Thursday, October 31, 2013

British Ministry Of Defence More Ufos Astrologer In The News

British Ministry Of Defence More Ufos Astrologer In The News
The mainstream British media continues to produce stories about the strange and bizarre affairs involving paraphysical phenomena like UFOs and psychic spies and government operations.

BBC News reports:

Confidential Ministry of Defence files on Unidentified Flying Objects are set to be made public.

Hundreds of documented sightings of UFOs across the UK will be released by the MoD to the National Archive in the coming weeks. Detailed accounts of sightings in the Bonnybridge area are expected to be among the files. The Stirlingshire town became famous in the 1990s after dozens of locals reported objects in the sky. A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence said the secret files date back more than 10 years.

Another unrelated BBC article tells the tale of how British intelligence chiefs sought the advice of Ludwig von Wohl during World War II:

British intelligence chiefs tried to guess Hitler's plans by studying his horoscope, according to files released by the National Archives.

Hungarian Ludwig von Wohl persuaded senior intelligence figures that he could replicate the forecasts of the Nazi leader's personal astrologer. De Wohl claimed that as Hitler relied heavily on Krafft's predictions, which were based on mathematics surrounding birthdates, the British could gain a unique insight into his thinking if they knew the astrological advice he was receiving. The plan appealed to some leading figures, including the Director of Naval Intelligence Admiral John Godfrey, who found Hitler's erratic strategic moves hard to work out. While his plan was enthusiastically embraced by member of SOE and the Political Warfare Executive, MI5 and MI6 were appalled. "One of our senior officers comments that he cannot believe that anyone is going to re-employ this dangerous charlatan and confidence-trick merchant," a report from MI6 said.