I was preparing to unload equipment for work and I looked up at the sky as I often do. I saw a light that seemed too diffuse to be an airplane. It appeared to be traveling west and was far north of my position and had a regular pattern of dimming and britening with a period of 15 seconds or so. Having eliminated airplanes and stars I thought it might be a satalite. A cloud obscured my view for a moment. When it came back in to view it had deviated from its prior course in an unexpected manor. I noted that it was very fuzzy but appeared spherical. Then the object took off to the north at an apparent speed about 10 times faster than jets just under mach1 at an airshow and yet i heard nothing. It could have been approaching the oregon border in less than 5 seconds when I lost sight of it due to the great distance. It's trajectory looked like it curved down leading me to believe it maintained its altitude. I starred at the sky for a few minutes after and saw nothing. I was happy and a bit excited as I've never witnessed any UFO phenomena before, yet I regularly observe the night sky for pleasure.UFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Just For You
Source: truth-just-ahead.blogspot.com