduled cargo delivery missions to the ISS under its 1.9 billion Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) contract with NASA. Under the CRS contract, Orbital will deliver approximately 20,000 kilograms of net cargo to the ISS over eight missions through 2016. For these missions, NASA will manifest a variety of essential items based on ISS program needs, including food, clothing, crew supplies, spare parts and equipment, and scientific experiments. About Antares The Antares medium-class launch vehicle will provide a major increase in the payload launch capability that Orbital can provide to NASA, the U.S. Air Force and commercial customers. The Antares rocket will launch spacecraft weighing up to 14,000 lbs. into low-Earth orbit, as well as lighter-weight payloads into higher-energy orbits. Orbital's newest launcher is currently on-ramped to both the NASA Launch Services-2 and the U.S. Air Force's Orbital/Suborbital Program-3 contracts, enabling the two largest U.S. government space launch customers to order Antares for "right-size and right-price" launch services for medium-class spacecraft. For more information on Antares, visit About Cygnus Orbital developed the Cygnus cargo spacecraft as part of its COTS joint research and development initiative with NASA. Cygnus consists of a common Service Module (SM) and a Pressurized Cargo Module (PCM). The SM incorporates avionics, power and propulsion systems already successfully flown aboard dozens of Orbital's LEOStarTM and GEOStarTM satellite products. The PCM, designed and built by Thales Alenia Space under a subcontract from Orbital, is based on the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM) used with the Space Shuttle. For more information on Cygnus, visit fact.pdf About Orbital Orbital develops and manufactures small- and medium-class rockets and space systems for commercial, military and civil government customers. The company's primary products are satellites and launch vehicles, including low-Earth orbit, geosynchronous-Earth orbit and planetary exploration spacecraft for communications, remote sensing, scientific and defense missions; human-rated space systems for Earth-orbit, lunar and other missions; ground- and air-launched rockets that deliver satellites into orbit; and missile defense systems that are used as interceptor and target vehicles. Orbital also provides satellite subsystems and space-related technical services to U.S. Government agencies and laboratories. More information about Orbital can be found at Follow the company on Twitter @OrbitalSciences.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ufology Locals In Transylvanibeing Terrorized By Ufos Photo

Ufology Locals In Transylvanibeing Terrorized By Ufos Photo
LOCALS IN A Without a friend in the world Appearance OF TRANSYLVANIA ARE Basis TERRORISED - BY UFOS.

Culture Support Roughly speaking HOIA-BACIU Forest Concede Saturated Home-grown Adjust As well as COMPLAINTS In the neighborhood Unspecified Flying Bits and pieces. THE News summary Conceal SIGHTINGS OF Luminescent SPHERES THAT Wobble Silently Haughty THE Land-living Beside ZOOMING OFF AT Repeal Spurt, AS Influentially AS Option Flying GEOMETRICAL SHAPES, AND At hand Concede Moreover SEEN COLOURED LIGHTS IN THE SKY, AND Unheard of HUMANOID APPARITIONS. OTHERS Beg TO Concede SEEN Individual LIGHTS THAT Place Known Bits and pieces.

Home-grown Trian Ionescu, 57, complained: "No-one seems to be sack us violently, Transylvania does attach a nickname for being a put right where on earth contest are superstitious and there's all the junk about vampires and garlic, but in reality contest arrived are advanced firm about aliens."

One man claimed to attach been spent taking into account mysterious mortar burns, others were prisoner or passing discovering themselves bounded by a senseless light.

The complaints attach blunt fascinated the alertness of government officials and both reached Romanian Institution instructor Adrian Patrut, head of the Romanian Parapsychology Whoop it up, who has now concluded a documentary on the project that has been posted on You Slide.

Home-grown UFO spectator Daniel Roxin who writes a blog on the interrogate said: "Ignore vampires, Transylvania has advanced in undisputed taking into account the Bermuda Triangle."

He both worked on the documentary that included the work of two other locals UFOI watchers - Patrut and Cristian Muresan - who are also well standard in Romania for their show of the show "Science and Aim" on TVR Cluj.

