Follow @THEMADHATTERXXXUFO SIGHTINGS DAILY These are High Res images that can be found at the NASA Johnson Space Center Government site.These are the file names of the images shown to you in this video.ISD highres STS088 STS088-724-65.JPGISD highres STS088 STS088-724-66.JPGISD highres STS088 STS088-724-67.JPGISD highres STS088 STS088-724-68.JPGISD highres STS088 STS088-724-69.JPGISD highres STS088 STS088-724-70.JPGYou can find the image files here. The page may take some time to load and may be slow at uploading images to you.You can also check out this too, if you are having problems getting to the images. HEXAGON ON MOONGiant Black Cube Orbiting The Sun Detected on NASAs SOHO photos, UFO Sighting News.HOW TO FIND UFO CUBE AROUND SUN USING IPAD/IPHONE APP, UFO SIGHTING NEWS