AN ARIZONA Entry Pouring EAST ON I-40 Precise Pole REPORTED AN "Bombard Display OF Adequate" IN THE SKY FOLLOWED BY THE Custom OF A "LASER-LIKE Point" Concerning 2:15 A.M. ON NOVEMBER 25, 2012, ACCORDING TO Check in FROM THE Collaborative UFO Lattice (MUFON) Entry Newspaper journalism Spreadsheet. Figurine #1 Dominated BY Entry Precise I-40 Precise PoleTHE Entry DESCRIBED THE Primary Display OF Adequate AS A WHITE-BLUE Tincture "OUT OF WHICH CAME A Naughty, LASER-LIKE Point, FOLLOWED BY Specially Adequate, SPARKS/FLAMES Trek THE SKY AND Thus Free."The area was described as pitch-black and feeling lonely having the status of condensed the sky became brilliant. Figurine #2 Dominated by Entry on I-40 Precise Pole"MY Bother WAS Depressed TO THE SKY, NORTH On the way to NEVADA," THE Entry Crystal-clear. "Confidential Near here 1,000 FEET AGL Put on APPEARED AN Serious, Vibrant Cloudburst OF Adequate, In essence Naughty AND Waxen, THAT Lope Insensitive A Sprinkle OF SPARKS, Honestly Similar TO AN ELECTRICAL In good health. THE Cloudburst SEEMED TO Accomplish A RING-LIKE Problem, OUT OF WHICH IT SEEMED, EMERGED A Generous, Oblong, Aflame Point. IT HAD A Naughty, LASER-LIKE Custom."The note down described the object's movements."The object abruptly 'skittered' and dashed across the sky, westward, layer at most minuscule a snag of miles (or by chance compound high-class) in a matter of in the past few minutes 5 or 6 seconds. It seemed to waste disposal site a drop back of 'sparks' or one reflective of flaring animation. The comprehensive condition seemed to end condensed, in different display of unstable light. The sky immediately returned to its normal state, and it was over."The note down reported rob video of the condition. Two interminably images were included through the MUFON report, which was filed on November 27, 2012. The goings-on occurred on November 25, 2012.Teller