Left: Magical 1.96 inches (5-centimeters) by1.69 inches (4.3-centimeters) diameter rockthat weighs 50.78 grams, careful on July 15, 2008, in Unaffected Sciences Rift at Eastern New Mexico College circles. The carved rock was found by Roswell auto repairman, Robert Projection, 50, over his September 4, 2004, deer hunting holiday just about Capitan, New Mexico, 17 miles southeast from the July 1947 UFO crash site relating Circle of lightand Roswell. Picture by Robert Projection. Right: Wheat formation, 120 feet desire, reported August 2, 1996, beneath the Liddington Retreat hill place of escape in Chisledon, just about Swindon, Oxfordshire, England, on Wiltshire District border. Aerial image (c) 1996 by Steve Alexander. Else see: Cropcircleconnector.com. Roswell, On September 4, 2004, Roswell self-employed auto shop owner, Robert L. Projection, contracted to go bow and rush hunting for deer in Cedar Rise just about Capitan Hit the highest point, about 17 miles southwest of the held UFO crash at Roswell sixty-one excitement ago in July 4 to July 6, 1947. He has lived in Roswell the done fifty excitement of his life. read upper digg storyhttp://gazbom.blogspot.comwww.thebigwobble.com