Saturday, April 26, 2014

What Do Declassified Ufo Documents Say About Alien Life

What Do Declassified Ufo Documents Say About Alien Life


Alien spacecraft and little green men remain elusive figures in the latest trove of official UFO files released July 12 by the United Kingdom government....

... the new batch, which contains documents dating from 1965 to 2008, are full of interesting tidbits nonetheless.

For example, the files recount the story of a hotel owner on the Welsh coast who said she spotted a UFO in 1977. She claimed to see an object the size of a minibus fall from the sky and land in a field at the back of her property.

As she watched, two "faceless humanoids" clad in silver suits emerged from the mysterious craft, unnerving her so much that she asked the local authorities to investigate.

Somewhat surprisingly, they did. An officer from a nearby Royal Air Force base checked out the field, and other military personnel made some inquiries locally to get to the bottom of the mystery....

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See Also:

British MoD Releases UFO X - Files

FBI UFO X-FILES Personal Letter To J. Edgar Hoover Re The Green Fireball Phenomenon 2-26-1952

Top-End X-Files Revealede