Saturday, June 4, 2011

2013 News On Space And Ufos

2013 News On Space And Ufos
UPDATED 24.11.2013 This page contains news on all of the blog topics (space, ufos, crop circles, abductions, etc) published in the mainstream newspapers and other media worldwide in 2013.


Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in Washington D.C. April-May


Space tourism

Military drones


2013-0103 Onko t"am"a valtava merkki skientologien viesti avaruusolioille? (IS/Finland) FIN

2013-0121 Extraterrestres en Latinoam'erica (El Universal/Mexico) SPA

2013-0123 300 Millionen Jahre altes "Maschinenteil" gefunden (Bild/Germany) GER

2013-0202 Are Crop Circles More Than Just Modern Pranks? (Time) ENG

2013-0220 - star gazing, starting from Gifu (Asahi) JPN

2013-0221 Supuesto ovni captado sobre el volc'an Popocat'epetl (El Universal/Mexico) SPA

2013-0226 Regreso a J'upiter (El Pa'is) SPA

2013-0304 Terveisi"a Marsista (SS/Finland) FIN

2013-0308 UFOs are out there - and Russell Crowe has the evidence (The Guardian) ENG

2013-0311 (Pravda) RUS

2013-0314 Florida residents report UFOs buzzing above homes (Fox News video) ENG

2013-0329 FBI: We Never Investigated Popular UFO File (Time) ENG

2013-0405 Tom Cruise unistab kohtumisest tulnukatega (~Ohtuleht/Estonia) EST

2013-0406 Lecturer claims aliens are closer than you think (Las Vegas Sun) ENG

2013-0409 Documentaire toont voor het eerst 'alien' aan de wereld (HLN/Belgium) DUT

2013-0410 UFOs: Disclosure Is Coming (Huff) ENG

2013-0414 Italiana tuvo 28 beb'es aliens (Diario Popular/Argentina) SPA

2013-0414 (Asahi) JPN

2013-0419 Ovnis: Brasil abrir'a sus 'ultimos archivos ultrasecretos (El Mercurio/Chile) SPA

2013-0423 UFOs caught on camera in Ireland (ZeeNews/India) ENG

2013-0428 Aliens posing risk for Irish pilots, say UFO expert (ZeeNews/India) ENG

2013-0430 Former members of congress hold faux UFO hearing (The Denver Post) ENG

2013-0430 Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Day 2: England Has Close Encounter,... (Huff) ENG

2013-0501 Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Day 3: Panel Takes On Animal Mutilation... (Huff) ENG

2013-0503 Citizen Hearing On Disclosure: Pilots Testify To UFO Encounters (Huff) ENG 2013-0513 Credibility of UFO Witnesses at Mock-Hearing Impresses... (Huff) ENG

2013-0520 Avistamiento en Argentina y Chile de gran nave nodriza (Diario Popular/Argentina) SPA

2013-0523 Star trek-stj"arnan tror Nasa d"oljer utomjordiskt liv (AB/Sweden) SWE

2013-0527 UFO spotted above North Shore mountains, claims... (Calgary Herald/Canada) ENG

2013-0530 "Mars-jyrsij"a" yll"atti avaruusharrastajan - mik"a Nasan kuvaan tallentui? (IS/Finland) FIN

2013-0530 J"a"at"av"a Ryanair-teoria Skotlannin ufosta (IS/Finland) FIN

2013-0531 Popocatepetli vulkaani kohal n"ahti ufot? -video (Postimees/Estonia) EST

2013-0602 UFO sightings have doubled in Canada: Are there aliens... (Toronto Star) ENG

2013-0602 Aliens: The Definite Guide says we're likely not alone (Toronto Star) ENG

2013-0604 Not all scientists agree on UFOs (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG

2013-0608 Pilots of three passenger planes saw two UFOs above... (Daily Mail/UK) ENG

2013-0609 Piloter sag UFO: n "over scientolog-bas (AB/Sweden) SWE

2013-0610 "Onnur k'inversk kona 'ut 'i geim (MBL/Iceland) ICE

2013-0613, (Yoki/Russia) RUS

2013-0619 China ultima un veh'iculo para recorrer el suelo de la Luna (El Pa'is) SPA

2013-0620 UFO files: How sightings of 'alien spacecrafts' when trebled MoD... (Daily Mail/UK) ENG

2013-0621 Top 10 UFO sightings: from Roswell to a pub in Berkshire (The Guardian) ENG

2013-0621 50 ars UFO-forskning "resultatl"os" (GP/Sweden) SWE

2013-0621 Miks suleti Suurbritannia ufode uurimise keskus? (~Ohtuleht/Estonia) EST

2013-0621 Vilja ekki 'abendingar um flj'ugandi furduhluti (MBL) ICE

2013-0623 Super-Mond erhellt den Nachthimmel (S"uddeutsche/Germany) GER

2013-0624 La luna m'as grande del a~no (El Pa'is) SPA

2013-0702 Phoenix Lights: The Valley's UFO Story (AzCentral) ENG

2013-0705 UFO, conspiracy fans in Roswell for conference (The Denver Post) ENG

2013-0705 66ste verjaardag neerstorten 'ufo' gevierd met festival (HLN/Belgium) DUT

2013-0712 New UFO website allows users to post 'sightings' (The Denver Post) ENG

2013-0716 Sobrevolar el gran ca~non de Marte - contains a video(4m47) (El Pa'is) SPA

2013-0719 Scientists give out-of-this-world preview of UFO symposium (LasVegasSun) ENG

2013-0720 Eric Davis, Physicist, Explains Why Scientists Won't Discuss Their... (Huff ) ENG

