Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Decoded Nsa Extraterrestrial Radio Signal From Outer Space

A Decoded Nsa Extraterrestrial Radio Signal From Outer Space


In the previous blog post NSA Discloses We have made Extraterrestrial Contact, I showed a document that NSA published in 2011 after they lost a court lawsuit, showing that they we have received an extraterrestrial radio signal from outer space. For the most part they were successful decoding it, but in the last message there were many symbols that were left unresolved and undeciphered. There are three opinions on this document:

1. This is simply a "cryptographic exercise" for students at the NSA. This is a popular answer I have seen to explain why there is no attention in mainstream media to this. I discuss this in more detail at the end, it is an easy mistake to make.

2. This was a series of radio messages from a Russian Sputnik satellite. This one is strange, there is no source given for this information.

3. It is what it says it is: an extraterrestrial communication to earth, but "cleaned" for limited release within the NSA in 1969.For theory #1, the web site NSA practices deciphering ET signals says this:

Some have assumed that these documents were pertaining to messages received from extraterrestrials, an easy mistake to make with article titles such as "Key to the Extraterrestrial Messages." These documents are actually related to exercises for practicing deciphering coded messages that extraterrestrials may send us in the future.What I am going to do here now, is completely decode the message. In my book, "The Decoded Prophecies of Nostradamus", I had used some of these decoding techniques to decipher the prophecies of Nostradamus. Nostradamus used anagrams, obscure languages, numbers, astrology - taking years to decipher. Compared to the quatrains of Nostradamus, this one was a piece of cake. Plus Campaigne had done some major legwork. But in the NSA document we have, Campaigne still could not completely decipher it. Why would he present an exercise for which he had no answer? I am going to prove the following:

1. The theory that this was simply a "cryptographic exercise" is false.

2. The story that this came from a Russian Sputnik satellite is also false, and looks like a piece of disinformation spread on UFO sites on the internet.The post Official ET Disclosure? NSA Document Admits ET Contact brings up some arguments against theory #1, which is easy to miss from people who do not actually read the document:

I contacted someone who is formerly associated with the NSA and still has TS clearance, and asked him to view the document. I asked him to give me his take on it. There was no question about its authenticity since it was published in the NSA Journal, and was released by the NSA on their web site. What I wanted to know was whether this document had any particular impact or importance (other than its startling revelations) for someone familiar with the inner workings of the NSA. It did.

My contact told me that he was blown away by the wording of the document. He said that NSA communications are filled with words like "possibly", "allegedly", and "thought to be".

He said, "This document has none of the normal NSA disclaimer words in it. They just come out and say 'we received messages from outer space' and this is the way to decode those messages."

I asked, "What does that mean to you?"

His reply was instant.

"Disclosure, pure and simple. They aren't making any fanfare about it, but there it is. They have just made open disclosure."I am going to now completely decode it, so I am going to embed the actual document again for those who wish to follow along:


Now let us go through the series of the 31 messages:

1. The list of all 22 symbols: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVComment: it is not said what the radio signal looks like, nor when and where it originated (probably classified). Alphabetic letters are used in place of specific radio signals. Although the document states that the alphabetic letters are used as a matter of convenience for writing down the signals, it will be shown below that the alphabetic letters do in fact provide clues to the actual meaning of each radio signal. Also the NSA document says there are 21 symbols, which is incorrect, there are 22.

2. A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, D is 4, E is 5, F is 6, G is 7 (A is 1 is implied)

3. 1=1, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7 (L means "equal", and the syntax is operator followed by operands.

4. 1+1=2. 1+2=3. 2+1=3. 1+3=4. 2+2=4. 3+1=4. 1+4=5. 2+3=5. 3+2=5. 4+1=5. 1+5=6. 2+4=6. 3+3=6. 4+2=6. 5+1=6. (The letter "K" defines a group to add)

5. (3+2)+1=6. (1+2)+3=6. (4+2)+1=7. (3+1)+3=7. (3+2+1)=(3+2)+1. (Last statement has 2 extra K symbols. "LK" means "equal" where "KK" appear together.)

6. 2-1=1. 3-1=2. 3-2=1. 4-1=3. 4-2=2. 4-3=1. 5-1=4. 5-2=3. 5-3=2. 5-4=1. (M defines a group to subtract. For subtraction, order is important, unless M means "difference" between the following numbers. So at this point not sure if the order of the operands is important.)Comment: all the numbers go up only to seven. It is possibly that this is an octal numbering system. The symbol for "M" can stand for "minus" in the English language. If that is the case, "K" can stand for "combine" or "accumulate". Also, the letter "L" means "equal" as the letter "L" is the last letter in the word "equal". Could this mean familiarity with the English language? It would also indicate that this signal, wherever it came from, was intended for an English speaking nation (i.e., the United States of America).

7. 1-1=0. 2-2=0. 3-3=0. 4-4=0. 5-5=0. 6-6=0. 7-7=0. (N means 0)

8. 1x1=1. 1x0=0. 1x2=2. 2x1=2. 2x0=0. 0x2=0. 2x2=4. 1x4=4. 1x6=6. 2x3=6. (The letter "O" means multiply).

9. (2x3)x1=6. (1x2)x3=6. (1x3)x2=6. (4x5x6)=(5x6)x4. (Last statement has 2 extra O symbols. "LO" means "equal" where "OO" appear together.)Comment: For message #7, notice how the letter "N" is again the initial for the meaning of the letter. The letter "N" means "nothing" for the number 0. Message 7, a number substracted from itself is 0, corresponds to message 3, which is the identity of the first seven numbers. Messages 8 and 9 for multiplication correspond to messages 4 and 5 for addition.

The question arises, why would the letter "O" be used for the multiply operator? In Math, there is a concept known as "big O notation" which is used to measure the growth of functions. The concept is similar to multiplication, but broader: big O measures functions as a product, a sum, or multiplication by a number.

10. 2^2=4. 2^1=2. 2^0=1. 3^1=3. 3^0=1. (The letter "R" means exponentiation).

11. 4+4=2^3. 1+7=2^3. 2x4=2^3. 4=2^2.

12. 4+5=3^2. 3x3=3^2.Comment: Here we discover the letter "R" is an operator meaning "exponentiation". The meaning can also be worded as "raise to the power." The letter "R" is the first letter in the word "raise" and the last letter in the word "power". There is another meaning to "R" which is discussed later.

13. J=2^3. J=1+7. J+1=3x3. J+1=3^2.Comment: This messages means "the letter J is the number 8". This is odd. One would expect the letter H to be the number 8, as the letter G is the number 7. This message is letting us know that it is skipping the letters H and I to continue the numbering at letter J. Could this be on purpose? If these radio signals were intended to be translated into the English alphabet, then the letters H and I might be skipped to send a message to earth: "HI. Hi there! Hello!" What a clever way to send a message of greetings, if true. Another reason why J=8: in our mathematics, we use base 10 numbers. In their mathematics, they use base 8 numbers. Thus they are changing the value of J from the expected 10 to 8. They are saying: "we use octal numbers, not decimal numbers." Which means: they know we use decimal numbers in our mathematics.

14. 8/4=2. 8/2=4. 3/3=1. 6/2=3. (The letter "P" means division)Comment: the letter "P" may have been chosen for division. The letter P is the first letter in the word "part" and "partial".

15. 1 is less than 2. 2 is less than 3. 3 is less than 4. 5 is less than 8. 6 is less than 8. 7 is less than 8. 2^3 is less than 3^2. (The letter "U" means "less than")Comment: the letter "U" is the first letter of the English word "under" - another way of saying "less than". Also, the symbol for "less than" (