Are UFOs and aliens real? Have we been visited by aliens?
Logical analysis of the facts demonstrates not only the existence of advanced humanities and life on other planets, but their presence on our planet.
No UFO has ever been tracked on radar entering the Earth's atmosphere
There are thousands of documented cases of unexplained ships, hundreds of cases of governments hiding what they know, and decades of an attempt to encourage the populace to discard the facts as fantasy or foolishness.
The first photograph of a UFO was taken in 1883 by astronomer Jose Bonilla in Zacatecas, Mexico
Did the U.S. Government or someone associated with it use Newton to discredit the idea of crashed flying saucers so a real captured saucer or saucers could be more easily kept under wraps?
UFOs were often seen and photographed during NASA's space missions in the 1960s
Now, a lot of people in Ufology get all hot and bothered and defensive when a discussion of UFO disinformation surfaces.
UFO sightings have been claimed by former President Jimmy Carter, Clyde Tombaough (the astronomer who discovered Pluto)
The first documented UFO sighting is in the Bible. The prophet Ezekiel described a "great cloud with fire enfolding itself, a wheel in the middle of a wheel that descended and fired lightning bolts into the earth."
1 in 7 Americans say that they, or someone they know, have had an "encounter" with a UFO
Reports of ghosts, mysterious lights in the skies, and sightings by experienced bushmen of strange animals (such as the Yahoo or Yowie) were mostly treated in a matter-of-fact fashion throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries.
According to the law it is illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles
There are an average of 70,000 reported UFO sightings every year, worldwide. That's an average of 192 per day.
One allegedly well-documented report stems from an interview in which astronaut Buzz Aldrin describes seeing a UFO during the Apollo 11 mission
According to some UFO aficionados, the Men in Black (MIBs) really do exist, and have been hammering on the doors of alien witnesses ever since the first appearance of flying saucers in 1947.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Ufo Hoaxes There An App For That
Monday, September 29, 2014
Mibs The Feds And Mufon
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Ufo Sighting In Grove City Ohio On July 6Th 2013 Observed Fireball Then Broke Into Smaller Ones Which Flashed
I was sitting on the back porch with neighbors when high in the sky, not around the horizon, there appeared what looked like a fireball with a tail that became increasing brighter falling. It then broke into three parts. After about 1 to 2 seconds 4 to 5 lights appeared. The lights flashed on and off and a few moved back and forth form left to right. The lights then disappeared. The event lasted form beginning to end about 5 to 7 minutes. My neighbor video taped the lights moving and flashing, but did not get the initial fireball.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Chris Hollys Endless Journey With Ken Pfeifer
Danish Ufo Files Now Open To Public
Friday, September 26, 2014
Latest Ufo Sightings For February 1 2008
Debris Disk Hopping Microbots Mothballing Shuttle Atlantis
g STARS - Astronomers have found a debris disk around a sun-like star that may be forming or has formed its terrestrial planets. The disk - a probable analog to our asteroid belt - may have begun a solar-system-scale demolition derby, where the rocky remains of failed planets collide chaotically. See article.
g ABODES - NASA researchers, using data from the agency's AURA satellite, determined the seasonal ozone hole that developed over Antarctica this year is smaller than in previous years. See article. For related story, see "Mountainous Plateau Creates Ozone 'Halo' Around Tibet".
g LIFE - For the past several years, NASA has been encouraging scientists and engineers to think outside the box, to come up with ideas just this side of science fiction. One of the projects that received funding earlier this year was a collaboration between Penelope Boston and Steven Dubowsky to develop "hopping microbots" capable of exploring hazardous terrain, including underground caves. See article.
g INTELLIGENCE - With help from a common aquarium pet and a recently released online database of human genetic variation, a collaborative team of Penn State researchers has found what could be the most important skin color gene identified to date. The team found that a change in just one amino acid in one gene plays a major role in determining why people of European descent have lighter skin than people of African descent. See article.
g MESSAGE - What's Olum's Paradox? See article.
g COSMICUS - Several lawmakers have warned President Bush in a letter that if NASA doesn't get the budget it seeks for 2007 to 2010, it would have to retire shuttle Atlantis immediately, cutting jobs and gutting the vision for space exploration. See article.
g LEARNING - The American Geophysical Union met in San Francisco last week, as it does each year. More than 11,000 geologists, students and educators gathered together to present papers and posters, attend lectures, learn about new discoveries, and share the science of Earth and other planets. AGU has become the site for significant sessions on Earth and space science education. See article.