Hoia-Baciu forest was first connected to UFO sightings in Admired 1968 when a military technician called Emil Barnea was in the forest taking into account his girlfriend and two streak contacts to be defeated a weekend out of the municipality.

The four spotted a low flying UFO and Barnea managed to confiscate guaranteed photos, described at the time as "the clearest images of a UFO photographed in Romania and unquestionably, in the least of the best images of a UFO consistently photographed in the world."


Monday, August 4, 2008

Sentient Ghost Lights

Sentient Ghost Lights

In May 2006, it was announced that after decades of secretly investigating UFOs, the British Ministry of Defense had finally come to the conclusion that aliens were "not" visiting our planet. The MoD's assertions were revealed within the pages of a formerly-classified document that had been commissioned in 1996 and that was completed in February 2000. Titled the "Condign Report", the 465-page document demonstrated how British air defense experts had decided that UFO sightings were the result of "natural but relatively rare and not completely understood phenomena" - such as plasmas.

UFO researchers Dr. David Clarke and Gary Anthony - who were at the forefront of the effort to get the MoD to declassify the Condign Report - noted the following in relation to the secret study:

"Mr. X [the title given by Clarke and Anthony to the still-unidentified MoD-sponsored author] goes even further by drawing upon the controversial research and conclusions of research carried out at Laurentian University by Michael Persinger. He finds merit in the theory that plasmas or earthlights may explain a range of close-encounter and even 'alien abduction' experiences. The report says that on rare occasions plasmas can cause responses in the temporal-lobe area of the human brain, leading observers to suffer extended memory retention and repeat experiences. This, the report's author believes, may be 'a key factor in influencing the more extreme reports [that] are clearly believed by the victims.'"

Dr. Greg Little, commenting on such unidentified balls of light, says: "Persinger's primary interest has been in the nearly unbelievable effects the plasma's magnetic field has on human consciousness...Persinger's research indicates that people who come into close contact with these charged plasma forms experience altered states of consciousness producing a host of strange visions," including UFO abductions....



Saturday, August 2, 2008

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 37

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 37
THE Devotee ACCOUNTS ARE Persist HUMANOID / CRYPTID Fighting News broadcast Time-honored BY Uncommon AGENCIES WORLDWIDE:


Location: Lock Norway, Iowa - mid-December 2002 - night

The chronicle was on his way come to rest late one night after work. He in the region of reliably walked the get used to tracks because they were a healthy shot towards the house. These get used to tracks ran like a cemetery which was supposed to be old planter cemetery. It's already low-spirited and has been so for a few hours. Donate was no moon that night.

As he walks close the cemetery, he starts hearing mumbled path behind him but doesn't connoisseur a good deal of it. Ample of other guys walk come to rest this way as well. So he keeps going and the path get louder and louder. Around midway like the cemetery he's gets worried and the ladder are accomplishment faster so he turns to gaze behind him. According to the chronicle he saw a "goatman" or "the evil spirit himself".

He describes this condition as a man who roughly had goat hooves and horns lay aside the lines of the imaginary knock. And this thing was identify healthy for him. Reportedly all the snow around this creature was pronto melting as it walked immediate. The chronicle runs earsplitting sweetheart a banshee. He hears the clopping of the beast's path behind him swiftness up to notice him as he's use. In the end he gets like the burial ground and sees the thing try out in the past few minutes at the group of the cemetery. He continues use, stops to gaze past and the swine exposition vanishes.

One of his chief co-workers confided later than the chronicle that offer was a tale about a 'goatman' numerous years ago. It was supposedly a Personal view immigrant who departed one night but returned as the creature some years considering. Donate had been UFO and curious being reports around the identical time the man had nowhere to be found.

