Scott Kelly and Mikhail Korniyenko are to transfer from Expedition 44 as part of their year-long stay aboard the ISS. Expedition 45 is scheduled to begin upon the arrival of Soyuz TMA-18M at the ISS in September 2015 and conclude upon the departure of Soyuz TMA-17M in November 2015. Kelly, Korniyenko and Sergey Volkov are then to transfer to the crew of Expedition 46.
The Expedition 45 crew will conduct its journey of exploration and discovery from a summit whose foundation was built by past generations of pioneers, scientists, engineers and explorers. This foundation is represented by the book of knowledge at the bottom of the patch. Curves radiate from the book representing the flow of knowledge - and the hard work, sacrifice and innovation that makes human spaceflight possible. The pages written during Expedition 45 will serve to benefit humanity on Earth and in space. The International Space Station is represented by a single bright star soaring over the Earth, illuminating a path to future, more distant destinations.
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Project: International Space StationISS ExpeditionsClassification: Mission/Crew PatchTags: issexpedition 45lindgrenyuikononenkovolkovkorniyenkokellyManufacturer: A-B Emblem