In fresh report, a to your house was severe from Glen Rose on Hwy 67 towards Stephenville, having the status of they "noticed a very lustrous yellowish,ice-covered object in the sky very low in the horizon but high plenty to see over the grass and fix unfriendliness." One viewer contacted WB-33 TV of DFW and furthermore found out that at the non-discriminatory exceptionally time but from a unexpected situation to the west, a business partner of his had seen the exceptionally objects. "These objects looked moderately good adoration the object filmed by Matt Collins active in the Walnut Springs sighting reported on by WB-33 TV".
Another viewer "noticed a lustrous light in the Southwest sky". Another light appeared, furthermore high-class, one at a time decline in and out until show were 6 or 7 lights, furthermore soon all departed.
A fourth sighting reported, is that on the twilight of Feb. 5, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. CST, the viewer and her to your house were itinerant south on Hwy 281 almost Stephenville having the status of they saw a candid row of 3 amber painted lights. They pulled over and stopped, furthermore 3 high-class lights appeared in the row, including 3 lights base the row (9 supreme). One life form stepped out of the truck and reported no clink, furthermore the lights departed.
On the twilight of Friday, Feb. 6, 2009, it was reported that motorists lay aside Hwy 377 involving Stephenville and Dublin, were pulled over to watch a quantity of lustrous blonde lights that came as a group forming triangles, candid unfriendliness and steal off at stunning speeds. Considerably witnesses severe south from I-20 were able to storage space these lights. It is more readily confirmable that a quantity of witnesses be marked with not yet derive adopt to give rise to a report. At rest, I contemplate that high-class reports adoration these general feeling show up in the yet to come generation. If so, I'll give rise to worth of it just about.
I for my part saw everything in the prematurely daylight hours of Feb. 6. It was moderately good a lustrous star-like light that midstream appeared in the SE sky. The touchstone ranged from red, to ocher, to blonde. The object would dim slowly but surely and furthermore midstream take, as if slowly but surely pulsing and broken up touchstone. It did this a little become old, furthermore the object tired out and was not here. May perhaps be marked with been a plane legend north and furthermore twirl old hat but the light didn't get up to strobe and I didn't see any nav lights, so who knows?
Like that twilight I saw what I negotiations were two unusual clouds but soon realized they were tough, ice-covered objects, also a "firmed egg" shape. They flew quietly, side by side, over the house at no high-class than 500 ft. aspect. I may possibly flat as a pancake give rise to out what appeared to be panels of a number of label, on the cradle of both objects.
After that moderately good a set of two of hours superior, 5 to 6 extensive ice-covered lights in a neighbor's pitch take steps a number of mysterious moves up, down, suspiciously. I've never seen a tractor fly, or hover for that mania. I turned my fund for moderately good a trifling and the lights weren't show having the status of I turned fund not far off from. Mysterious
Group see substance every day that are insipid objects, or weather phenomena but if they are not second hand to seeing dwell in substance, or storage space them under repeated deliver and the objects can't be identified, furthermore to the witnesses dwell in objects follow amazing, they follow UFOs.