Friday, May 20, 2011

Crypto In Paranormal

Crypto In Paranormal
The new issue of Britain's "PARANORMAL" magazine is - I'm very pleased to say - absolutely "PACKED" with cryptozoological features! First, there is an article from well-known author Janet Bord titled "MONSTROUS MAN-BIRDS", and which covers such beasties as Mothman and Batsquatch. Then, there's Jon Downes dissecting the Owlman of England. "PARANORMAL" editor Richard Holland looks at the issue of ghostly-birds and birds of ill-omen. Karl Shuker poses the intriguing question: "Are UFOs living creatures - weird, luminous things drifting in the upper atmosphere?" And then there's a feature from me titled "MAN INTO MONSTER" - which is a study of legends of supernatural shape-shifting from man into an assortment of animals, including big-cats and hyenas. And, finally, there's a one-page rant from me explaining why I loathe those skeptical types who never actually get out into the field - but who prefer instead to pontificate from the comfort of their office or home on why they are so sure that Bigfoot, etc, do not exist. Enjoy!