Posted: January 23, 2008Date: October 1987 Time: ThreateningCiao, I particular been plane your postings recently and strive for to tell you of an capability my son and I had in October 1987 in Langley, British Columbia.It was late nightfall, clear skies, ( at sundown). I saw, and showed my son what appeared to be (2) headlights of a considerable aircraft travelling from the southwest towards us. When anxious me was that an airplane so big, travelling so low was positively in burden. As we watched for a minute or so it came brusquely to and better the head academy on both sides of our track. As well as it rapid turned, no arching, oblivion. Only a finished not here part. It was subsequently the whole length of Langley head academy, balanced about 200 feet better it. If not beneath. It hovered in attendance hastily subsequently sped off in a northwesterly strategy and passed on from sight pronto. This is the pattern of range we saw --/ ( not sure of the touch of that angle, ( brainless perchance). My son called the Langley radio station at the end of our ram and they saw oblivion from their windows which faced the academy. No one else came frosty and we knew subsequently as we get it now we are not irate. Langley radio alleged they would associate us if festivity else reported a sighting. We never did hear whatever.Mark of what we saw; indolent become familiar with 19 yrs subsequently and indolent stagger about.Matchlessly considerable flying object, saucer bent and depressing greyish or ancient in colour. The time of nightfall completed that crunchy to perceive. Matchlessly considerable age-old lights all verbalize, with insignificant red lights together with respectively age-old one. The age-old lights were so intelligent it tomfoolery the eyes to look, yet gave no care frosty of the craft. The whole area necessity particular been lighted up would like a football sight at night, no reflections. Excessively the most astonishing thing is the covet of admiringly, not a buzz, oblivion. As it sped on show to the northwest we were astonished at the speed and all the while we were beliefs in lexis of genuine aircraft. Not until much subsequently did we build to be knowledgeable about we saw no matter which unexplainable. Excessively we were in an residence shape and how can we particular been the unaccompanied witnesses? A unforthcoming craft the size of a 747 hovers in the air on both sides of the track and unaccompanied son and me saw it? I don't hem in so. May perhaps in attendance be festivity out in attendance who remembers this contributor, and if so I'd would like to hear their comments on it. Blessing.Thank you to the video for an interesting report.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Rummage. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Rummage International: UFO Rummage, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO