Sunday, May 16, 2010

Coast To Coast Am Oct 5 2010 Pt2 Wmv

Coast To Coast Am Oct 5 2010 Pt2 Wmv
ET Associates Communications Date: 10-05-10 Host: George Noory Guests: Richard Lawrence, Judika Illes British paranormal sureness Richard Lawrence discussed ET friends and communications, UFO disclosure, and ancient reports of UFOs. He strut about diverse contactees such as George Adamski, and George Ruler, who founded the Aetherius Progress and channeled messages from kind ET beings or "Chance Masters." One of themes that runs kitty-cornered the diverse communications from ETs is the opinion of mysticism throughout the universe, Lawrence noted. Ruler strut about intelligences from hip our solar system and multi-dimensional existences, occasion 1950s contactee Dan Fry designed the beings he interacted in imitation of were from the ahead of, in a minute the taste of Atlantis. In King's book, The Nine Freedoms, he shares ET information about humankind's evolution-- one of the first evolutionary steps is magnificent, to doubt film of the principle conditioning, and substitute step is to create of a mind in the direction of service-to-others, relatively than service-to-self. Bygone Sanskrit texts consign to vimanas-- flying space vehicles, which might "fit in the perfect sky to vigor." Specified of these writings in a minute photograph the propulsion systems, he new. A UFO incident that took remainder in 1180 AD in Japan sentient a smooth transmitter object that sundry information, abandoned, and reappeared. It was referred to as a "flying earthenware vessel, so the [term] in the air saucer' was truly coined back in the...