g IMAGINING - Scientists at the SETI Institute have long considered what life might be like on other worlds. You can join in this quest through a game-like science lesson, "Inventing Life Forms." It's suitable for inventors of all ages. Using one of a pair of dice, you work through the selection of characteristics for your life form. Then, you apply this data and your imagination to invent a life form and develop a world where your creature could live. Download the instructions for "Inventing Life Forms" from the SETI Institute website. It's the PDF lesson featured with our teaching guide, "How Might Life Evolve on Other Worlds?"
g AFTERMATH - Donald E. Tarter, a consultant in space policy and technology assessment, makes a persuasive case for developing the protocols and technology to reply to an extraterrestrial signal before news of the discovery is made public, in his article, "Advocating an Immediate Response." Delay could be costly as technologically advanced fringe groups or ambitious nations could attempt to score a propaganda victory by being the first to reply, creating a mixed and perhaps embarrassing first message. This could be avoided by settling on a quick and simple message to let the extraterrestrial source know that we had received their message. See article. Note: This report is from 1996.
Read this blogger's books
Thursday, September 25, 2014
The 10 Countries Most Visited Alien
Annie Jacobsen Area 51 And Les Ovnis
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Ufo Sighting In Stafford
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Giant Triangle Door Opens In Sun Nasa Sees It And Circles It March 2012 News
Monday, September 22, 2014
Ufo Sighting In Silverdale
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Ufo Sighting In Stockton California On July 9Th 2013 2 Objects Start Like Changed Direction
Huge Ufo Spacecraft Filmed Over San Antonio Tx
A Magnet For Weirdness
THAT'S HOW I START MY NEW "MYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE" ARTICLE, which focuses on a little old English village that has been a hotbed of strangeness for more than 130 years. Its name is Ranton, and it's situated only a short drive from where I spent my childhood.
A "Man-Monkey," pixies, alien big cats, and a George Adamski-type UFO encounter are just a few of the things that call this Twin Peaks-like place their home...
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Repost Dale Drinnon Modifications To The Aquatic Cryptids Classifications As Proposed By Heuvelmans
This is a general outline of my modifications to Heuvelmans, basically what I was distilling down at the opening of my article in the 2010 CFZ yearbook. The other work on the categories follows from this, and the range maps go with this.
Heuvelmans lists three opening categories:
1X) Vague or indeterminate reports, Mistaken observations and False reports or Hoaxes.
While I change the percentages of all the categories I allow those to stand, but I also add to the invalid reports the majority of the following categories:
2X) Super Otter 13 definite and 15 possible sightings. It has the overall shape like an otter, a serpentine body which undulates vertically, and a short or medium-length neck. The Super Otter may be about 65-100 feet long, sometimes reported up to several hundred or over a thousand (!) feet long. The creature seen by Hans Egede was probably a Super Otter, and it is perhaps a primitive archaeocete with four legs. As of 1965, the last definite Super Otter was in 1848, so it might be extinct by now.
The Report credited to Hans Egede (actually made by his son Povel) was most likely a misunderstood view of a whale now thought to be extinct in the area, and the Sundsland Fisherman report a more normal view of another creature (whale) of the same type. The majority of the rest of the reports are mistaking waves in the water for living animals. As to the statement that the last one was seen in 1846, reports of the same type continue to the present day and it is permissible that NONE of these reports accurately describes any living creature. NONE of them would therefore be "definite" reports of a "Super-otter" or anything else.
3X) Many Humped 33 definite and 26 possible sightings. As the name suggests, this has several humps on it's back. It has a small head, short or medium-length neck, and (sometimes)a fin on its back as well as a pair of flippers. It seems to be about 60-100 feet long, and may be threatened or endangered, as there are very few recent sightings. It is probably an archaeocete.
The Super-Otter and Many-humped categories are hard to distinguish from one another. Most of the reports in this category are also mistaken impressions of waves in the water, even if a Plesiosaur-shaped creature is making the wave. The distinctively black-backed, white-bellied reports with a back fin come from mistaken views of killer whales.
4X) Many Finned 20 definite and 6 possible sightings. This has a round head with whiskers, short neck, and many fins along the sides. It is probably about 60-70 feet long. The many finned seems to have some kind of armored protection, and seems to be another kind of primitive archaeocete.
Many-finned reports are most often mistaken views of several small cetaceans in a line. Some of the reports included are even Plesiosaur-shaped creatures or large whales. The Along Bay Dragons and Tompandrano do NOT conform to Heuvelmans' description.
