Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Dr Leo Sprinkle Psychologist On Et Contact Feb 22 2009

Dr Leo Sprinkle Psychologist On Et Contact Feb 22 2009
Dr. Leo Sprinkle is a legendary pioneer of UFO contactee research. He has worked with hundreds of hypnosis clients and participants in psychological studies. Dr. Sprinkle was a skeptic regarding UFOs until he had a sighting of a strange disc during the day. Still somewhat skeptical, he did not fully accept the reality of UFOs until his second sighting with his wife in Boulder, Colorado in 1956. Throughout the years Dr. Sprinkle has played a pivotal role in the study of UFOs, and helping people deal with their encounters. Dr. Sprinkle was a Professor of Counseling Services at the University of Wyoming and for the last 13 years of his career he served as the Director of Counseling Services. Currently, he is Professor Emeritus of Counseling Services at the University of Wyoming and a Counseling Psychologist in Laramie, Wyoming.

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Reference: ufo-chronicles.blogspot.com