2013-0721 At UFO symposium, participants urge open-mindedness (LasVegas Sun) ENG

2013-0724 Nationalpark auf dem Mond (S"uddeutsche) GER

2013-0730 Paranormal tales of Art Bell will grace late-night radio again (Calgary Herald) ENG

2013-0730 Mutilated cows found at Missouri farm, police not ruling out... (CBS) ENG

2013-0806 Astronaut's worst fear: 'floating off into space' (New York Post) ENG

2013-0809...(Asahi) JPN

2013-0815 (Pravda) RUS

2013-0816 CIA acknowledges Area 51, but not UFOs or Aliens (AzCentral) ENG

2013-0816 CIA vahvistaa vihdoin: Area 51 on olemassa - ja... (IS/Finland) FIN

2013-0817 La CIA reconoce la existencia del 'Area 51, la m'itiga base secreta... (El Pa'is) SPA

2013-0817 Zahlreiche Ufo-Hinweise auf einen Schlag entkr"aftet (Stern) GER

2013-0818 Army troops sight UFO in Ladakh again (ZeeNews/India) ENG

2013-0818 El 'Area 51 siempre estuvo all'i (El Pa'is) SPA

2013-0826 Apollo-Astronauten: Mond ist ein Haufen Dreck - video(3m40s) (S"uddeutsche) GER

2013-0827 - video (Pravda) RUS

2013-0828 Roswell author who said he handled UFO debris dies at 76 (The Guardian) ENG

2013-0828 New element ununpentium added to the periodic table (Daily Mail/UK) ENG

2013-0828 UFO over Virginia, USA? video (Calgary Sun/Canada) ENG

2013-0831 Piura: uf'ologi Anthony Choy asegura la presencia de ovnis... (El Comercio/Peru) SPA

2013-0901. (Yoki/Russia) RUS

2013-0904 Cattle mutilation theories exposed on 'The unexplained files'.... (Huff) ENG

2013-0906 Rihanna pays UFO watcher for alien updates? (AzCentral) ENG

2013-0914 Diamond-shaped UFO captured on Nebraska Live-TV Towercam (Huff Post) ENG

2013-0914 Nasa valikoi asteroideja suureen kaappausoperatioon (IS/Finland) FIN

2013-0919 Uutta tietoa Marsista: "T"am"a ei ole hyv"a uutinen" (IS/Finland) FIN

2013-0922 Piden que desclasifiquen documentos sobre OVNIs (Diario Popular/Argentina) SPA

2013-0923 Ovnis argentinos buscan salir del anonimato (El Universal/Mexico) SPA

2013-0924 Forschung auf Jupitermond - contains a video(2m44s) (S"uddeutsche) ss GER

2013-0925 Sotimaa Rosslyni kabel on "uhendusl"uli ufode ja...? (Postimees/Estonia) EST

2013-0927 (!)51 (Asahi) JPN

2013-0929 Hasta que la ciencia cree en aliens! (Diario Popular/Argentina) SPA

2013-0930 NASA probe detects plastic ingredient on Saturn moon (Calgary Herald/Canada) ENG

2013-1002 Alien Spacecraft recorded orbiting Earth (AC/Canada) ENG

2013-1003 Supertulivuoret repiv"at Marsia aikojen alussa - tuhoutuiko el"am"a? (IS/Finland) FIN

2013-1003 - video (Pravda) RUS

2013-1002 En Marte explotaron supelvolcanes hace miles de millones de a~nos (El Pa'is) SPA

2013-1005 San Luis Valley, Colorado - Outoja ilmi"oit"a (IS/Finland) FIN

2013-1010 Astronaut Scott Carpenter dies: An Appreciation of a Life (Time) ENG

2013-1011 Man says 1973 UFO incident turned life upside down (The Denver Post) ENG

2013-1011 Man who was 'captured by UFOs with grey leathery....' (Daily Mail/UK) ENG

2013-1011 Shaun Ryder on UFOs: "I believe in abduction and...." (Digital Spy/UK) ENG

2013-1013 Wolken aus Stein und Eisen (FAZ) GER

2013-1013 Los OVNIs est'an entre nosotros (Diario Popular/Argentina) SPA

2013-1020 Perus flygvapen ska jaga UFO (DN/Sweden) SWE

2013-1020 Watch UFO fall from the sky over the town of Akureyri in Iceland (Mirror/UK) ENG

2013-1020 Mirror spyr um flj'ugandi furduhlut yfir Akureyri (MBL) ICE

2013-1021 (Pravda) RUS

2013-1022 India's Mars Orbiter Mission to be launched on November 5 (ZeeNews/India) ENG

2013-1023 Side Streets: Seen any aliens in Colorado or beyond? Share your... (The Gazette) ENG

2013-1025 Peru's Government UFO Agency Officially Reactivated After... (Huff) ENG

2013-1026 (Pravda) RUS

2013-1101 Drones Causing Worldwide Spike in UFO Sightings - video(7m08s) (Huff) ENG

2013-1104 I Want to Believe: UFO Sightings Are Increasing Because People... (Time) ENG

2013-1106 Letter of the Day (Nov. 7):UFOs - MUFON reply (StarTribune/Minnesota) ENG

2013-1109 Die Gl"uhend heisse Schwester der Erde - about Kepler 7b (FAZ)ss GER

2013-1113 Flying saucer or military drone? Massive rise in UFO sightings is... (Daily Mail/UK) ENG

2013-1115 UFO expert writes latest Haynes Manual (Herald/UK) ENG