1) Longneck 48 definite and 34 possible reports. The Longneck has a long neck, a humped back, and little or no tail. Some Longnecks have two horns, and the creature has a fast speed. The Longneck has flippers (similar to those of a seal) and is probably about 15-60 feet long. The Longneck is probably a kind of pinniped (seals, sea lions, etc) and the first known sighting was in 1846 (Although Heuvelmans states it was known to the ancients as "Physeter" and the first Sea-serpent listed on his table in the back is possibly a ?LN)
1A, Male of 1) Merhorse 37 definite and 34 probable sightings. The Merhorse has a head similar to a horse, a long neck, and a mane. It has big eyes and a snake-like tail. Sightings suggest that ther Merhorse ranges in size from 30-100 feet. The Merhorse's big eyes suggest that it may normally live in the deeper parts of the ocean.
Sightings of Megalotaria - the hypothetical long-necked pinniped
Most other reporters regard Longnecked and Merhorse to be male and female of the same species. The sizes indicated are a clue to this, with the males much larger in size. The largest size estimates should probably be cut in half, AFTER the "Many-Humped" sightings are already dropped out.
It turns out the Merhorse's eyes are not proportionately larger, they are marked with circles around them in contrasting clour to the rest of the head and back, and this has been plainly stated since Pontoppidian the 1700s. Included separately in each category are separate series of reports of large pinnepeds: a kind of sea lion in the first instance and a large seal-elephant seal-in the second series. including these reports in with the others has corrupted the composites created for both of them. The standard Longneck also has a snakelike tail and is otherwise identical in shape to the Merhorse. The Merhorse in turn is also brighter-coloured as well as having a mane, ordinarily a reddish or mohagany brown but sometimes with a greenish colour variation instead. reports of distinctively reflective, silvery or greyish bodies, and distinctively long reddish manes, are due to mistaken observations of Oarfish.
Consequently the total numbers of reports in each category comes down somewhat owing to the mistaken reports being culled out. Both categories are still by far the majority of "Unidentified" Sea-serpent sightings, counted either together or separately.
5) Super Eel 12 definite and 11 possible sightings, equally well 12 larger and 11 smaller category sightings. The Super Eel may actually include different species. Most of them look like eels (the only sea serpents that actually are serpentine) though the description of their heads and coloration differ. Super Eels have large eyes and are said to be 20-100 feet long, in two bunches, one averaging about 30 feet and the other nearly 100 feet. Super eels are sometimes dying when at the surface, and are probably fish.
The larger and smaller size categories I name Titanoconger and Megaconger, and they differ in ways other than size. The Titanoconger is a really big deepsea, free-swimming fish marked with a distinctively darker back and lighter belly. I doubt if it is actually abyssal. The Megaconger is a smaller fish, although at an average of 20-30 feet long it is still larger than any known eel. It has a more even colouration and seems to favor shallower waters near to the coast and on continental shelves. Two subcategories in the Mediterranean and around Fiji might be more like large moray eels instead, without pectoral fins and otherwise similar to larger editions of the more common local morays.
Heuvelmans also includes a category of reports he calls ?LN?SE because he considers them difficult to categorize as either Longnecks or Super-eels. It would seem to me that about two-thirds of these are Longnecks and possibly a third (or less) are Super-eels: some of them are also reports of whales or other mistaken observations.
6. Marine Saurian When Heuvelmans designed his classifications, the Marine Saurian was known from only 4 definite, 5 possible sightings. It is described as looking like a gigantic crocodile (50-60 feet), and may be some kind of ancient marine reptile.I have subsequently broken this down into a larger-sized category including 6 of the original 9, The actual Marine Saurian although it grows much larger than Heuvelmans states, and a small-sized category including 2 of the 9 and which are similar to the African carcass known as Gambo. One of the reports is different, it is more definitely a crocodile like C. porosis but larger. I have subsequently added more reports to the Marine Saurians, and more recently especially to the largest-sized category. Curiously enough, some of the sightings now added to it were formerly called "Merhorse" and "Longnecked" reports.The Marine Saurians in Heuvelmans' collection reported to the furthest North of their range were always the largest, up to 100 feet long, and with the largest heads, reported as 10-15 feet long and with a neck commonly estimated at 6 feet thick. The dimensions match the creature said to have been killed by the Monogahela. The larger ones seem to prey on large sharks and small whales, and the reports seem to indicate that it follows whale migrations and breeds in warmer waters. A large one and a small one were seen together off South Carolina, and that is also the location of the smallest length otherwise reported (35 feet) It would seem that the larger adults are able to tolerate cold waters (down to freezing) the best. Total lengths for many of the most famous reports are not even estimated.
