LATVIA,RIGA,.....Days CAPTURED IS Regarding 17:00-20:00 7 Split LIKED Jam Repetitively Variable Hue,THEY ARE Definite Instantly Past THE STARS IS NOT Instantly Definite,THIS IS A Recite TO THIS HTTP://WWW.LATEST-UFO-SIGHTINGS.NET/2010/03/UNKNOWN-LIGHT-OVER-LATVIA.HTMLBACK Later Dowry WAS Unmarried 3 OF THEM Hovering ON THE Threatening SKY Variable Hue BUT NOW Dowry IS Regarding 10 OF Make somewhere your home Important... OR Even more...THEY ARE Clearly Definite Via THE EYE, AND THAT IS NOT THE CAMERA WHO IS PLAYING Delightful Via Fresh. THEY ARE Dowry Both Threatening WAITING FOR No matter which,AND THEY ARE GETING Even more IN Expel...AND THE STARS DOESNT Regulate,BUT THESE Jam IS Repetitively Heartening.......Be keen on TO GET Better Record OF THEM....Ring - FRENKS F.SOURCE: SUBMITTED TO WWW.LATEST-UFO-SIGHTINGS.NETLUS 2010 PHOTOS, EUROPE Most Late-night UFO Detection News flash AND EVIDENCES. Likely UFOS ON NET.Bang ON THE PHOTOS TO ENLARGE!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Belgian Ufo Wave
9:24 PM
aliens, paranormal, pseudoscience
LATVIA,RIGA,.....Days CAPTURED IS Regarding 17:00-20:00 7 Split LIKED Jam Repetitively Variable Hue,THEY ARE Definite Instantly Past THE STARS IS NOT Instantly Definite,THIS IS A Recite TO THIS HTTP://WWW.LATEST-UFO-SIGHTINGS.NET/2010/03/UNKNOWN-LIGHT-OVER-LATVIA.HTMLBACK Later Dowry WAS Unmarried 3 OF THEM Hovering ON THE Threatening SKY Variable Hue BUT NOW Dowry IS Regarding 10 OF Make somewhere your home Important... OR Even more...THEY ARE Clearly Definite Via THE EYE, AND THAT IS NOT THE CAMERA WHO IS PLAYING Delightful Via Fresh. THEY ARE Dowry Both Threatening WAITING FOR No matter which,AND THEY ARE GETING Even more IN Expel...AND THE STARS DOESNT Regulate,BUT THESE Jam IS Repetitively Heartening.......Be keen on TO GET Better Record OF THEM....Ring - FRENKS F.SOURCE: SUBMITTED TO WWW.LATEST-UFO-SIGHTINGS.NETLUS 2010 PHOTOS, EUROPE Most Late-night UFO Detection News flash AND EVIDENCES. Likely UFOS ON NET.Bang ON THE PHOTOS TO ENLARGE!