Sunday, September 29, 2013

Possible Ufos Or Orbs In The Sky Over Texas Us 21 May 2011

Possible Ufos Or Orbs In The Sky Over Texas Us 21 May 2011
UFO SIGHTINGS 2011 - Worldly UFO sighting of nonentity objects or orbs flying kitty-cornered the sky over Texas in Coupled States was recorded on 21st May 2011.Facts report: "alright this video was problem by a socialize of mine who told me the story the night after... as he was describing me he seemed if truth be told sure of what he was words about. He first started slogan they were balls of inferno... I asked what he meant by balls... i ask if they were disk-shaped.. he held yes... I asked why do you say inferno,... he retort by slogan it was Fire! next, he showed me the video on his cellphone. The video shows about 6 to 8 disk-shaped objects flying charge the sky in a smarten up. On the video they objects bell washed-out, but being you watch it,... there's bout 4 other friends and his husband slogan its Start to grow... " its' inferno, it flickers! Author (source: mufon)