Friday, April 5, 2013

Residue Of Sightings

Residue Of Sightings
Why is there precious little to show that world of science that UFOs merit attention?"Obviously there is not a simple answer, but part of it is reluctance of the scientific community to support such research," explained Bruce Maccabee, regarded as a meticulous researcher and an optical physicist using those talents to study photographs and video of unexplained phenomena.Why this reluctance?"In my humble opinion it is largely a result of 'tradition'...tradition set by the U.S. Air Force in the early years when they publicly stated that everything was under control, they were investigating...and finding nothing that couldn't be explained," Maccabee said. Nevertheless, Maccabee observed, work on the phenomenon will carry on."UFO studies will continue until all the old cases have either been explained or admitted to being unexplainable-meaning a residue of sightings that could be ET related-and/or until people stop seeing unexplainable UFO-like events throughout the world," Maccabee concluded.