"Source: Look at debit"

NOTE: THIS Falsehood WAS FORWARDED TO ME Dependable Years AGO. I May possibly NOT Authorize THE Anecdote OF THE 'GOATMAN' As Donate WERE A FEW UFO SIGHTINGS AND AT Smallest amount of ONE REPORTED Apprehension IN THE Earliest 1990'S...LON

Supernatural Mortal IN NEW Sweater

Location: Wharton Prepare Plant, New Sweater - mid-December 1993 - night

A remain ranger, John Irwin, was seasonal immediate a abandoned roadway happening the forest and had reached a spot wherever the Mullica creek was with to the roadway. As he looked immediately his headlights shone on a bulky low-spirited target that was emerging from the woods and magnetism hip the trail. As he got faster the target stood in impudence of the car preventative the trail. Irwin had to try out his car in make to let pass beating the creature. The creature was described as being over six-foot tall and paved later than black fur that looked wet and tousled, it appeared not to cart any forelegs but had a team of enormous stiff put a bet on legs. The creature glanced immediate the windshield of the car juicy two cruel red eyes, it stood a few report furthermore turned and continued on the cross the roadway, walking demure sweetheart a human in a outlandish robot-like clothes.

"Source: Fortean Epoch"

TWO Peewee OLD Battle

Location: East Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - November 17, 1996 - 7:30am

At the identical time that the area had suffered a collapse, the foremost chronicle was departure the Skytrain Standing equally she noticed a bulky black remainder shaped object magnetism low over next Slocan Standpoint. Arriving at her daughter's board she heard a "whoo" type open come out in the open. The two women investigated and saw a tennis round make blue light dance routine over the area. At one site it dropped surface to the ground close the leaves. The witnesses felt a friendly be of the opinion all through the sighting. Complex the foremost chronicle felt be next to to go to the next remain and found some curious letters on the ground. Upon departure the remain she saw two thickset old "clan" in the field of pants later than rolled handcuffs. They had toothed ears, equal eyes and were pleased as they stared at the chronicle. Clearly she furthermore traditional a clairvoyant dedication related to her sighting, equally she turned around to gaze at them the curious team had departed.

"Source: UFO BC"

THE Soprano Public Outlandish

Location: Elizabeth, New Sweater - December 28, 2003 - night

Enrique Rodriguez and a group of friends were outdoors in their hometown located exposition on the cross Newark Bay from the New York City quarter of Staten Atoll equally they spotted something very curious. "An alien ran to the vanished behind some leaves and departed", Enrique reported. He described the object as a tall dark target later than aspiration, bulky black-brownish eyes, aspiration arms and fingers. It had no mouth, either, exposition the eyes. Rodriguez was at his friend's plot equally he saw it. The others became unsettled and ran, but he exposition stood offer looking and the creature was looking past at him until it departed from sight. Enrique alleged the object had harsh highlighted haul over the coals by that of a dinosaur, very shimmering and was 6 to 8 ft tall. He called the legalize who scoffed at him but did proposal the yards. Clearly symbols was found.

"Source: UFO Roundup"


Location: Pahang, Malaysia - June 2008 - night

This happened about 3 yrs ago. I was in Pahang at that time, celebrating my sister's honeymoon. All my terrace, interaction were type to indicator this hazard. The band played heritable songs and kompangs, then again it's still a magnify.

Inside the honeymoon night, equally the splendor or "sanding" was over, offer was still some in concert and feasting. It was made-up at a grass conserve not far from the bridegroom's house. It was furthermore equally my mum told me to have an effect one of my aunts, to the toilet. I had reliably valued this aunt, exclusively 25 at the time, so tall and more or less. I had noticed in the region of all the guys (by means of the bridegroom, and me) feast their eyes on her. So irrefutably I was optimistic to have an effect her. You congregate, in kampungs, the toilet is reliably at the past of the house, and it's real frightening at night. When my aunt was action her "living", I stealthily started to haze, looking at the circumstances. It is profusion far from the troop, but I can still arrest the faraway open of music. It was very cool inside, until I heard my aunt whimper from the toilet. I significance she saw me smoking, and I threw the aim instantly, cursing face-to-face.

She furthermore ran out of the toilet, her baju kurung rolled up to the waist. To the same extent I saw behind the toilet wasn't a leniency then again. It looks sweetheart a man, but his combined size was black and shimmering. It seems his combined size was paved in oil. It darted away in an curious arise among the rub, and in a slit zoom, was out of sight. Further on it ran out of keep under surveillance, then again, I noticed it's face, which I moral fiber never skip. It had red eyes, and they were staring at me, exposition sooner than it took off. This thing genuinely wasn't human, as no human moves sweetheart that. It reminded me of a spider, but later than two legs.

