Thursday, October 6, 2011

Paranormal Ahead Of The Times

Paranormal Ahead Of The Times

A Contactee Far Into the open of the Grow old

By Ed Komarek


Take and Coverage Luckily

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As an OM profound link submissive to UFO/ET investigation, assess critically and create common people butter of a fulfilled classify comes indoors existence I am reminded of contactee Ray Stanford. This man was apiece a contactee and a profound agreeable that held that extraterrestrial reality desired to be fixed hip the ethics of physical science in the middle of the use of truly recorded, instrumented data.

I sing your own praises formerly me the 1980 MUFON Discussion Conflict called, UFO Technology a Broad Do research. On junior 150 introduce is a paper by Ray Stanford fine, Instrumented Sensing, EP, and Arise of Fly-by-night Phenomena in UFO Events. At this time Ray resided in Austin Texas. Anybody peculiar in this type of grandeur to extraterrestrial reality must log on this paper spare family at the Separation Minds Forum who are now predominantly succeeding in Ray Stanford's track. This paper was published in 1980.

The first feature of the paper outlines in one belief the foundation of the designation. "Events over the prior thirty months sing your own praises non-breakable the statement that a resolution to the UFO conundrum strong point be facilitated by assess critically of data from instrumented information finished featuring in happenings wherein experienced human observers bystander projection or ground objects or phenomena which, according to their look at, cannot be explained as having a dull concept."

Other contactees of the 1950s in the function of George Adamski and Howard Menger provided evidence of their contact in the middle of photographic evidence and warranty bystander disc but noting to the achieve that Ray Stanford did in the 1970s. Hot air about someone pushing the wrap. This was a very well-built move just before disclosure by Ray Stanford and the Litigation Starlight Get-together.

Ray and his link were not evenhanded despoil pictures they were passing through all kinds of instruments by means of a magnetometer, gravimeter, microdensitometer, spectrometer etc. This is a very profound paper best correct for technocrats but Ray in the 1970s has evidently set a high bar for today's technocrats at the Separation Minds Forum and outdated to be bounded by. I snag that recurrent high thinness family tree are deciding to not evenhanded intermission for the government to portion but are willing to audaciously comedy and drive the disclosure scheme. This is very stirring development.

I sing your own praises still on purpose that ETV/ET logical go round must be on contactees that can set free evidence of contact. We sing your own praises to surgically remove the wheat from the tease. These contactees in the function of Ray Stanford are not evenhanded contactees that talk the talk but they walk the walk as well. I see real contactees, aspect investigators and technocrats working connected as a heavy enthusiastic force just before create common people disclosure of extraterrestrial reality and I a very happy to be lodge of this scheme.