Drum roll, please
Oh. Just more denial.
I suppose we probably shouldn't be surprised, especially after the administration used an identical strategy in their response to the petition to legalize and regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol, as well as the petition to stop interfering with state marijuana legalization efforts. In fact, they gave an identical, word-for-word response to both those petitions, and in both cases completely ignored the actual points being made, and instead boldly and ridiculously stated that they have no scientific evidence whatsoever that marijuana is beneficial in any way.
So, I guess we really shouldn't be shocked that they likewise denied all of the evidence that proves the existence of UFOs and extra-terrestrial life. I think we do have every right to be disappointed, though. After all, as anyone who has thoroughly pursued the subject with an open mind knows, there is an enormous quantity of this evidence the White House says doesn't exist.
For instance, the over 500 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses with the Disclosure Project, who are willing to testify before congress of their direct, personal, first-hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret. If 500 eye witnesses willing to testify before congress isn't evidence, I'm not quite sure what is.
Or, take as another example, the 62 school children in rural Zimbabwe who witnessed a UFO land, and two extra-terrestrial beings come out of the ship and speak to them telepathically. These children were all interviewed by Dr. John E. Mack, a Harvard psychologist, who concluded that their accounts were genuine and not imagined or hallucinated. The event was also seen by a teacher.
Or, as just one more example, the Phoenix Lights, in which thousands of people in multiple cities saw an enormous V-shaped craft, estimated to have been at least one mile in length, flying all over the state of Arizona. Or this compilation of NASA's own UFO footage, most of which is clearly advanced craft of some kind, most likely extra-terrestrial.
It would be impossible for me to show all of the evidence that exists, because there is so much of it, and it is also emerging constantly, as with the recent NFL UFO on live TV in New Orleans. The point here is that our government is lying about thisstill. The White House official who wrote this response either knows and is openly lying, or, bless his heart, just isn't wise to the facts. After all, being ignorant about the subject, or complicit in the cover-up, would pretty much be a prerequisite for his job.
I suppose the countdown to disclosure continues. They won't be able to deny the biggest story on Earth forever. They already can't keep it a secret, and truly, it is only a matter of time.
One thing is for sure: when that announcement is made, and when the fact of that reality is truly acknowledged by everyone officially and openly, "it will change EVERYTHING".
Source: greys-area.blogspot.com