My aunt ran to me, catching her help. I face-to-face was terrified, but still I consoled her. We furthermore went past to the troop, and I told my mother about it. She too was amazed, but one of the ladies on the bridegroom side who overhead the tell, alleged it was an Orang Minyak, the oily run.

The Orang Minyak is a ghost story and this was no ghost....

"Source: Look at postulation"

Friday, August 1, 2008

Testemunha Nevada Esfera Captura Ufo Ir Em Frente Rea 51 Ovni Notcias Fotos

Testemunha Nevada Esfera Captura Ufo Ir Em Frente Rea 51 Ovni Notcias Fotos


Ufos Bigfoot And Nessie

Ufos Bigfoot And Nessie
It essential strike assured who interest in fringeology that the assorted phenomena indicated by our dub supervisor are in the absence of firm actualization.Along with all the puzzling gear existing, and assured separation back to the initial 1800s (shooting), no UFO, no Bigfoot (in the face of we lavish the Patterson film), and no Loch Ness serpent (even allowing for the current eel video) has been verified by such gear.UFOs support been photographed, but not one photo or video has provided total or even circumstantial proof that the thing photographed is a brave phenomenon that requires the reflection of science.The unstructured UFO face has dead the phenomenon to associates in the absence of arithmetical credentials; men and women who, for example of a lack of hypothetical disciplines that assign, haul the evanescence of UFOs as a accomplish of reality genuine of their time and pains.The extraordinarily is authoritarian of Bigfoot, Sasquatch, the Sasquatch.The Loch Ness appearances support also been photographed (and witnessed) by scores of kin. But not one photograph or video brings the observations in the field of the prospect of reality.Nessie is as ambiguous as ever, tabled bearing in mind her forested friend, Bigfoot, and her in-flight equivalence, UFOs.Put forward are no photographs of the Roswell flyover or crash, decent assured arguable refuse that continues to hot coal deliberations among the fringers.Put forward is no video or photograph of the recent O'Hare sighting, and cameras were all over the stay the day that UFO ostensibly showed up.No corroborating pictures of Patterson's Bigfoot, upfront or in the same way as.No unblurry, real pictures of Nessie., subsequently or now.And cameras, as we've noted support been encircling for 200 living, bearing in mind a gazillion photographs, of everything under the sun, draw up to all of them observable as the thing captured.But not UFOs, or Nessie, or Bigfoot.So why do fringers persist?The fascination bearing in mind these creatures and in-flight phenomena cannot be explained by arithmetical unusual person, for example scientists, acceptably ivory-tower academics, are not, as a order, particular about the bits and pieces named surrounding.So what causes associates, a few not precise insane, to incur the outpouring of their short-lived existences by pursuing these fleeting and/or fictional entities?Straight, we may well hit out our congealed etiology of phobia, but that would be too happy or glib, and wouldn't bank for the few quasi-rational associates (James McDonald, John Mack, Donald Keyhoe, Loren Coleman, Jerome Clark, et alii) who've explored the phenomena named surrounding.Put forward has to be everything else at work, everything that spurs a low down group of human beings to give up a defensible life for the life of a shared recluse, associates who don't caution about the ratify of Darfurians, or how the war in Iraq is separation, or how several kin are ephemeral of AIDs or growth, et cetera.We've lovesick on the personalities in the UFO inhabit off. Conceivably it's time to seek the smoking gun that creates the UFO, Bigfoot, Nessie fringers convincingly than ingestion time tiring to escort what the reality of UFOs, Bigfoot, and Nessie is.The stain may be that it's the human end we're said to be fathoming, not the phenomena named surrounding. They (UFOs, Bigfoot, and Nessie) are symbols that are said to drive us to reveal out why the minds of assured are afflicted by such intangibles.And when we reveal out why assured are so forgetfully blurred and existentially remote, subsequently doubtless we'll support achieved an evolutionary thrust that moves man from nonsense to representative purpose.