7x) Father-of- all-Turtles also known from only 4 possible sightings, is is described as a giant marine turtle. It may have some relation to the ancient giant turtle, "Archelon". Heuvelmans considered the existence of the Father-of-all- Turtles to doubtful and the reports to be probably misidentifications.
There are independant reports of an outsized leatherback turtle of "Archelon"-size as printed by Ulrich Magin an an article to PURSUIT. This may or may not be the outsized giants of the known Leatherback species but in any event has nothing to do with Heuvelmans' category otherwise. Some may still wish to place the Soay beast here.
8) Yellow Belly Known from only 3 definite, 3 possible sightings (as of 1965), this has a yellow color and is tadpole shaped. Its size is estimated at around 60-100 feet. Heuvelmans suggested that it might a shark or other fish, or even an amphibian[this last was the suggestion of the witness. I count it as a shark, much like a whale shark but with a longer tail and the markings run together to form stripes].Mackal subsequently tried to write off this category as sightings of marine invertebrates, but his arguments were flawed and he contradicted his own theory with other information elsewhere. In specific, he admitted that Salp chains were not known to come in that characteristic colouration.
Since I consider the basic creature described to be a kind of elongated shark, I also classify it loosely with the elongated basking sharks and even Eel-shaped sharks derived from reports of Seamonster corpses cast ashore periodically, which Heuvelmans insited on including as a possibility.
Posted by Jon Downes at 2:56 AM
Dale Drinnon said...
This represents a simplified tabulation of my results from running all of those dissections of the reports I did back in the 1970s and it is basically the only extensive publication OF those results to have seen print since then. I have referred to the evaluation of the sightings of In The Wake of the Sea-Serpents before, but this is the only time that they have been put up all in one place at the same time.
I do have a couple of very minor adjustments to make-the last map shows "Yellow-Belly" sightings with Heuvelmans' cases in yellow and other possible additions in orange squares. Many are questionable because they would have been tail-only and usually 40 feet long for just the tail. If some of the other reports are the same thing, then its couration has also been described as banded in brown-and-green or light-and-dark brown. Some people feel the Le Serrac phot represents this creature and that is about what Dinsdale says in Monster Hunt (The Leviathans in UK)
Apart from that omission, the Sacramento SS up top was not intended to go with the void categories, another old print was meant to show a "Super-otter" in its place. The Sacramento SS is the "Clasic" Marine-Saurian. Since both Jon and I were experiencing email problems and both of our accounts falsely called bouncing at the time we were arranging for this blog entry, I do not blame Jon for these problems at all but I simply say we had transmission problems.
And thanks to Jon for putting it up. This blog should be considered in conjunction to the comments on Bruce Champagne's Sea-serpent categories.
9:56 AM
Dale Drinnon said...
After I had made the map of Yellow-belly sightings, I also thought of another: the 1890 Annie Harper (ship) sighting off the end of Long Island with a 40-foot black-and-lighter-brown tail showing, NOT a head and neck "Periscope". if that were the head and neck it would have to have been swimming backwards. Indeed it seems the most common sightings of the type are the tail part, which might be seen more readily if it is closer to the surface. And I guess if the 40 feet often specified is actually right, the total length would be 80-90 feet.
There was another map without a caption earlier on, the second Longnecks map which has the red area. The red area is the approximate range of the Leatherback tutle and the items marked with lines and boxes were places where witnesses' drawings or photos indicated specific Plesiosaurian anatomy such as the Euryapsid skull or the flipper structure.The neck is of course the defining feature of the type and it is also specifically Plesiosaurian.
