Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Is Happening In La Now Actors Report Incredible Ufos

What Is Happening In La Now Actors Report Incredible Ufos
By Grant Lawrence Bodhi Thunder The actors in the video below work as extras on a TV series called "Chuck." I don't watch much television, so I never heard of it.I don't know if the show is any good. But these actors do a great job of explaining their amazing sighting of UFOs over Los Angeles today. They saw a shiny metallic object zig zagging across the sky. Amazingly it changed color from silver to red. One of the actors reports that they noticed all the aircraft in the area "had been put on a low fly zone."Now even more amazing that same actor says that they saw 2 triangular objects appear after the metallic/red UFO had disappeared.The triangular objects went at incredible speeds and seemed to be following the path of the original UFO. The triangular craft then disappeared. The actor says, "The most incredible thing I have ever seen."A lot of strange aerial phenomena have been going on in the Los Angeles area. I recently reported on the Giant Butterfly that was witnessed in that area. See Also "The Giant Butterfly" Returns to Los Angeles: Witness Describes Amazing UFO Experience We all know of the recent missile sighting in that area. See Also US NOTICE MAY EXPLAIN RECENT SO CAL MYSTERY MISSILE LAUNCH Perhaps all of this is in some strange way connected. Related Articles * UFO Lights in BBC Interview with Irish Finance Minister ( * Yep, Police See UFOs Too ( * iPhone Captures "Creepy" UFO at an Amusement Park ( * Famed NASA Astronaut Tried to Communicate with UFOs while on Missions ( * Watch Massive Pulsating UFOs Over Brooklyn (