Date: Several animation in November 2008
Time: Among 6:30 and 7:15 p.m.
Location: Have a yen Isle Limited-access highway[LIE] (I-495) practical displease 39, east bound side.
Shape of Object: shrewd ineffective light formed light a guide.
Illustration of objects: 1 - 5
The encounter begins about two weeks ago, not crave after the encounter I before described. I started loot the LIE pied-?-terre more exactly of the Expressway like of the rash of bad pressure group specifically and like I very soon didn't plan to be in a agency to be staring up at the sky at what time parked in pressure group. The three lighted thing, the triangle thing, seeing it very soon way of bugged me.
So exclaim November 5th, I was legend pied-?-terre on the LIE and as I approached displease 39, I can see out over a big side of land. Now since Leakage 800 and September 11th, the FAA has smooth a lot to knock over flight patterns exclaim "New York Principal" and these animation, it seems because the very good bring up vector for airplanes to JFK is absolutely significantly in line amid the road of the LIE - because ascetically upper it - at what time the very good bring up for LaGuardia sitting room planes a bit north of in-line amid the LIE.
Looking out to the south, I saw a guide formed ineffective light that seemed quiet. Society was tired commanding, I had masses of time to gawp at it. I aimed it was either the light atop a tower or bring up lights from an seaplane or helicopter.
The back up night, a Friday, I looked and the light wasn't donate. I aimed that doomed it wasn't the light on a tower and that it must shoulder been a normalize helicopter or no matter which.
The biased Monday night, I looked again. The light was ambition. This time, the satisfactory ineffective guide seemed to stumble at the tired end (which tapering at the ground) almost because a top wobbles as it spins to come it force down. Society was again commanding tired ad I was able to watchdog it for a sooner crave step of time as pressure group crept from the west side of displease 39 all the way to displease 40.
I was off the back up day but, Wednesday of that week I was again headed pied-?-terre. I was getting very soon strange about this light like I had seen it in the same spot nearly get older and the last time I had seen it, it was measure stuff that the inside on the direct of a normalize helicopter party line do.
As I approached displease 39, I saw the light again. This time I pulled over. I sat donate surveillance it for about 5 report to come the light did no matter which that a helicopter (and most aircraft in general) cannot do - it zipped off at idealistic speed in a southerly nonstop, so sharp-witted that in a fly or two the light was like a log earlier.
So I'm a Have a yen Islander. We're used to charming stuff in vogue. Everyday years ago, clear guy organize guy arrested for conspiring to hatred people amid a radio-isotope like he felt they were reverse "alien secrets". This previous summer we had the "Montauk Being". There's a finalize myths here and there in Montauk and no matter which called "The Montauk Stick out" and two years ago, the odd papers ran stories about "charming clouds" in Montauk. In the prematurely 1990's, donate were all these municipality legends and rumors of a UFO crashing here South Place of safety Stage and other rumors of a UFO crashing here Moriches Bay. We've heard it all organize, not significantly bestow phenomenon a full-grown Have a yen Islander. This light stupefied me. This light stupefied me pompous than the charming flying triangle thing I had seen on the Expressway.
So each person time I saw this light, it was between 6:30 and 7:15 at night. It was without fail in the same general junction. I worked slightly for the extra of that week but, two nights ago I was hooligan pied-?-terre and saw a series of three or four (I'm not sure if the 4th was a border of the eye or no matter which I they say that saw) recording ineffective lights downstairs from the sky and leveling off in a way that reminded me of a diver hidden the water and cyclic to the piece. These lights were spaced out and seemed to incline in a semi-circle. Portray was what I would pull a impressive distance between each person of these lights and a hope 4th light may shoulder appeared to the far right but, I was too busy surveillance the pathway and the sky.
As these lights leveled off, they headed south across the LIE. And as I continued, I realized I was practical displease 39. So again I pulled over and this time I got out of the car and watched these lights (they were to the east of me) extend across the highway. Looking south, I saw the guide formed ineffective light in about the same spot it had before been. The three or so unimportant lights that I had watched fall from the sky were like a log sundry in color, dilution and shape (they were round and almost because a... well, a not shrewd ineffective color). The three unimportant lights pulled reach together and seemed to compose exclaim each person other as they headed south-west - almost because three jets swirling exclaim each person other in an manager drum index type maneuver.
The three unimportant lights seemed to make south of the shrewd ineffective guide to come they without consideration misrepresented regulate and headed east-south-east. A intention unconventional, the guide shot off at about a 15 regular make a list to the south-east without consideration weakening from sight.
Subsequently last night as I traveled pied-?-terre, at about 7:10pm, I agreed displease 39 and saw the unimportant lights dancing across the sky legend south. Their speed was capricious and at one brainchild one of them seemed to ram a 90 regular turn. I did not see the ineffective guide light.
I cannot tell you if these stuff finished any noise. Society, strip hour pressure group which seems to last from 4:30pm - 7:30pm on the LIE, is very loud.
As significantly as I very soon don't plan to see whatever because this in real life, I'm deliberation of delight my camera amid me in my car. If I supply myself to do this, I bestow go through pictures if I see them again.
Thank you to the date for their report.
Brian Vike, Funnel HBCC UFO Investigate and flood of the Vike Check UFO Spectator radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Investigate International:
Passable auxiliary, the Vike Check Interactions Warning sign Blog. You can shape the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and appearance programs I do.
HBCC UFO Investigate, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO