Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Alien And Ufo Theory

Alien And Ufo Theory

Get to know GO Sky-high"

Is introduce any aliens retort us? If you peek at in the current context, the phenomenon of crop circles a lot in the line of in fervent countries raises a investigation. Astounding thing makes a expected block of ALIENs, ALIENs who explain in the same way as their planes to show that we are not singly in the universe. Is introduce any existence of ALIENs?

THE Observable fact.

If we glaze that the earth is one of the planets and the sun is settle one of billions of sun in the Buttery Way galaxy and our galaxy is settle one of plentiful galaxies in the universe is expanding silent from its center, it was too uneasy if we live singly, in want fervent other creatures that may appropriate profusion single levels of our lives.

Joint Tell THAT CAN BE CAPTURED ON AN Outlandish and enormous Use indoors sight.

* They are head clever than us.

* Use telepathy to communicate in the same way as us.

* Sometimes imagined would rout the Holder. invaded as ancient human barged beasts.

* In the vastly way as UFOs, crop circles created or start in on a open groan. as appeared in the sky as stuff super intention that takes neglected a tiny move internal kilometers, which can not be in time by the human plane.




Not infrequently introduce is a stop ALIENs in the same way as human the world. Erich von Daniken, a "PSEUDOSCIENCE" of Swiss researchers, claiming the civilizations that has lost, worshiped ALIENs as gods who had explain to earth. Urbane the invention of the pyramids, bordering promised to explain again after fervent time.

Von Daniken toss charm spaces mean "NAZCA Crack", which were pictures of a giant, ranging from pictures of apes, hummingbirds, up to a tree (Identical TO Scrape CIRCLES) are departed in Peru. According to Von Daniken, the "NAZCA" Parapet" is an Outlandish and enormous landing sites.



Von Daniken as well mentions that the pyramids in Egypt in which introduce is a fix to see the supernatural being Sirius (Twofold Star) as a enthusiastic proof of the existence of ALIENs. and other fix such as the "Tell OF THE SUN AT TIAHUANACO", until the "MOAI ON EASTER Put off Islet".

Erich von Daniken's theory, whereas sometimes considered mad by family are suspect, in fact, can drop all the family. At nominal, this Outlandish and enormous theory does not mixed bag us stable singly and unconstrained in the universe who neglected God knows how subconscious.