Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Holiday Gifts For The Hard To Shop For

Holiday Gifts For The Hard To Shop For
Are you, or someone you love, afflicted by an incurable case of anomaly fever? If so, then you probably understand the difficulty in finding that "perfect gift." Well, hopefully the following (all available through cafepress.com) will be just what you are looking for:

EVPOklahoma Alien Roswell Roswell 2Roswell 3 Roswell New MexicoBlobsquatch


Baby Bigfoot

And just for fun (or Christmas or Valentine's Day...)


Valentine Hearts



Penguin Queen of the Office Arizona Tucson New MexicoSanta Fe Prawnography

Internet PrawnSan JuanHalloweenMonster Mood

And many more will soon be added to this list, so be sure to check back. If you have any particular suggestions or request, feel free to drop us an e-mail at: s t r a n g e s t a t e o k @ y a h o o. c o m. If you are interested in picking up a copy of the book "Strange State: Mysteries and Legends of Oklahoma", click on the Paypal link at the top right of this page or contact us via e-mail. Seasons Greetings, everyone!