Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ufo Dilemma

Ufo Dilemma
I'm on the horns of a dilemma today...In recent days I have been criticized by one reader for blogging way too much about my book about Dr. J. Allen Hynek:"You might get more people interested in your blog if it wasn't so focused on J. Allen Hynek. I am sure it is important to you, writing a book on him, but I don't see many comments. I know when I see Dr. Hynek's name I immediately move on. Frankly he doesn't interest me in the least."Okay, so the world doesn't revolve around my book. I get it. But at the same time, I got a comment from a reader asking about my corrected history of the UFO, in which I said I had found a 1947 government document using the term "unidentified flying object" at least two years earlier than the term is widely thought to have been coined. This reader asked if I was willing to give any more information to substantiate my claim, which I thought was a fair question.Trouble is, if I write more about the "unidentified flying object" document that I discuss in detail in the book, I'll make that guy happy, but I'll piss off the guy who doesn't want to hear about my book. What to do?!I'm sure there must be an old saying about how you can't make everyone happy, and if there is, I've just found out that it's true.Part of me feels as though I just piss off everyone--keep blabbing about Hynek and not reveal anything more about the "UFO" document--but that would be the easy way out. So, I will give a little more information about the mysterious document without mentioning "that man" for the remainder of this post... " Green fireballs never make anyone happy.The document in question is a U.S. Army memo, which is odd in itself because it was the Air Force that was officially in charge of investigating flying saucer reports. But in this case, the reports were coming from civilian and military pilots, scientists and government officials, and they were centered around some very high-security nuclear test labs in the New Mexico desert. All these serious, credible witnesses were seeing "green fireballs" in the skies about Los Alamos and Sandia Labs, and they were scaring the government to death... The Air Force was already busy debunking flying saucer sightings through "Project Grudge," so a separate group was formed to investigate the "green fireballs." The investigation's name: "Project Twinkle."The document I came across is an Army memo with a status report on "Project Twinkle, and it describes the green fireballs" quite casually as "unidentified flying objects." More than that I will not disclose, because I'm writing this thing I can't talk about, about this guy I can't mention, and it's part of that story....There. Did I make everyone happy? Did I make anyone happy?Didn't think so.
