instead of an act of kindness from the heart
... has turned a lot of us into over-domesticated little wimps with hardly a spark of spirit left... like a wild horse who has been beaten into submission... however, suffice it to say, it's time to recover our wild heart, our wild spirit. Mares who lead their herds know how to be both tough and compassionate. They know how to be the QUEEN OF MEAN, if necessary. To survive and thrive in the upcoming times, we need to bring forth our ability to be the Queen of Mean... when necessary, when in the best interests of those we love, and for ourselves. This Big Cat, throughout her life, has always admired the women she's known, or has encountered, who stand their ground, who are fierce and take charge, if need be in a crisis situation. Women who garner true respect, not because of how 'nice' they are, but because they know to take care of others, and take care of themselves... and how to bring that about in unfair and difficult situations. And, after all, the West would never have been won without the tough-spirited women. And a whole lot of them weren't 'nice', and would not have gotten ten million 'likes' on their FB page. [sorry, the Kougaress couldn't resist that last jab] 9:09 PM... once again, the floor is vibrating in that strange way... this is the third time... it's so weird, as if electricity is vibrating upward from below the surface of the ground... again, it's not as strong a the first time... so, yeah, what is going on? Update: 11:42 pm... there is still a slight tingly vibration occurring. JANUARY 26, 2013 ~ Yesterday, the Kougaress forgot to mention the strange tingling of her house's floor that happened two nights ago, now. It was similar to what occurred before, but wasn't as strong, and didn't last near as long either. But, it's still really eerie. Here's what this Big Cat wrote before: FROM THE KOUGARESS'S DECEMBER 21, 2012 BLOG ~ What's up with the vibrating ground and floor? Last Tuesday, on the 18th, the Kougaress blogged about this very weird experience. So, yesterday she checked out a site that tracks HAARP activity Well, datewise, it's close to when her area of the country was being targeted and slammed with HAARP energies, or in the red, as it's shown on the map. So, this could be the explanation of what was happening. Or, perhaps, it was a countermeasure to something else, as in the continuing weather wars. Whatever, it was beyond strange, and this Big Cat hasn't had a similar experience afterward... however, with all the nasty 'powers that be' and their nasty advanced tech... well, who knows what's next? And here's a headline from today. Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 2:12 am... 2:22 am... 3:33 am... 4:44 am... 11:44 pm... 11:55 pm... please, those of you can, get out! of the big cities... now!... every disaster movie ever made is on the planning boards to be brought about against the people... for real! This is no joke!... GET OUT OF THE BIG CITIES! 'NEWS' ~ HEADLINE Fire is bursting up through the streets of Omaha: A sewer fire has caused power outages in one section of town of fire erupting through from the ground up like hellfire. "Big Cat Note:" while this situation seems to be under control, this is only a preview of much worse to come. Most big cities are not being properly maintained, and are deteriorating at a rapid rate. There will be no real repairs of infrastructure, no matter what any politician/fed promises. SKY NET MEETS THE PRESENT 'NEWS' ~ HEADLINE The incredible U.S. military spy drone that's so powerful it can see what type of phone you're carrying from 17,500ft EARTH CHANGES ">DARE TO PREPARE 'NEWS' ~ HEADLINE 250,000 Face Night Without Water Access HEADLINE Looting Begins Before Waters Subside THE WAR AGAINST GUNS IS THE WAR AGAINST THE PEOPLE 'NEWS' ~ HEADLINE North Dakota Bill Vows to Defy Executive Orders on Guns HEADLINE Obama Asks Police To Help Pass Gun Legislation ~ Big Cat Note: yeah, if the police, or any police person supports