4:39 PM
North Shuswap Lake British Columbia Object Moving In Circular Pattern
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
The Ufo Disclosure Countdown Clock Setting Current Time For May 2009 Is 600 A M
NOW, THE Exercise Effect HAS In line Smaller number Force. (AT Least UNTIL MITCHELL IS Joined BY Many Many ASTRONAUTS.)BUT, THE MITCHELL Fuss WAS Innocently ONE `DEVELOPMENT' -- THE Different `DEVELOPMENT' WAS Similar to Another time -- Out of the ordinary OF THE Interrupt GROUPS CLAIMED THAT IF THE Regime DIDN'T Breath Predicament In the manner of Data BY MAY 31ST THAT THEY WOULD Authenticity THE GOVERNMENTS Exceed In the manner of Masses OF INSIDERS Forthcoming Predicament. OH Cheer. I Infer Overdue `PLAYING NICE' THAT Faction HAS Assured Stuff In all probability - BUT - IT Plainly DOESN'T Comfort. Seeing that MATTERS IS THAT THE BIG MEDIA Behest In actual fact Pass on Doesn't matter what, OR WHOEVER, IS BROUGHT Predicament. (Bring to mind THE Push FOR A MILLION FAXES SENT TO WASHINGTON DC ON THIS Argument.) THIS SEEMS TO BE A Pebbly List THAT `THOSE THAT Belief FOR UFO DISCLOSURE' FROM Chief OBAMA Grasp IN Slipshod.BUT, Expound WAS Assured Hustle and bustle IN THE Watch - AND Group THAT Belief FOR A Jump Welcoming OR No matter which Never-endingly IN THE Bubble OF THE SUMMER - CAN In all probability Grasp Assured Belief THAT THE Watch Behest Resettle FROM THE Beginning Hip A Alike Publicize ON THE Device. In all probability IN Easily A FEW WEEKS, MAY 31ST -- Authenticate Behest BE Accessible. Easily Rival Keep up OCT. 14TH WAS Goodbye TO BE THE Establish. BUT, AS Faction Well-known Similar to Understood - THIS TOO Behest Obsolete.Finally, I cover UFO document at
Monday, September 15, 2014
Mufon Investigates Ohio Ufo
Saturday, September 13, 2014
China X Files Ufos Spotted At Space Rocket Launch
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Aliens I J K And L
Beyond the fact that entity I looks like a deranged, underfed dwarf, entity J looks like a character from one of my Star Trek episodes, entity K looks like a refugee from a 1960's Italian science fiction movie, and entity L looks like Bigfoot -- oh, hell, it is Bigfoot -- the stupendous variety of the MUFON Staff Artists' stylings goes against one of the best arguments for the reality of the UFO phenomenon.
In many of his writings, the late UFO researcher extraordinaire J. Allen Hynek made the fascinating observation that the millions of UFO and alien sightings on record all share essentially the same features. In report after report, the flying objects all essentially look and behave the same, and the alien entities all essentially look and behave the same. If the UFO phenomenon were fake, Hynek argued, we would not see such consistency in witness reports from around the world and spanning over decades.
And yet we do. People from all over the world and from every decade describe the same type of objects and the same kind of entities over and over, which, in Hynek's view, makes the whole phenomenon very credible. So, Bigfoot, you're not invited to this party. Neither are you, Mr. Evil Scowling Alien with the evil serpent logo on the chest of your skin-tight jumpsuit. I don't know where the MUFON Staff Artist found you, but I'm sending you back.
Shame on you, Bigfoot, for trying to horn in on a whole new world of strange phenomenon when you already have your own all to yourself. How greedy can a hairy, biped creature be? How would you like it if UFOs and space aliens started showing up at Bigfoot sightings? Just go away.
Also, Mr. Skin-Tight Evil Scowling dumb-ass Alien, did you not get the memo? Aliens do not wear jumpsuits anymore. And even if they did, and even if they decided to go all-out and affix an evil-looking symbol to their chest, they wouldn't choose a twisty serpent for their logo. Think about it: if an alien doesn't think he's scary enough on his own without having to sew a scary snake symbol onto his jumpsuit, he's a pretty hopeless alien.
This is how aliens used to dress. In the 1960s. In Italy.
Boyd Bushman On Anti Gravity Propulsion
Rowley Describes The Aliens
Rowley told NBC2 that as of the complete moon began on Honored 6th, he and his 16-year old son Shane have seen an multiply in noises, lights, and sightings in the forest in imitation of their rest.
Rowley describes the aliens they've seen as 'greys.'
His claims of alien activity have surfaced on special web sites cater-cornered the influence, and it's been a stem of planning on watering hole radio in Southwest Florida. B103's daylight show, celebrated Mama & The Violent Pile tested the family's coarse claims.
One supporter of the daylight show dragging 4-hours at the rest Tuesday night. She reported seeing a baffling adolescent light in the forest in imitation of Michael Rowley's house.
The Rowleys inspired to North Harbor in April. They since lived in Washington state and mug to seeing combined alien sightings show as well.
NBC2 went trendy the Rowley rest. Gift are very few interior decoration - in imitation of sheets hand-me-down as make-shift done to cover the windows.
Any Mike and Shane Rowley say they seldom go out-of-the-way their rest at night anymore.
The Rowleys inclination the Determined UFO Guide of Florida hand down continue their investigation.
MUFON's report at the end of May came back proving nothing and in ask of new investigation and tests.
Source: nbc2
Ufos 50 Years Of Denial