this, they will be eliminating those who can help them the most in a bad situation...those who have helped them, and saved their lives, throughout the history of this country HEADLINE Why Are AR-15's 'Personal Defense' Weapons for the DHS but 'Assault Rifles' for Citizens? HEADLINE San Diego Police Chief: We Can Disarm Americans Within a Generation HEADLINE 214 County Sheriffs Will Defend the Constitution HEADLINE The Government Is Preparing for Martial Law "Big Cat Note:" this is why the corp-gov bastards want to disarm Americans. HEADLINE BACKFIRE: Seattle Gun Buyback Turns into Gun Show "Big Cat Note:" Yahoooo! That's the way to do it, America. WHAT THE DARK-SIDERS ARE DOING TO YOU 'NEWS' ~ HEADLINE Army Drill Scares Residents on Houston's South Side HEADLINE Gunships Over Miami: "Machine Gun Fire, Strafing Runs, Troops Rappelling From Choppers, and Road Blockades" HEADLINE Bioterrorism Homemade in the USA HEADLINE FAIRIES, CHANGELINGS... and the False Messiah from Magonia: You only think you know what's coming... HEADLINE WHO'S FAKING IT?-PENTAGON CYBER-WARRIORS PLANT FALSE INFO ON FACEBOOK; JUST ABOUT SAYS IT ALL- THERE IS NO TRUTH IN AMERICA, AS THE (FATHER OF LIES) RULES THIS LAND AND HIS IMPS PROCEED UN- CHALLENGED HEADLINE CHECK OUT THE NEW GUN THAT ALLOWS COPS TO SHOOT AND CAPTURE YOUR DNA; NOTE: GENETIC ARMAGEDDON IS HERE!-ASK YOURSELF WHY SUCH A FIXATION ON DNA? ANSWER THEY WILL KILL ALL WHO ARE NOT OF- THEM- WITH GENETIC SPECIFIC WEAPONS! HEADLINE The Connection Between Big Food / Big Pharma and Nutrition Policy HEADLINE CDC: Salmonella Linked to Ground Beef Behind 5-State Outbreak WIND POWER IS A SCAM ">DENVER, THE DARK SIDER CAPITAL 'NEWS' ~ HEADLINE Denver International Airport Holds Some Deep Dark Secrets SMART METERS KILL 'NEWS' ~ HEADLINE The Police State of America and Smart Meters "Big Cat Repeat Note:" smart meters are smartly burning down houses, smartly ruining appliances, smartly spying on you, smartly killing your health, smartly allowing criminal hackers to find out all about you, smartly turning off the power when the temperature is 20 below... yeah, real smart, huh?... UFOS ALL OVER 'NEWS' ~ HEADLINE UFO Mothership Returns To Texas TV News, New Zealand Baffled By Orbs, UFO Visits ISS Again, Triangle UFO Photographed Over The Moon BEYOND THE NAZIS 'NEWS' ~ HEADLINE U.S. Government Claims - Just Like the Nazis - that the Truth Is Too Complicated and Dangerous to Disclose to the Public HEADLINE The Stench Of Martial Law: Houston Multi-Agency Training HEADLINE Journalist Accosted by Security over Mayor Bloomberg Gun Control Question "Big Cat Note:" the Kougaress heard this encounter. It was absolutely sickening what those goons did to this man, and demonstrates how far our beloved country has fallen. THE PARASITE ECONOMY 'NEWS' ~ HEADLINE Pay Still High at Bailed-Out Companies, Report Says HEADLINE France's labour minister sent the country into a state of shock on Monday after he described the nation as totally bankrupt. HEADLINE Living on the Streets No Longer Exceptional in Spain HEADLINE Visa Outage Canada: Banks Say Customers Experiencing Temporary System Failure "Big Cat Note:" Likely this is a cyber attack and/or it's about closing down the bank system, as in a bank holiday. IT'S A FALSE FLAG 'NEWS' ~ Hacked Emails Reveal 'Washington-Approved' Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Paul Joseph Watson - Alleged hacked emails from defense contractor Britam reveal a plan "approved by Washington" and funded by Qatar to stage a chemical weapons attack in Syria and blame it on the Assad regime, fulfilling what the Obama administration has made clear is a "red line" that would mandate US military intervention. THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON IS THE HUMAN SOUL ON FIRE. ~ THIS JANUARY, MAY YOUR MOST ROMANTIC DREAMS COME TRUE ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ AND, MAY YOU LIVE THE DREAMS OF YOUR HEART, NOT IN INTERESTING TIMES... QUEEN OF MEAN KISSES FROM THE KOUGAR...